Do you guys believe that running is the best way to lose weight? When we are talking about cardiovascular exercises or workout, there's nothing to argue on what would be the best cardio workout out there. I strongly agree that running is the best way to lose weight. Proven and tested.
As what I have mentioned over and over again, running burns a lot of calories. Yes, it's very true. The best part is, running takes very little gear(what we need is only our running shoes) this is only applicable for the beginners, while some additional gears will be added when you reached to an advance level of being a runner(running watch, hydration, reflective gear, waist packs and etc.). The next thing is, it can be done from almost anywhere in any place at any time, which makes it a flexible type of workout or exercise. However, there's a bad thing about it. Running, seriously isn't made for or suitable for everyone. If you are not fit enough to run, then this type of exercise is not for you. Although, you can still do such, but you need to do it slowly to avoid any physical injuries.
When was the last time you run? When you are 6yrs old? During your high school P.E? If this is your first time to run, you need to do it slowly. Let's make this one clear. There should be a step by step process when you are running. Avoiding injuries is the main reason, you might wonder how can you get injuries when you are just running alone. Well, some people get injured while they are just walking, so, it's really possible for you to have and injury too if you don't put extra careful when running. I would like to suggest the following things below to be followed if this is your first time to run.
- Stretch your muscles, and your legs. this will serves as your warm up period.
- walk for 10mins
- you need to alternate walking and running (for you to relax and take a breather) for 1mins, then continue doing it for the next 10mins.
- after doing so, you need to walk 5mins,
- so some stretching. This will be your cool down process.

Important note: In running, we only need the running shoes as our equipment, but if you're a woman, I would suggest buying a supportive sports bra would be best additional equipment for you.
I have read an article research before that calories burned while exercising depends on the weight of the one performing the exercise. It also depends on the conditioning level , their metabolic rate as well as the intensity of which you worked out. I will create a table and plot the difference on each table. Depending on the weight of the person. Let's just assume that the person doing the exercise have the same age, but differs in weight. You can use BMR Calculator to measure the calories that you burned after your running session.
Refer below table for the calculation:
Weight Cal. Burned
130lbs 472 cal.
205lbs 745 cal.
Weight Cal. Burned
155lbs 950 cal.
180lbs 1103 cal.
Weight Cal. Burned
130lbs 944 cal.
180lbs 1308 cal.
There are a lot of ways to burned those unwanted fats in your body. All you have to do is work hard and be passionate of what you are doing. No other people can burn those fats inside your body other than yourself. Start now, and see the difference after a couple of months. You can also try some of the best at home exercises on this page. Just make sure that you are fit enough to do the exercises.