Saturday, September 19, 2009

Featured Exercise - Standing Barbell Cur

Standing Barbell Curls have been an exercise standard since the beginning of bodybuilding and weight resistance training. If there is any muscle that is associated with strength and weight training it is the biceps. It is still a great basic exercise for building biceps mass. To start the exercise make sure that you are thoroughly warmed up to prevent tendon and muscle strain. Use a weight that you have to really push yourself to get 8 - 10 tough reps. Keep you elbows at your sides and slowly begin the curl by only moving your forearms. Do not swing the weight as this brings other muscles into play and diminishes the focus on your biceps.

At the peak of the movement do not throw the weight into your upper chest. Instead, pull the weight until your biceps are fully contracted with continuous tension on the muscle at all times. Slowly lower the weight keeping tension and the biceps flexed the entire way down. If you perform this exercise correctly you will fatigue the biceps quicker and you will certainly notice a marked improvement in your biceps mass and strength.

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