Did you know that doing cardio workouts when you are at home even if you are not using any equipment are as good as going into the gym to lose weight? If you want to turn that flab into abs, then here are a few things that you can do while staying at home having some exercise without spending a single penny!
Cardio Workouts at Home Without Equipment
Have you encounter these issues/problems?
- Waistline's totally out of shape,
- Running out of clothes to wear just because the ones you already have, won't cover the excessive weight and you absolutely have no time to go to the nearest gym.
- Anxious with regards to your deteriorating health?
Well my friend, here's my answer for that! There are a lot of cardio workouts/exercises at home that you can do without having those heavy equipment, and weights and most of all, you won't have to spend/pay a monthly renewal just to reached the weight that you've been dreaming about. Actually, by just doing our daily activities with diligence as well as regularity are great way of performing cardio workouts at home. On the other hand, "Rome wasn't built in a day", and therefore you won't be able to lose all those unwanted weight in a day either. Losing weight or reaching the ideal weight that you've been wanted will take time, you need more dedication and more commitment to yourself to achieve the reward of being physically fit. Refer below simple exercises that will help you achieve the weight that you've been waiting for.
Cardio Workouts at Home Without Equipment: Take the Stairs

Cardio Workouts at Home Without Equipment: Sweeping and Mopping
Another thing that will help you lose those unwanted fats inside you body is by cleaning the house. Now tell me, have you ever seen a maid that is overweight? You got it! So, what are you waiting for, get the broom, wear your cleaning attire and start cleaning the house. Those constant bending, stretching, backward and forward movements of the body, gives your whole body an excellent workout. Have you ever think of that? For additional fun, play some boggy music and start your groove.
Cardio Workouts at Home Without Equipment: Jumping Ropes
I really love this next one. I always include this in my daily workout. Jumping ropes maybe dirt cheap, but mind you, it will yield 100% returns. Buy your first jump rope equipment now, and locate 15mins everyday, Let's see if you get the same results with mine. You can add some music while jumping rope.
Cardio Workouts at Home Without Equipment: Calisthenics
Most of the people are often confused of this one as to be a bodyweight exercises. Calisthenics is a kind of exercise which when you perform, your are not moving away from which you started. Say for example, jumping, marching and jumping jacks. These exercises can be done while you are cooking, talking on the phone or even watching TV. You can do 4-5 calisthenic exercises one after the other. I would say you do it without resting, to burn more fat.
Cardio Workouts at Home Without Equipment: Shadow Boxing
Shadow boxing is not just a stress buster but also, is an exercise, that will not require any equipment or machine whatsoever. This is definitely very effective cardio workout at home. This is more applicable for men as well as cardio workouts at home for women. To begin this workout, imagine as though another person's in front of you then start boxing. I suggest you do this when you are in front of a mirror. If you have some extra money, you can buy yourself a boxing bag.
Cardio Workouts at Home Without Equipment: Step Out
The thing is, there are really a lot of cardio exercises that you can do even without buying those expensive equipments. For example, walking, trekking, running and jogging are some uncomplicated cardio workouts at home which do not require any equipments or machine. All you have to do is to step out that open door to be able to do these exercises. You can do this before office hours, or even going to the post office, or during a morning walk. You can have a fix time to do it, a time which is suitable for you to be able to breath some fresh air.
Cardio workouts at home without equipment are way too easy. It doesn't matter if it is for losing weight, or you just want to stay fit. Strict exercise routine, as well as nutritious diet will help you keep on being in a great condition. A lot of us find it hard to wake up every day to be able to exercise and also evenings tend to be too occupied to worry about fitness. Getting enough sleep is really important, by sleeping early, it is the only way of getting up early to give at some point to your exercise plan. Live healthy and more happier!!