Do Laxatives Help You Lose Weight?Before anything else, let me tell you a brief background about laxatives. As more and more people experience obesity, a question pops out all of a sudden. Do laxatives help you lose weight? As far as we know, laxatives is a kind of a substance that we use to treat constipation through inducing our bowel movement. Laxatives works by starting to induce parestaltic action. This action is somewhat a wavelike movement which happens right through the digestive tract(small intestine, colon, stomach and esophagus) which will helps push the foods into our stomach, all the way to our intestines, and then lastly, it will go to the colon and to the rectum.

As you can see, more and more people do love to use laxatives not to help them with their constipation, but rather for losing weight. Do you believe using laxatives will also help you lose weight fast? I would disagree on this matter. The thing is, when we use laxatives, although we can feel that we are losing some weight. The truth of the matter is, we are not losing weight at all. Laxatives may give a sense of somewhat like our body is being cleansed. However, it doesn't mean that our body stops absorbing any calories. To tell you the truth, most of the calories are found in the small or smaller intestines in our body and at the same time, it is where mostly all of the calories are absorbed. While on the other hand, laxatives will only stimulates our large intestines. Although, it somehow will also work on the smaller intestines, but this also means that the nutrients as well as minerals that our body will need will be gone as well in the process. If we want to have a slimmer body and fit, we should not use laxatives as a way to lose weight fast. Rather, we need to have a proper workout the be fit and lose all the unwanted weight in our body.
Another thing also with regards to losing weight through laxatives. Laxatives can cause dehydration. You yourself might end up dehydrated when you use laxatives to lose weight fast because the electrolytes inside our body will be remove as well, this is one of the most crucial stage when using laxatives. The reason is that, when taking a laxative pills, you might develop some symptoms, for example, diarrhea. The thing is, when you use laxatives, according to studies, the weight that you lose during the process is only the
water weight in your body. Aside from the water weight, as what I have said, it will also remove the nutrients and minerals that our body need. Thus, this conclude that using laxatives will not help us lose weight, rather it will be very unsafe and unhealthy for us.

To lose weight fast doesn't necessary means, you need to take all the odds just the achieve the body that you wanted. All of us wanted to have a great body. The key to achieve it is to work hard and have a proper diet plan. I would suggest, you read some of my best at home exercises to help you get started. The next thing you know is that, you are as fit and healthy as any super model out there in no time. Just take it as a simple friendly advise. I will be posting more
best at home exercises to lose weight fast, so stay tuned.