Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Cardiovascular and Psychological Benefits of Walking

First let me start out with the statement or fact that I believe that there is no better low impact aerobic exercise then walking. Walking is tremendous activity for every level age group and fitness level. It helps control weight, conditions the heart and strengthens the bones and you can easily make it as easy or as difficult as you like to suit your physical fitness needs. For example, I started walking at a leisurely pace when I began training again after an extended layoff just to get my motor running. I also did heavy or fast walking five times a week when I was in intense training for competition. Needless to say I was very pleased with the end result both times. Walking helped me "ramp up" or segues into more serious training and it was a great cardio top-off after a long day of lifting and dieting. I can't say that I enjoyed any fitness activity more than arming myself with my ipod and dog and marching away in a cool, soothing night throughout the neighborhood.

I have also find out that even though during my intense training periods where I really pushed my walking pace to 9 - 10 minute miles I was able to relax my mind and "think" about plans and activities that I would not be able to do while performing any other intense fitness activity such as free weight or machine circuit training. It seems that the rhythmic cadence of walking really freed up my mind to perform my most creative thinking of the day!

Walking should never be boring. The great thing about walking is that any two workouts never have to be the same. You can change the pace, environment, time of day... you get the point. With the limitless amount of change to keep you fresh you should never grow tired of it! You can also ramp up the intensity by adding hand, ankle, or wrist weights or even a weighted vest.