As a woman who strives hard to get the lower abs that we wanted, I have made some simple yet effective best lower abs exercises exclusively for woman. I do believe that, working in our lower abs is very challenging. Looking for the best workout for our lower abs is difficult as well. Basically, when working on our lower abs, it would require us or we need to put more effort compare to working with our upper abs. Thus, if you are looking for some lower abs workout or exercises for woman, I suggest this one for you.
If you want to get rid of those flabby fats on your side, or to the thing that we call "love handles", I bit you would agree that it takes a lot of time and also the very difficult one. Right? Almost giving up to your workout exercises because your routine doesn't include or it's very difficult to work on those area are some reasons why you wanted to give up. As what I have written on my laxatives article, I mentioned that the lower abdomen, where the smaller intestines are located consists the uttermost storage of our body fats, and thus, the midsection is more heavier. You can refer below exercises that you can perform to effectively eliminate those belly fats and achieve a flat stomach that you've been dreaming of.
Below are the best lower ab exercises for women:
Holding Sit-up: This is the most easiest and simplest lower ab exercise that I have performed so far. This will need lesser efforts when executed. But take note, if you have a back issues or having some back injury, this one is not for you. So you need to skip on this part. This will be my #1 on the list, since a little effort is needed. Follow these simple steps on how to perform the exercise correctly.
First - You need to lie down on your back on a gym mat or floor. I would suggest placing a mat on the floor would be a great idea, so that your backbone will have some soft support and will not directly touch the floor area. Next - keep your arms behind your head and bring a bend in your knees. Your knees should form a 45 degrees angle towards the floor. you need to keep your hands behind your head, don't push your head with your hands, the mere purpose of your hand is just to support your head so that proper execution will be performed. Next - keep your head in a natural position and make sure that there is some distance between your chest and chin. This is to ensure that your back is lying flat towards the floor.Next - raise your shoulders from the floor and tighten your lower abs by lifting up your chin and chest. Lastly - hold your body in this position for 4 seconds and slowly return to the original position. You need to slowly lower down your chest and shoulders so that your lower abs muscle will not stretch out. You can perform this exercise with 15reps and 3sets.
Floor Cycling: Floor cycling is somewhat like you are biking while you are lying down on the floor. I assume some of you saw some people performing this exercise on the gym. I read some fitness gurus saying that this exercise together with proper control of breathing will also reduce the lower abs as well as the upper abs. If it's your first time to do bicycle crunches, it would be difficult, but after a while of doing this exercise, there would be no problem at all. I also recommend this exercise to you for your lower abs. To perform this exercise, follow these simple steps.

Reverse Crunches: This is what I consider the best lower abs exercise for women. Aside from doing it easily, it will also give you the best results. Refer to steps below on how to do this easy yet very effective exercise.
First - lie down on the floor or use a gym mat for the same. I would still suggest you use the gym mat for your back comfort. Next - you place your hands either behind your head or besides your legs. It's up to you where you feel comfortable in placing your hands. Then positioning of your hands will not affect the exercise. Next - you keep your legs straight so that your body remains flat. Next - you lift up your knees and bend them at a right angle. Take note of the angle when you are bending your knees. Next - while lifting your knees, you can keep your feet joined or crossed to each other. If you are crossing your feet, make sure to alternate them every after 3 counts, or depending on when you are going to alternate them, either every after 5 counts or every after set. Next - you lift your hips, tighten your abs and bring your knees close to your chest. Lastly - slowly bring down your knees to touch the floor.You can do these steps for 15repetitions and 3sets.
Alternate Toe-touch: Another simple exercise that can help us reduce our lower abs. Just a reminder, if you have some back injury or back problems, then this exercise is as well not for you. You need to follow the simple steps below.
First - you lie down on your back on a gym mat or on the floor. Next - raise both your legs in air with some distance between them, your legs should make a right angle with floor. Next - lift up your chin and chest towards ceiling and raise your shoulders from the floor. Next - reach the foot of one leg with opposite arm and slowly get back to your original position and do the same for the other side. You can do this exercise with 20repetitions and 3sets.
These are some of the basic lower ab exercises that I can share to you. As you know, there are a lot of lower ab exercises out there that can help you lose those belly fats or love handles, however, you only need to pick the best one that you think will work for you. Don't perform every lower ab exercises that they recommend, some of those will only work for some areas, and will not give you the result that you expected. Lastly, exercise alone can't be the answer if you want to eliminate or achieve a great lower abs, you also need to consider the foods that you eat. Thus, I suggest eating healthy foods, fresh fruits and stay away from those fatty foods around you.
You can also try some of the best at home exercises that will help you eliminate those fats in your body and live a healthy lifestyle. More exercises will come, so stay tuned.