If you are planning to lose weight but could not go to the gym, or could not perform the best at home exercises on this site. Then, here's some tips for you to follow on how to lose weight fast. Aside from exercise and workout plans that you prepared for yourself, you also need to avoid or stay away from foods that could help you gain more weight. So, here are some food list that you need to keep off in you dietary meals.
- Soda: Stop drinking soda. Did you know that by not drinking soda for year and replacing it with water will have you lose weight for about 40lbs? So, as early as now, you need to stop drinking soda.
- Coffee: You need to substitute coffee with something natural. I suggest green tea as a substitute, since green tea is a natural fat burner. Coffee on the other hand will help you increase the stress and as far as we know, it will also lead us to gain more fats. And before I forget, coffee increases your cravings.
- Green Tea: As mentioned above, you can take natural green tea which is good fat burner. You can lose more weight and at the same time it will help you detoxify.
- Stay away from alcohol/liquor. As what we all know, alcohol comes from a refined juice of natural foods that will makes us or you to drink pure concentrated sugar. And on our first step, we should avoid sugar. That's the first step. So, we should avoid this one.

- Sugar: Staying away from sugar doesn't mean you need to eat a lot of salty foods. No. You also need to stay away from salty foods. This is due to the fact that salt as well as sugar will make you gain water weight which will make you gain more weight. I have written an article about water fasting to lose weight. I guess you should check it.
- Processed Foods: This is the most important one. Stay away from processed foods. It's a must! Processed foods removes all the nutrients that our body needs, it doesn't have the ingredients that our body need to help us lose weight fast. Instead if contains all the anti lose weight ingredients like sugar, syrup, oils,and so on.
Lastly, before you buy foods, you need to check the labels as well as nutrition facts of the foods. Avoid all foods that has sugar content and foods that has a lot of carbohydrates because it will not help you lose that weight but rather will help you gain more weight. I strongly suggest to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. But don't just leave everything to diet, you also need to do some exercises that could help you lose weight even more.