Losing weight can be very easy if don't consume anything. This simply means, you will lose weight gradually if you don't eat any foods. Anybody can lose weight that easy. Does this mean, fasting can help US lose weight? Does fasting can help you lose weight?
Well, I can't say that fasting is the answer to lose weight fast, nor or it will help us when losing weight. It has some advantage and disadvantages though if not use properly. A simple logic can explain why we lose weight when we do fasting. Simply because we don't take anything inside our body, so normally, we should lose weight. But take note, when you are fasting, your metabolism slows down. You can still do fasting, but that doesn't mean that you will not eat any foods. Of course, if you don't eat anything, what should your body use as energy if you don't eat food. Fasting is part of a diet program. But it should be followed properly.
Fasting is a part of a diet program. As what I've said, fasting doesn't necessarily mean that you will not take any food. An example of fasting would be "eating raw foods for just a period of days, or just by drinking only water for a period of time" it's just a part of your diet program. Fasting will help you cut calories but doesn't mean eliminating foods. Through fasting, the calorie intake in your body will decrease, and the stored fats will be used instead, thus you will lose weight.
You can read this article for "Water Fasting to Lose Weight".

Fasting maybe good, in some way. But you should be careful and be used when using this program if you want to lose weight. If your body couldn't adjust to fasting, then you might gain more weight instead of losing them. As you fast, make sure that your body can adopt or adjust with your appetite. Eating less will make your metabolism low, however, you should not worry since the intake of calorie is also low, once your body get used to eating low, your metabolism will work the same way as it is when your not fasting. So, in the long run, you will lose weight fast when your body get used with fasting or with the diet program you're using.
Tips: As you do fasting, you should do it alternatively, to avoid your body being shocked. This will help you adjust more quickly compared to fasting day by day. Once your body adjust with the system, then you can
Research has shown that fasting on alternate days can help people lose weight, but not for long. In one study, people who followed an alternate-day fasting diet shed weight, even when they ate all they want on the non-fasting days.
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