No doubt the mails circulated in various group are in huge numbers and they do mix up with our official/personal mails. Just to avoid all this please use the filters.
The procedure to create filter is as mentioned below:
Open your ID. Go to Options > Filters > Add. Now give the filter name as XXXX Group and in the subject line write/copy paste (so that you dont make mistake) ditto XXXX and then Move the message to ' To new folder. Give the name of new folder as XXXX. Save.
This way all the group mails will automatically go in this folder leaving your inbox free for your personal/official mails.
The procedure to create filter is as mentioned below:
Open your ID. Go to Options > Filters > Add. Now give the filter name as XXXX Group and in the subject line write/copy paste (so that you dont make mistake) ditto XXXX and then Move the message to ' To new folder. Give the name of new folder as XXXX. Save.
This way all the group mails will automatically go in this folder leaving your inbox free for your personal/official mails.
No doubt the mails circulated in various group are in huge numbers and they do mix up with our official/personal mails. Just to avoid all this please use the filters.
The procedure to create filter in GMAIL is as mentioned below:
Open your ID. Go to Settings > Filters >Create New Filter. In the subject carefully write XXXX. Now click 'next step . select the boxes 'skip the inbox archive it'. and apply the label. From choose label click new. Now give the label name as XXXX. Now select the box apply filter to conversations. Now click create filter. This way all the group mails will automatically go in this filter leaving your inbox free for ur personal/official mails.