Let me start by answering this question directly. Does Walking Help You Lose Weight? YES! Walking help you lose weight. When we are walking, we are currently burning calories. But mind you, it's not that much calorie that you burned while running or while doing certain home exercises. When we are walking, we burned some % of the calorie inside our body. Either you walked 1mile everyday or 10miles everyday, as far as you are walking, you are burning that calories inside your body.
Now that the Q has been answered. Let me tell you something regarding walking and losing weight at the same time. This might not be the best idea that I am sharing, but honestly, these things worked for me. So, without further ado, let me start it with the following topics.
For me, walking would be the best exercise among the rest of exercises out there. I consider this as the best exercises since, when we are walking we don't gradually see or noticed that we are losing weight. It will likely helps us with our overall fitness. And the best thing is? It's cost-free. There are some pointers to consider also when you walk. First thing is, you need to walk slowly. Don't rush. When losing weight, we need through walking we need to do it one step at a time. We should take it slowly and surely. Never overdo walking if it is your first time. Walking 5miles for your first time walk would be hilarious. It will not do any good to your body. If it's your first time, I would suggest that you need to take atleast 1mile for a better start. then, 1.5miles on the next day and so on. Until the time that you will be used to walking, then, that's the time you need to walk farther and faster. The farther distance you walk, the more calories you burned. You can also invite some friends to join you for a walking session everyday.

Here's the thing, while walking you need to enjoy yourself. Walking for about 10minutes will not do any good. If you expect results in a week or two. You need to walk for about 30minutes to 45 minutes a day or every other day. The more time you do it, the faster you will see the result. But then again, never overdo it. Walking for 45minutes while listening to your favorite music or talking to a colleague, 45minutes of walking will be over.
When to walk:
The best time to do your walking session or routine is before breakfast. We all know that we don't need any additional gears or anything so that we can walk. All we need is our feet. And in addition, we all know that walking early in the morning will be the best time since when we walk, we don't need that high intesity level to make us walk. Not like when we run or do some workouts on the gym to help us lose weight. Also, when we do it before we eat in the morning, the energy that we are using by that time is the fat that was stored in our body for energy. We should make sure that we can avoid using the food that we eat during breakfast. That's the main reason why we should walk before eating.
We should always put in mind that if we want to lose weight fast, we need to put some extra effort on our exercises. Walking at the same pace and same distance will do no good in us. Once our body is used to that pace, the fats that will be burned will be the same. So, if we want to lose more weight, we need to put extra effort on it. We need to walk farther and fast. We need to have our arms engaged while walking. As what I have mentioned with my first article regarding running schedule to lose weight, we need to walk for atleast 45minutes. I have read some articles that when we are doing our exercise, we are not using the fats that are stored in our body for the first 30minutes of workout. That means, we are using our calories as energy for the first 30minutes of workout. Sure, their may be fats that will be burned during that period, but I don't think that it's enough for our target weight loss for that specific day. Always remember that, the first 30minutes of workout, we are using the calories as energy and the rest will be the fats that is stored in our body. Thus, we need to walk atleast 45minutes a day or every other day. Lastly, to lose more weight through walking, we need to change the pacing of our walk and take longer distance to lose more weight. By then, after 3weeks of doing the same thing, we will be shocked with the result. Now, if you are still asking does walking help you lose weight. You can answer it yourself.
Let me ask you this. Have you seen those people with the curve of a super model flaunting their body in the beach, but still you don't want to have those figure? or wearing some sexy dress that could drop everybodys' jaw? If your answer is NO, then you don't need this tips to help you lose weight. But if your answer is YES, then see more best at home exercises on this page.