Now that we're done defining what EXERCISE is, let us also define what HOME is.. Do you know what really home is? or do you know the definition of it?
Let's ask again mr. Google and mr.Wiki if they knew what HOME is.... (searching through google search engine)..:)
loading.....................................with over 4,050,000,000 results.. here's what mr.Wiki said:
HOME - pronounced as /hōm/
- adjective - Of or relating to the place where one lives
- I don't have your home address made, done, or intended for use in the place here one lives
- traditional home cooking relating to one's own country and its domestic affairs
- Japanese competitors are selling cars for lower prices in the U.S. than in their home market (of a sports team or player) Belonging to the country or locality in which a sporting event takes place
- the home team played on or connected with a team's own ground
- their first home game of the season denoting the administrative center of an organization
- the company has moved its home office
- adverb - To the place where one lives
- what time did he get home last night? In or at the place where one lives
- I stayed home with the kids to the end or conclusion of a race or something difficult
- the favorite romped home six lengths clear to or toward home plate to the intended or correct position
- he drove the bolt home noisily

- a dozen geese homing to their summer nesting grounds (of a pigeon bred for long-distance racing) Fly back to or arrive at its loft after being released at a distant point move or be aimed toward (a target or destination) with great accuracy
- more than 100 missiles were launched, homing in on radar emissions focus attention on
- a teaching style that homes in on what is of central importance for each student
Here you go... that's as far as mr.Wiki is concern, that would be the definition of home... Now that we know the meaning of EXERCISE as well as HOME, I guess, we can now proceed to the so called "Main Event" of this blog.. The reason why I created this blog.... Do you still remember what's the purpose of this blog is??? Anyone?? yes you nailed it!! it's all about HOME EXERCISE, and this is our main event, so stay tuned!!!