Actually, there are a lot of good at home Workouts out there. But, the thing is, they will not bother giving you the exact way on how to do it the proper way, what are the thing/equipments needed to do the routine. In the next couple of months, i will be performing some of the Good at Home Workouts that I have collected. I need to try it myself on how good these collective workout programs that I've got, so that i can hand in to your the correct and proper way to do these kinds of routines.
Here's one of my close friends question about this workout routine that I got.
Friend: What are some good at home workouts for fat burning? I don’t have any equipment or machine that I can use at home, and I live miles away to the nearest gym in town. I've been trying to lose weight for a while now. I already have to be on a diet and i make sure i get the right amount of everything in. Do you know some quick at home workouts that would be useful in my case, I'm really sure that there are lot's of people out there also looking for an answer. It would be great if you can provide me some tips or a guideline.
I then told him:
Me: You can jog in a place for 2 – 3 mins at full speed. [you need to set a goal on this one, you need to set how many minutes you want to jog per day]. You can refer to this post. (Cardio Exercises to do at Home)
You can also do some jumping jacks at home, you only need 2-3 sets of jumping jacks with 30-40 repetitions per day.
Crunches is also very helpful too. You can have 2-3 sets of crunches each day with 12-15 reps.

-(lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest, breathe in and exhale as you swing your lower body to the left; breathe in as you return to the middle and exhale swinging your lower body to the right.) that's it!
You don't need to do all the workouts in the world. What you need to do it to handle and increase the repetitions and always remember,"proper way to do the exercise" as well as "consistency, consistency".
Now that I provided you these simple tips, it's time that you do your part as well..