Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Perform Your Abdominal Repetitions Slowly

Have you also seen people appear to be in some sort of crazy ab race to perform as many reps as quickly as possible on the ab machines or on the sit-up boards at the gym? Unfortunately, I've been witness to this way too many times. Granted, you can probably complete more repetitions per set for abs than any other exercise, but that is not the point of ab training. The point of ab training or any other exercise for that matter is to get the most out of the exercise. And for abdominals it is to work the muscles in the most effective way possible, which is SLOWLY. It is not the number of repetitions you complete but the quality of the repetitions. You will get a much deeper burn and work the muscles more completely by slowing down your reps, concentrating, and tightening your midsection as you perform each rep. You will not be able to complete as many reps per set but the ones you do complete will work and exhaust the midsection more thoroughly.

Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more training advice.