Friday, February 4, 2011

NNPDF Annual Board Meeting

Feb. 4 - 6, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The NNPDF Board of Directors will gather this weekend in Milwaukee for the foundation's annual meeting, to recap the successes and lessons of the year past, and to finalize plans and reenergize for the year to come.

The board will welcome board member Kathy Lane to her first official meeting in this new role. Kathy was recently featured on, in an article about her involvement with the NNPDF and with raising funds and awareness for Niemann-Pick Disease. Two of Kathy's grandchildren are affected by Niemann-Pick Disease Type B. Visit the NNPDF's NewsLine page for a link to the article.

Meet other members of the NNPDF Board here. Please feel free to contact any board member or the NNPDF Central Office at any time if you have questions or suggestions, or if you need more information about any aspect of Niemann-Pick Disease of any type.