Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Squats are the Best Exercise - Period

Squats are probably the most effective core, conditioning, and mass building exercise that exists. In addition to using your stabilizing muscles throughout the exercise you will also use your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles (among other muscles) as well. If you do the exercise properly with full effort every other bodybuilding exercise will appear much easier to perform as a result. You will also be pleasantly surprised how the mass building qualities of squats will increase your overall strength. If you are a beginner in the weight room be sure that you get your form down pat before you increase the weight as injury can result from improper form. An important rule is to always have your eyes set to a fixed location in front of you about eye level. This will help stabilize the movement and help you maintain your balance.

The manta ray (as seen here) is a super product which helps take the barbell stress off of your upper back and redistribute the weight on your back so you can focus on the squat movement and technique rather that discomfort, numbness or shearing muscle trauma. We are currently running a special at Unique Fitness Concepts which can save you 10% off of the already low price with coupon code: 10BLOG