Since I already wrote an article on how to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks, I will now make an article on how to lose 5 lbs in just one week. Is it possible? Well, it's up to you to find out.
I have a friend who wants to lose 5lbs in just two weeks, here target weight loss is about 30lbs. So, how is it possible to lose 5lbs in just a short time? Isn't it too hard to lose weight in that specific amount of time?
Here's the key to achieve that goal "Hardwork and Patience". My friends' doctor told him that the maximum weight that he can drop is up to 5lbs. The maximum weight loss that I did was about 8 pounds in a week. Jaw dropping, right? But it was true. That's what I did to test how far I can lose weight for just 1 week. Here's the thing, If you will not drop up to 5 pounds after a week, even if you follow the steps that I will provide, send me a message or you can leave a comment regarding your experience, then i will get back to you as soon as i can.
Would you believe that, the best way to lose water is to drink more water? I have wrote an article on how to lose weight through water fasting. Most of our body weight is due to water. When we drink water, that water that is stored in our body will be flushed and cause us to hydrate. Take note of this, a NOT WELL hydrated body holds on to every single drop of water it can hold. It's the reason why some or mostly everyone looks bloated and puffy. If your body is WELL hydrated, then you are less reluctant to get rid of those water inside your body. Another thing aside from drinking too much water is that, you need to cut salt in your daily meals. As much as possible, lessen the salt intake in your body. Salt causes your body to hold more water. As what I have observed on some of my gym colleagues who is into deep diet, they always advise to stay away from salty foods. The sodium will hold the water inside your body, thus it will be suspended inside you. You can try eating for a week or 2 without salt, and see the difference on how you will lose weight fast compared to eating foods with salt. Additionally, you can go to a sauna bath or a steam room and sweat yourself out so that the excess salt and sodium inside your body will be flushed out. And don't forget, drink lots of water.

Diet: Carbohydrate intake should be minimized, it will help you lose 5 pounds in a week faster. Carbohydrates holds water inside our body. As what my fitness trainer said, "a pound carbohydrates can store up to 5 pounds of water inside your body". So, imagine if you can stay away from carbs in a week, for sure you can also lose 5pounds of water in your body.
With this tips and info, I assure you that staying away with carbs and salty foods will help you lose 5 pounds in a week with no problem. You also need to follow the exercises that I created on how to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks. This tips are very effective, trust me.
Remember: If you burn calories more that what you eat, you will lose weight with no problem. Just keep this in mind that a pound of calorie is equal to 3500 calories. Refer below calculations for every calorie burned with exercises.
- Average person burns 1000-1500 calories per day,
- Power walking can burn 200-500 calories per hour.
- Exercise bike can burn 200-600 calories per hour.
- Swimming can burn 100-800 calories per hour.
- Jogging/running can burn 300-1200 calories per hour.
To lose 5 pounds in a week is to stay away from salty foods and carbs. You also need to exercise more, you already have the calculations above, so you can now calculate on how many calories you can burn in a day. But the key thing here is to drink more and more water in just a single day. You can drink as much as 10 - 12 glasses of water per day. You can drink 1 glass of water every 1 hour.
As long as you keep everything in mind, you will be able to lose 5 pounds in a week easily.