Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Know When You're Ready to Enter Your First Bodybuilding Contest

Question and Answer with Harvey Reich, Natural Masters Illinois Bodybuilding Champion.

Question: I am preparing to enter a contest. I trained very hard and I cut my weight from 245 lbs. to 185 lbs. I have a very large torso and short limbs which made my arms and legs look big and well developed when I was heavier. Since I have lost this weight most if not all of recently gained my muscle mass is gone, particularly in my arms which has made me very depressed. What should I do?
Todd C. Buffalo, NY

Answer: Hello Todd. If you had that much weight to lose then there was never much underlying muscle in the first place, which tells me that you were not developed enough to enter a contest. If you lost this weight in a short amount of time (which it sounds like you did) it is no wonder that you have lost muscle mass.

Your body uses the muscles as nourishment to feed itself when drastic weight cutting occurs, which is what seems to have happened to you. The proper way to get "ripped" for a contest (once you DO have enough muscle mass) is to adjust your carbohydrate and fat intake so you gradually lose the weight, optimally 1 – 2 lbs. a week. Leave enough time before a contest to begin your diet, usually around 16 – 20 weeks out so you can reach your target contest weight in this manner. You’ll be very pleased with the results.