Did you know that dumbbells is one of the major keys for strength training? This equipment can help you with your hypertrophy also known as muscle mass, explosive power, strength endurance, and maximal strength. That's how the dumbbell can help us with our strength problems. In this article, I'll give you short program on how to work on your chest using dumbbell.

1. Lying flat on bench, hold the dumbbells directly above chest, arms extended.
2. Lower dumbbells to chest in a controlled manner.
3. Press dumbbells back to starting position and repeat.
4. Avoid locking elbows.
Chest Workouts with Dumbbells: Incline Chest Presses
1. Adjust bench to an incline of 30 to 45 degrees.
2. Repeat as above.
Chest Workouts with Dumbbells: Flat Chest Flies
1. Lying flat on bench, hold dumbbells directly above chest.
2. Bend elbows slightly and maintain throughout the exercise.
3. Open arms to sides. Elbows should remain 'locked' in a slightly flexed position.
4. When upper arms are parallel to floor, return the weights to the starting position and repeat.
Chest Workouts with Dumbbells: Incline Chest Flies
1. Adjust bench to an incline of 30 to 45 degrees.
2. Repeat as above.
The important key here is to execute these exercises properly. This is one of the best thing why dumbbell is so helpful. If you can feel that your other hand(left) don't have the same strength as to your other hand(right). Then don't force yourself, get a lighter dumbbell and perform the exercise without any hustle, or you can ask assistance from your gym instructor if you have some difficulty doing it. You may want to refer this article chest exercises at home for more chest exercises.