Whenever I go out to buy something for myself, I really can't resist my crave every time I see some cakes, brownies, chocolates and munchkins. Yeah, I really love to eat those kinds of foods. I really do. But for some reasons, I am really thankful that I don't get all the fats and carbs from those types of foods. Aside from doing exercise, I know a really great way how to avoid being fat. Well, do you want to know the secret?
Every morning after doing my daily best at home exercises routines, I make sure that I have finished my breakfast before stepping out of the front door. As I have known, breakfast is the most important meal. Everyone should always eat breakfast before going to work, to school, or even if you are just staying at home, you need to eat your breakfast. Even if you want to lose weight, you still need to eat your breakfast. Are you trying to lose weight, thus you are not eating breakfast? if so, then, do you know what should you eat for breakfast to lose weight?
The thing here is that, you want to lose weight and at the same time you want to eat breakfast, questions is, what should you eat for breakfast if you want to lose weight? Actually, anything that is nutritious is a wise choice for breakfast(Any nutritious foods). You should at least consume 300-350 calories for your breakfast(take note of that). The reason behind why you need to eat breakfast even though you are trying to lose some weight, is that, if you don't eat anything in the morning, in the mid morning or snack time, you will be tempted to eat junkfoods or anything that could make your hungry go away. Most people make some mistakes when trying to lose weight, they will not eat their breakfast because they are afraid that they might consume more weight if they do so. Well, I would say that it's not good. Skipping your breakfast can make you starve, thus making you eat a lot during lunch.
Tips: When finding the best food to eat during breakfast, eat foods that contains more fiber and protein since, it will make you feel satisfied.

Oatmeal: This is mostly what I ate every morning. Aside from having a 190 calories, it also has a great fiber content. You can pair it with a non-fat milk or any foods that has lesser calories.
Egg & Tuna Sandwich: With about 200 calories. Eggs contains a satiating effect, which is true. Compared to other foods, I could feel that I am full every time I ate an egg. Eggs contains Vit.D which will help us absorb more calcium in our body. They also have lutein as well as zeaxanthin, and also antioxidants that keeps our eyes healthy. You can a slice of cheese that are low fat if ever you don't have a tuna.
Peanut Butter-Cinnamon Muffin: It contains about 240 calories. I love this food whenever I got busy early morning. Aside from it's protein and fiber, it also have a monounsaturated fat which is good for our hearts. This can help us not to starve for a longer hour compare to other breakfast meal.
So far, this three breakfast meal on my list are the top three of my favorite. I lose some weeks in just a couple of weeks maintaining this eating habit. It would also be great if you can pair this breakfast meals with some fruits contains fibers and proteins. If you want some further lists of breakfast meals, you can send me an email and I get back to you as soon as I can.