According to Mr. Wiki, hamstrings are the number of muscles groups which are located at the back of our legs/thighs. Hamstrings are made up of 3 muscles referred to as: the Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosus and also the Semitendinosus. Hamstrings’ major purpose would be to move the upper calf backwards at the hip joint as well as draw the lower leg up at the knee joint. Hamstrings’ job will become more difficult in various situations, although they also help move your torso (upper body) as well as switch your lower leg. While they work over 2 joints they're known as biaxial muscles.
The main job of the hamstrings, for me, is actually their function while/taking walks, jogging as well as running as the controlling muscles towards the quadriceps. The thing is, even though the quadriceps are trying to carry the legs forwards and also straighten them on the leg joint, the hamstrings’ job would be to slow this down towards the end of the action or movement to assist or help adjust in direction that the legs require to do the walking movement.
Speaking of human anatomy, hamstring comes from one of the 3 posterior thigh muscle group, or to the tendons that define the borders of the area behind the knee. In modern anatomical contexts, nonetheless, they often refer to the posterior thigh muscles, or perhaps the tendons of the semitendinosus, the semimembranosus as well as the biceps femoris. But in quadrupeds, it refers to the individual large tendon located lurking behind the knee or similar area.
Mostly, hamstring exercises needs gym equipments. But, there are also some useful hamstring exercises though that can be done at home without the need of gym equipments and weights. I've created some simple and easy hamstring exercises that you can perform while staying at home.
Hamstring Exercises at Home for Women and Men
Hamstring Exercises at Home for Women and Men: Donkey Kicks
This is certainly one of the best hamstring workout that can be done at home and 100% it gives effective results. To so this, get yourself in to a kneeling position by simply placing your palms flat within the floor while resting your body on the knees. I believe that your thighs are now vertical with respect towards the floor whilst your upper body must be parallel towards the floor. At this point, raise your left leg towards your back and straighten it totally. Lift your left leg by retaining it straight and devoid bringing any bend within your right thigh or knee. After doing it, your left leg must now align together with your torso. After that, lower down your left leg, yet don't touch the ground. You do it 10 repetitions, then proceed to the other side once done.
Hamstring Exercises at Home for Women and Men: Bench Hip Raises
Bench hip raises is one of the hamstring exercises that uses no weights that will target your back as well as glutes. To perform this exercise, you need to have a raised platform. To do this, lie down on your back near the platform, your feet should be resting on its edge then your arms are placed towards your sides. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor and your forelegs should be parallel to the floor. This will be your starting position. After doing so, slowly raise your hips off the floor and hold the position for few seconds (10-15sec). Then, slowly lower down your body. Do this in 15 repetitions. If you have an exercise ball, you can also do this, just rest your foreleg on the exercise ball, then do the same steps.
Hamstring Exercises at Home for Women and Men: Hamstring Stretch
This exercise is one of those simple exercise on your hamstring (for men and women). To do this; sit down on the mat on your hips, with your legs straight in front of you then your back straight, perpendicular to the floor. After that, stretch your arms then, bend your back and rest your stomach on your thigh. Rest your palms below your forelegs and touch your head to the knees. Stay on this position for 30 minutes.
Hamstring Exercises at Home for Women and Men: Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl
For me, this exercise is one of the toughest hamstring exercise that will be using a Swiss ball or any exercise ball. To do this; lie down in a bridge position on the floor, with your hips off the floor. You need to balance your entire weight on your shoulders then, spread your arms towards your sides. You must maintain your heels firmly on the exercise ball or Swiss ball. At this point, raise your hips and torso off the floor as well as try to pull the ball towards yourself by rolling your heels on it. Do this in 10 reps.
Hamstring Exercises at Home for Women and Men: Hamstring Curls
There are a lot of hamstring exercises that can be done without using any weights. This is just a sort of teaser for you. Now, don't just sit there, it's your time to do it. I assure you, if you do this daily, then you will be toned and have a stronger thighs. I challenge you to do this hamstring exercises 3-4 times a week. You will be stunned with the results afterward. So, good luck and stay tuned for more Home Exercises.