Thursday, June 16, 2011

At Home Chest Exercises For Men

At Home Chest Exercises For Men

Did you know that even when you are at home you can still get the best and very effective workout for your chest? Well, I guess you know that now! As far as chest workout is concern, most men would say that they can only get the best results for their chest on the gym. I would strongly disagree on that. Bench press, and dumbell flyes may be one of my favorites when doing some workout on my chest. But hey, you need to have those equipments on you when doing such thing. I have a solution for that now. Aside from spending some cash on your monthly gym renewal, you can now save that money and have your workout directly in your own home. You will see below some of the chest workouts that I've done in my home.

You can get an effective chest workout at home. Men may think they need to be attached to their gym's bench press, but many trainers, including Tony Horton and Mark Lauren, promote at-home chest exercises. You don't need weights to do push ups or dips. If you own dumbbells, you can perform chest presses and flyes.

At Home Chest Exercises For Men: Push ups
Push ups can be done anywhere, since you don't need any equipment to have this exercise complete. You can perform push up or let's say anchor chest exercise, anywhere you like. I bet, you already know how to perform push ups. Their are two types of push ups. The first one is the narrow push up, while the other one is the wide version.  Then wide push ups will target your outer chest pecs. On the other hand, the narrow push ups will trigger your triceps and inner chest. I would suggest you do first the wide push up then do the latter. When doing push up, you need to have your feet on a chair or any elevated area to perform a decline push up (this is more advanced though). Advance pushup are more complicated than the usual push up that we do. As of now, I'm starting to do some advance push up like; clapping, one arm, plyometric, and Hindu Push ups.

At Home Chest Exercises For Men: Dips
Additional chest exercise at home for men is the DIP. On this exercise, you need to have to sturdy chairs that will help you support your weight (you can use stool chair). In this workout, your chest and upper body will be develop, since this one is designed for our body weight exercise. To do this exercise, stand in between the chairs, make sure that the chairs are steady. After positioning in between the chairs, grip each top of the chair, making your both palms attaching to the chair. You bend your knees, then lower your body slowly. You need to have your arms into a 90degrees angle while facing the ground. At this state, your arms are the one supporting your entire body weight. After forming a 90degrees angle, you push yourself up into the air, then slower it down again slowly. Do it with 10repetitions with 2 sets.

At Home Chest Exercises For Men: Dumbbell Flyes
This workout will require you to have two sets of dumbells, a bench that measures from your head to waist. This will be use when you lie on the bench. Though you can still perform this workout even if you don't have a bench, just make sure that the floor area is flat (but i would suggest that you use a bench for proper execution of the exercise). To do this exercise, you lie on your back to the bench (if you are doing it on the floor, you need to bring your knees up the same position when you are doing a sit up). Hold the dumbells in both hands, then extend you arms above your chest, palms should face each other, then move your arms out towards the ground. At this position, your arms must be open wide and should from an arc or semi-circle.You will be able to feel that your chest are being stretched. When you feel that, bring your arms together. you need to maintain bent arms as if your are hugging a huge bear.

At Home Chest Exercises For Men: Chest Press
Chest press is more like the dumbell flyes, the difference is that, your palms will be facing forward while holding both dumbells on it. At this position, you need to form your elbows into a 90degrees angles on both sides. You push your arms into the air, then go back to the starting position.

These are just some of the Home Exercises that I've got. I will be posting some more updates with regards to working in our chest. To get instant updates, subscribe to our feeds.