For this past few months, I've noticed that running is getting trendy. This simply means that a lot of people are now looking for a healthy lifestyle. Speaking of which, here's some weight loss program that I've created just for you. This is one of the best way to lose weight. Even though I already created some running tips on this page, I still think getting into details regarding running will help you lose that unwanted fats on your body just by following this One Week program.
As you read this article, I will assume that you can run for 30minutes without walking or stopping. What I mean is that, you can run straight for 30 minutes without relaxing your body. If so, then this is the right place for you. I can assure you that by following this program, you will be able to run up to 1hour and this is non-stop. I would say that by doing this, you could feel that your body is 10pounds lighter compared to before you started. Isn't if great?
You need to follow this program for about 6 weeks. As what I have mentioned above. I make Sunday here as my rest day, so if you want to change the rest day to something that would fit your schedule, then you may do so. Just remember that you need to relax your body once a week.
note: Don't forget to warm up before starting, and cool down after doing the exercise (stretching).

Warm up for 5 minutes.
Run 30 minutes.
Walk 5-7minutes.
Warm up for 5 minutes.
"Tone Zone" Strength Training Program.
Warm up for 5 minutes.
Run 30 minutes.
Walk 5 - 7 minutes.
Warm up for 5 minutes.
"Rock Solid Abs" Strength Training Program.
Warm up for 5 minutes.
Run 30 minutes.
Walk 5 - 7 minutes.
Warm up for 5 minutes.
Run 30 minutes.
Walk 5 - 7 minutes.
Let's just make Sunday as a rest day.
After 2 weeks of following this program, you can gradually increase the run time 15minutes more than the previous time. Then, you can increase it 15 minutes more again on the 5th week to the last week. Patience is the key. Help yourself motivate and in no time, you will see the result.
That's all that I can share for now, running for loss weight program is not that difficult. Am I right? You might also be interested in Running Schedule to Lose Weight.