Do you think losing 10 lbs a week is possible? Will, it's up for you to find out.
I've been asked a lot of time if losing 10 lbs in a week is possible. I would simply answer them directly with "NO". Yes, it's very impossible to lose such weight in just a couple of days. I myself haven't tried losing such weight. I wrote an article about "How To Lose 5 Pounds in 2 Weeks" that I myself would recommend you to do. Losing 5 pounds in 2 weeks is very difficult, how much more if it's 10 lbs. You need to make sure you are taking all the food right and that you go to the gym regularly.
There's no such thing as losing 10 lbs in a week. No pill, or anything that could take all that pounds in just a week. And if there's a dieting pill that could do such thing, I think it would cost you a lot of money (and i mean, 'A LOT"). Believe me, I have tried doing losing as much weight as I can. So, I strongly say that losing 10 pounds in a week is very impossible.

If you need more assistance on losing weight, you can shot me an email or leave a comment and I'm sure I will get back to you as soon as possible. I'll tell you over ang over again that the key to a successful weight loss is through proper exercise, right diet and motivation. Best at home exercises will help you achieve it!!