Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kumis Kucing Untuk Keluhan Seputar Ginjal

Bagi para kaum workaholic, biasanya ditengah-tengah kesibukan melupakan makan dan minum bahkan istirahat. Sebanyak 8 liter air yang seharusnya dikonsumsi tubuh dilalaikan bahkan minuman softdrink seakan menjadi pilihan untuk mendapatkan stamina yang telah terkuras.
Bukan tidak mungkin hal tersebut membuat kondisi ginjal akan terganggu. Namun warisan nenek moyang meninggalkan sejumlah resep ramuan untuk meyembuhkan penyakit ginjal yang tak perlu diragukan lagi kemanjurannya.


Bahannya :
- 60 gr Kumis Kucing segar (daun dan batangnya)
- 30 gr daun Sendok segar
- 30 gr Rumput Mutiara segar
- 800 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua bahan dan rebus hingga air tersisa 450 cc. Saring dan minum ramuan tersebut 3 kali sehari, masing-masing 150 cc. Atau ..

Bahannya :
-          30 gr daun Kumis Kucing
-          30 gr Meniran
-          3 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 2 kali sehari masing-masing ½ gelas.


Bahannya :
- 30 gr Meniran segar (daun, batang dan akarnya)
- 60 gr akar alang-alang segar
- 30 gr Pegagan segar
- 800 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua bahan, dan rebus hingga air tersisa 450 cc. Saring dan minum 3 kali sehari, masing-masing 150 cc.


Bahannya :
- 20 gr Sambiloto segar (batang dan daunnya)
- 60 gr Krokot segar (berikut dengan akarnya)
- 60 gr rambut Jagung segar
- 800 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua bahan dan rebus hingga air tersisa 450 cc. Saring dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing 150 cc.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Train your Serratus Muscles for a Finished Midsection Look

When working the midsection trainers usually thinks of abdominal training first. While abs are extremely important and are responsible for the "six pack" look, the serratus muscles should not be overlooked. They are a key components of a finished and professional looking midsection. If you are not familiar with the serratus muscles they are the long thin muscles on both sides of the abdominals. When fully developed they give the midsection a sleek yet powerful look. There are two excellent exercises you can do to work your serratus muscles: Dumbbell pullovers and rope pulldowns.

Dumbbell Pullovers:
You perform dumbbell pullovers with your upper back on the bench perpendicular to the bench with your feet on the floor. Hold the dumbbell with your arms slightly bent above your head and extend back with the dumbbell until you feel a good stretch with your lats and serratus. Slowly raise the dumbbell until it is again directly over your head while concentrating on flexing the serratus muscle during all phases of the rep. Do 3 sets of 8 - 12 reps.

Rope Pulldowns:
Use the triceps rope for this exercise. Grasp the rope in both hands and kneel down about two feet from where the rope would be if it was hanging straight down. Bend over as if you were doing a crunch. Next, bring the rope down in the pullover position with your arms directly overhead. To complete the rep return the rope to a stretched position at the top or beginning of the movement. Concentrate on contracting your abs and serratus throughout the movement for maximum benefit. This is not a power exercise so you should choose a weight that you can perform 3 sets of 20 - 25 reps. Do this routine immediately after abs and you will quickly see the results.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Feelings of Christmas

I have mixed emotions this holiday season. Christmas was absolutely wonderful! It was great

to have each of our children and their spouses and our grandchildren over and it felt so warm

and wonderful. All except Thomas, who is serving in Washington as a missionary But, he called

and just warmed our hearts even more!
I was totally spoiled by everyone and it felt so good.

I'm used to it.'s true. Being sick has it's ups and down. One of the downs is that the food

that I serve usually isn't very good. I try to simplify and it's just not the same. Even with lots of

help in the kitchen somehow the homemade cooking is still missing. We had the huge tortillas

and beans and salsa and all the fixings. Many people helped. But, because the tortillas were a

couple of days old... for some reason we couldn't get them soft and they just weren't the best.

Maria worked hard in the kitchen and insisted on me opening her gift early Christmas morning

so as to use it in serving the meal. She said that I would love it. I did! It was a lazy susan with

ceramic gold containers with a center bowl. It was perfect to serve the food on Christmas day

and the food looked beautiful in it! We received special gifts from each of our children as well.

Each of the married children, which is all of them but Thomas, gave a gift to each couple.

James and Julie had brought a homemade bean salsa which was delicious. It was put into 4

different containers and Julie put it into the kitchen. For some reason, I thought it was for the

meal and so I dumped a couple of them into a container into the lazy susan for everyone to

enjoy. James and Julie have only been married since August and it was her first Christmas with

us. She didn't say anything at first....but later James told me that the bean salsa's were

intended to go to the other 4 couples for their gifts. I felt really bad. There were only two left,

so just two of the couples got to have their gifts. Oh well. I wish I could be perfect and not

make mistakes but somehow I just keep making them. James and Julie were nice about it and

overlooked it.

Then Christmas night, Larry got up with cramps in his legs and when he almost fell I braced

him with my body and helped him back onto the bed. In doing so I hurt my left knee. So, I

have a brace on it and it is injured. So, Larry is at church right now, and I am home alone again

with the same old conjestion and the knee problem. But, wonderful news is that my voice came

back and I was able to talk with Thomas on Christmas Day. That was the best Christmas gift


Oh, and I mustn't forget the very special Christmas Eve that Larry and I experienced. At first, it

wasn't so we were struggling to finish our homemade gifts for our children. We

were saying to ourselves, "how did we ever do it in the past....why are we so slow this

year....and how are we ever going to get all the pages stuffed into these plastic sheets to put into

the books...." When all of a sudden we heard someone knock on the door or ring the doorbell.

Larry went to the door and there was a heavy basket with a pink and white checkered cloth

over it. He brought it in and we looked inside. There was fresh citrus fruit and a big jar filled

with quarters and other coins in it which was labeled "Christmas Jar". Then we opened a gift

that was in the basket and it was a book entitled "Christmas Jars". We had never heard of this

book and thought this was pretty special for someone to think of us. We sat on the couch

together and our hearts melted. Here we were having a hard time and someone was out doing

something so wonderful for us. We wanted to read it Christmas night but were too we

decided to read it together after Christmas. (We are now about 3/4 through it and are enjoying

it so much's our night time story!) It wasn't but 10 minutes later when there was

another knock at the door. I went to the door and didn't see anyone. Then I looked down and

saw a large container of cashews and 2 bank envelopes stuffed with money. I brought them in

and we sat on the couch together to count the money. We started crying together as we

counted out the 100-crisp dollar bills that someone had so carefully put into the envelopes for

us. People are so kind and thoughtful. It surely made our Christmas so special. Larry and I

worked faster and had renewed energy. By about 2 am we had finished our gifts and crashed!

Late Christmas morning, we were just getting up when the phone rang. Larry saw it was

Washington. He answered the phone and said, "Thomas?" I jumped up and grabbed the other

phone. What a wonderful Christmas morning. He couldn't talk long but wanted to tell us that

he was going to call a couple of hours earlier than expected. Our hearts felt so good and it was

certainly Christmas!

Ramuan Jagung Mengobati Masalah Ginjal

Selama ini banyak kalangan beranggapan bahwa jagung hanya dikenal sebagai panganan iseng, baik yang dibakar dengan berbagai rasa, sampai dengan popcorn. Dan berikut adalah beberapa keampuhan jagung.


Bahannya :
- 5 tongkol Jagung muda
- 5 gr daun Kumis Kucing segar
- 1 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah semua bahannya dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum sekali dalam sehari selama 14 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 4 tongkol Jagung muda
- 1 genggam rambut Jagung
- 8 helai daun Keji Beling segar
- 1 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahandan rebus sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum selama 14 hari berturut-turut. Setelah batu keluar, apakah berupa butiran maupun buih, maka pengobatan harus dihentikan.

Dan dilanjutkan dengan membuat :
Bahannya :
- 30 gr daun Meniran segar
- 30 gr daun Kumis Kucing segar
- 1 gelas air mendidih

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, seduh kedua bahan tadi. Biarkan sampai dingin, saring dan minum. Lakukan selama 5 hari berturut-turut


Bahannya :
- 7 tongkol Jagung muda
- 1 genggam rambut Jagung
- 1 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum. LAkukan sampai badan benarbenar dirasakan fit.

Sebagai catatan : jangan menggunakan rambut Jagung terlalu banyak karena dapat menurunkan tekanan darah secara drastis dalam waktu singkat.

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts - Compound Glute Exercise

Almost every bodybuilder male and female wants attractive glutes. People really notice this muscle group in addition to it being a tremendous indicator of the condition you are in. Squats, leg curls, leg presses, and lunges are all staples of leg and glute exercises. They all work great but sometimes a new exercise with a slightly different feel or angle is necessary to ad the final touches to a solid routine. The Dumbbell Romanian deadlift is one such exercise. Try it and you will not only immediately feel it's effects but you will visually notice the results in a short time as well.

Performing the Exercise
You start this exercise by standing erect and holding the dumbbells in front of your thighs with an overhand grip. Your feet should be positioned shoulder width apart and your knees should be slightly bent. With your back naturally arched and abs tight lean forward from the hips and push them back until your torso is parallel to the floor. Avoid rounding your back. Keep your arms straight and slide the weights down your thighs until you can no longer stretch your hamstrings. Remember to maintain the arch in your back the entire time. At the bottom of the movement flex your hams and glutes then lift your torso while pushing your hips forward to return to the starting position.

Do 3 - 4 working sets for 8 - 12 reps per set. Do this exercise after squats and before the rest of your leg and glute workout as it is extremely taxing and requires a high level of energy to perform the movement effectively.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Don't Neglect Your Abs This Holiday Season

Every year around the holiday season, everyone seems to pack on a few extra pounds at parties and dinners. I am no exception to this. Remember that once the holiday festivities end, you'll need to log in some more time at the gym to burn off those extra pounds. This may prove a bit more difficult to accomplish during the cold winter months when getting around may be more difficult due to poor weather conditions which may translate into decreased physical activity. So keep this in mind before you overindulge yourself, and that midsection you worked so hard for in the warm summer months is covered by a layer of fat.

We've all witnessed the intense gym regular who sports well developed, showy body parts such as arms and chest, but has a sub-par and neglected midsection. When you look at them, it is almost impossible not to focus on their abs. They just seem to attract all the attention. Isn't it amazing how one area of the body can have such an overwhelming impact on a physique? I'll be the first to admit that ab work isn't always fun, but it is definitely a necessity. In addition to the obvious visual benefits, ab work is a integral part of the core training regiment, which is beneficial to your entire body.

Another example of how a poor midsection can ruin someone's look is evident in the massive, big-bellied bodybuilders of today. What does the audience notice when they walk out on stage? Their midsection of course. Their individual body parts may be extremely impressive and well-developed, but if their midsection is large and bloated it becomes a focal point. This ultimately draws all the attention away from the rest of their physique.

On the other hand, we've all seen the thin, lean type with minimal muscular development who has a well-defined or ripped 6-pack. People recognize that. Needless to say, this person looks like they are in tremendous shape. This is especially true in comparison to the aforementioned bodybuilder who is lacking in the stomach area. This way of thinking goes all the way back to ancient times where the stone statues from the Greek and Roman eras all had a well developed and an eye-catching midsection. The visual impact of great abs was definitely not lost to these sculptors from 20+ centuries ago!

It really doesn't take that much to give your abs a good, solid workout at the gym. 5 to 10 minutes a day, 6 to 8 total sets, and 200 to 300 repetitions should do the trick. Many regulars even work their abs first as a warm-up prior to their heavy lifting. Steady, consistent ab work coupled with a healthy diet high in protein, and a low to moderate intake of carbohydrates and fat will give you the six-pack you crave. You will then be able to enjoy those looks of envy from your peers at the gym.

Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more training advise, tips, and equipment.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Daun Salam Sebagai Obat Asam Urat Dan Diabetes

Tak dapat dipungkiri bumi Nusantara adalah sejumput tanah surga yang jatuh ke bumi. Betapa tidak, keragaman flora dan fauna yang hidup dipangkuannya membuat bangsa ini tak pernah kekurangan suatu apa. Di dalam hal obat herbal, ternyata keragaman flora tadi telah dimanfaatkan sedemikian rupa oleh nenek moyang guna penyembuhan atau menjaga kesehatannya. Hal ini tersurat dengan jelas dalam kitab Usada Parwa yang mencatat ragam khasiat dari pohon Salam. Berikut beberapa manfaatnya.


Bahannya :
- 10 lembar daun Salam segar
- Air 700 cc

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Selagi hangat, saring dan minum. Lakukan sampai sembuh.


Bahannya :
- 30 gr daun Salam segar
- 30 gr Sambiloto kering
- Gula batu secukupnya
- Air 600 cc

Cara membuatnya :
Cuci daun Salam, kemudian masukkan Sambiloto kering dan rebus hingga air tersisa 300 cc. Selagi hangat, saring dan masukkan gula batu serta aduk sampai rata. Lalu minum dua kali dalam sehari, masing-masing 150 cc dan lakukan secara teratur sampai sembuh.


Bahannya :
- 7 lembar daun Salam segar
- 30 gr daun Ceremai segar
- Air 600 cc

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 300 cc. Selagi hangat, saring dan minum secara teratur. Lakukan dua kali sehari, masing-masing 150 cc.


Bahannya :
- 7 lembar daun Salam segar
- 30 gr Sambiloto segar
- Air 600 cc

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Setelah dingin, saring lalu diminum untuk dua kali sehari masing-masing 100 cc.

Monday, December 21, 2009

No voice

Today is Sunday, and I had to stay home from church. I've had a bad sore throat and laryngitis.

Not fun! I whisper and ring a bell when I need Larry to help with something. It's so funny!

It's wonderful to have the Priesthood in my home and that Larry could give me a blessing.

I just have to get better so that I can talk to our missionary son, Thomas, when he calls on

Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day...we don't know when he will be calling yet.

Our oldest daughter, Maria, made lunch for us today and it was so delicious.

She made whole wheat spaghetti and a fruit drink with spinach blended up in it.

It doesn't sound very good, but it was the best!

We enjoyed the two family Christmas parties last night. One was for Larry's side of the family

and was held at the church building. We enjoyed a lovely dinner, a great story, message from

Grandpa, and a hayride. The other was for my side of the family and was held at my sisters,

Martha's home. We arrived after dinner, as both parties were on the same evening. But,

we so much enjoyed visiting and hearing the musical performances. It was wonderful!!

Having two parties on one night was a little too much for me and by the end of the evening,

I had lost my voice. But, it was great to see family and just be together.

...Well, Larry is in bed and it is super late... so, I will hurry off to join him soon. He set up a

humidifier next to our bed to add a little moisture to the air and to help with my throat.

That was so nice of him. Larry is really good to me and is constantly serving and helping me

out. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful husband!

I just want to add, what a blessing it is to be alive and to get to enjoy this wonderful Christmas

season with family and friends!

Featured Exercise - One Arm Dumbbell Rows

The one arm dumbbell row is a great exercise for both isolation and mass. You can use a very heavy weight with this exercise which really focuses on building the lats and middle back. Start this exercise by positioning yourself parallel to a flat bench. Place one knee on the bench and grab the dumbbell with the hand furthest away from the bench. Use the other hand for the necessary support on the bench. Arch you back and lift the dumbbell slowly all the way up until your back reaches a full muscle contraction. Your arm should then be flexed and in the upright position close to your side and against your chest. Try and hold the dumbbell at the top of the movement for one count for a peak contraction. Lower the weight slowly and under control so the muscle is working to its fullest capacity on the way down. Repeat for 8 - 12 reps and 3 - 4 sets. To complete the set switch the weight to your other arm and remember to also change the side of the bench you are on as well as the knee on the bench.

Consider using a strap or grip for the dumbbell as your forearms most likely will fatigue more quickly than your back. If done properly you will really notice an improvement in your lat sweep as well as more carved out detail in your middle back.

Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more fitness articles, events, and information as well as 1000's of name brand fitness equipment products.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Pegagan Mengandung Anti Racun

Jika diperhatikan secara farmakologis, tanaman yang satu ini memiliki sifat anti racun, anti infeksi serta penurun panas. Agaknya inilah yang menyebabkan kenapa nenek moyang telah menggunakan tanaman Pegagan untuk berbagai obat.


Bahannya :
- 60-120 gr daun Pegagan segar
- 2 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum. Lakukan sehari 2 kali sampai penyakit sembuh.


Bahannya :
- 2-3 pohon pegagan (akar, batang, daun)
- 2 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Saring setelah dingin dan minum 2 kali sehari masing-masing segelas. Lakukan sampai penyakit benar-benar sembuh.


Bahannya :
- 250-500 gr daun Pegagan segar
- 1 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Saring setelah dingin dan minum sehari dua kali selama 7 hari berturut-turut. Dan ramuan diatas untuk sekali minum.


Bahannya :
- 20 lembar daun Pegagan segar
- 3 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 2 gelas. Saring setelah dingin dan minum sehari 2 kali, masing-masing 1 gelas.


Bahannya :
- 30 gr daun Pegagan segar

Cara membuatnya :
Lumatkan dan tempel di pusar.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Keeping a Journal of Your Workouts

Keep a daily journal of your workouts. Include the exercises you perform as well as sets, reps, and how you feel throughout the workout. There is no better way to analyze your routine and keep tabs of your progress and sticking points.

When I started lifting I kept an extremely detailed journal of my workouts (sets and reps), diet (caloric, protein, carb and fat intake), and body weight and measurements. I was so excited to see almost weekly progress in my strength and size. This more than anything gave me the incentive to push myself above and beyond what I thought I could do. This was because I KNEW, and had actual physical proof of my progress. I learned that there was a direct correlation between the hard work I put in at the gym and my new found growth. I also learned to vary my routine when I analyzed my results and I saw that I was doing the same exercises for too long of a time period. I also had documented proof as to what worked and what did not when I tried a new exercise or varied an old one.

Keeping a weight training journal may sound a bit tedious to you but I am convinced that there is no better way for keeping close tabs on the entire bodybuilding lifestyle if you are a serious trainer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Daun Pepaya : Sayuran Sebagai Obat

Pohon pepaya sudah terkenal sejak dahulu sebagai tanaman berkhasiat atau herbal yang dapat meyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit. Setiap bagian pohon pepaya dapat dimanfaatkan, berikut beberapa manfaat daun Pepaya.


Bahannya :
- 1 batang daun Pepaya
- 1 genggam (kurang lebih 6 batang) pohon Meniran
- 1 ibu jari orang dewasa Temu Ireng
- 1 ibu jari orang dewasa empu Kunyit
- 1 ujung sendok teh garam dapur
- 500 ml air

Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahan tersebut diatas sampai bersih, lalu tumbuk sampai halus dan tuangkan air ke dalamnya. Setelah itu saring, dan campurkan garam serta aduk sampai merata. Kemudian, bagi ramuan itu menjadi 3 gelas. Dan minum pada pagi, siang dan sore, masing-masing 1 gelas. Dan jangan lupa menyiapkan segelas air bersih saat meminum, karena ramuan itu amat pahit. Dan efek sampingnya adalah si penderita akan merasakan haus dan lapar sesaat setelah meminum ramuan.


Bahannya :
- 1 batang daun Pepaya
- 2 sendok makan Angkak
- 1 ibu jari orang dewasa Temu Ireng
- 1 ibu jari orang dewasa empu Kunyit
- 1 ujung sendok teh garam dapur
- 2 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Selain Angkak, cuci bahan tersebut diatas sampai bersih dan rebus sampai air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum secara teratur. Lakukan sampai benar-benar sembuh.

Kelapa Hijau Muda Menyembuhkan Demam Berdarah

Saat ini telah diketahui dengan hasil analisa kandungan nutrisi dari kelapa yang banyak mengandung giziesensial. Daging buah kelapa muda misalnya, kaya akan kalori terutama dari karbohidrat. Protein kelapa, dibandingkan dengan kacang-kacangan, lebih baik dalam hal asam amino isoleusin, leusin, lisin, threonin dan valin.


Bahannya :
1 buah Kelapa Hijau Muda
Air perasan Jeruk Nipis secukupnya

Cara membuatnya :
Kupas dan ambil air Kelapa Hijau dan campurkan dengan air Jeruk Nipis. Aduk sampai rata dan minum secara teratur.

Daun Sukun Untuk Penyakit Berat

Pohon Sukun yang berdaun lebar mirip tangan manusia dan banyak tumbuh dimana-mana itu, selain cita rasa buahnya yang manis ternyata daunnya juga memiliki khasiat yang menyembuhkan penyakit yang belakangan ini banyak diidap oleh sebagian orang yang tinggal di kota besar. Keampuhan daun Sukun adalah sebagai berikut.


Bahannya :
- 15 gr daun Sukun yang telah dikeringkan (ambil daun sukun segar, cuci sampai bersih, rajang dan angin-anginkan sampai kering)
- Segenggam daun Greges Otot
- Madu atau Gula Batu secukupnya
- 1 gelas air mendidih

Cara membuatnya :
Seduh daun Sukun, lalu saring. Setelah dingin, bila perlu, campurkan Madu atau Gula Batu. Minum ramuan ini dua kali sehari selama sepuluh hari.


Bahannya :
- 15 gr daun Sukun kering
- 15 gr bubuk Bangle
- Madu atau Gula Batu secukupnya
- 1 gelas air mendidih

Cara membuatnya :
Seduh kedua bahan tersebut diatas, saring, setelah dingin dan bila dianggap perlu campurkan Madu atau Gula Batu. Minum ramuan ini sekali dalam sehari, selama 14 hari.


Bahannya :
- 15 gr daun Sukun kering
- Madu atau Gula Batu secukupnya
- 1 gelas air mendidih

Cara membuatnya :
Seduh bahan tersebut diatas, saring, setelah dingin dan bila dianggap perlu campurkan Madu atau Gula Batu. Minum ramuan ini dua kali dalam sehari, selama sepuluh hari.

Sebaiknya perebusan menggunakan periuk tanah atau panci kaca. Dan selama mengkonsumsi ramuan ini, dilarang keras mengkonsumsi sayur Bayam, daun Singkong, daging merah, Jeroan dan Kangkung.

Sangitan Sebagai Penghilang Rasa Sakit

Tanaman asli Indonesia ini, selain banyak tumbuh di lahan terlantar, tetapi ada juga yang sengaja menanamnya sebagai tanaman pagar. Yang paling menarik, tanaman ini juga memiliki khasiat untuk penghilang pembengkakkan, penghilang rasa sakit, peluruh kencing dan juga melancarkan sirkulasi. Berikut beberapa keampuhan tanaman yang satu ini.


Bahannya :
- 15-30 gr daun Sangitan segar
- 3 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah daun dicuci bersih, lalu potong-potong seperlunya dan rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring lalu minum. Lakukan selama 14 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 30-50 gr akar, batang dan daun Sangitan segar.
- 3 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, lalu potong-potong seperlunya dan rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum selama 14 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- Akar Sangitan secukupnya
- Daging Sapi secukupnya

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, akar dengan daging Sapi di-tim sampai masak. Santap daging sapi tersebut. Lakukan selama 10 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 20 gr akar Sangitan
- 30 gr Gula Pasir
- 400 cc air
- Arak putih secukupnya

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, potong-potong seperlunya dan rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Saat hangat-hangat kuku, campurkan arak putih secukupnya dan masukkan gula pasir, aduk sampai merata. Setelah dingin saring, dan minum. Lakukan sampai bengkak menghilang. Untuk bagian luar, daun segar dicuci lalu digiling sampai halus dan borehkan pada bagian yang sakit. Sebagai catatan wanita hamil dilarang keras untuk mengkonsumsi salah satu ramuan diatas.

Kunyit Mengandung Kurkuminoid Yang Berkhasiat

Tanaman yang mudah dibudidayakan dan biasa disebut kurkuma oleh orang Belanda, Koneng (Sunda) dan Kunir (Jawa), ternyata mengandung senyawa yang berkhasiat obat yang disebut kurkuminoid. Boleh dikata beragam penyakit dapat disembuhkan oleh tanaman yang mudah sekali untuk didapatkan ini. Dan berikut khasiat Kunyit.


Bahannya :
- 3 rimpang Kunyit
- ½ sendok Garam
- 1 liter air

Cara membuatnya :
Kunyit dicuci bersih dan potong kecil-kecil lalu rebus sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 2 kali seminggu masing-masing ½ gelas. Lakukan selama 20 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 2 rimpang Kunyit
- 1 bonggol Sereh
- 1 lembar daun Sambiloto
- 1 gelas air hangat

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, tumbuk halus semua bahan tersebut diatas. Kemudian tambahkan air hangat dan saring. Setelah dingin, minum. Lakukan 1 gelas dalam sehari selama 1 minggu berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 2 rimpang Kunyit
- 1 genggam daun Beluntas
- 1 buah Asam
- 1 potong Gula Kelapa/Aren
- 1 liter air

Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua bahan, jika perlu, Kunyit dipotong kecil-kecil. Kemudian rebus dan jangan lupa menambahkan Gula Kelapa/Aren dan biarkan sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 1 gelas sehari dan lakukan selama 10 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- Kunyit
- Gula Aren
- 2 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci, kupas dan iris tipis-tipis lalu jemur hingga kering (jika mungkin simpan untuk persediaan). Selanjutnya, ambil 10 iris, tambahkan Gula Aren dan rebus hingga mendidih. Minum selagi hangat pada pagi dan menjelang tidur. Lakukan hingga flek di wajah hilang.

Aura Mistik Kemuning Untuk Pengobatan

Tanaman yang didaerah tertentu memiliki sebutan Kemuning, Kamuri, Kamoni, Kamone, Kemuning, Kajeri, oleh banyak orang diyakini mengandung aura mistik yang demikian pekat. Berikut adalah nukilan ramuan yang menggunakan sarana Kemuning.


Bahannya :
- 3 gr daun Kemuning
- 3 gr daun Pacar Kuku
- 4 gr rimpang Temu Lawak
- 1 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan tadi dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum. Lakukan sekali dalam sehari selama 5-7 hari.


Bahannya :
- 3 gr daun Kemuning
- 2 gr herba Tapak Liman
- 3 gr daun Pacar Kuku
- 2 gr rimpang Temu Kunci
- 1 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan tadi dicuci bersih, rebus sampai medidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum. Lakukan sekali dalam sehari sampai penyakit dianggap benar-benar sembuh.


Bahannya :
- 3 gr daun Kemuning
- 6 gr akar Tembelekan
- 1 gelas air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum sekali dalam sehari. Lakukan sampai penyakit benar-benar sembuh.

Temu Hitam Bahan Jamu Untuk Mengatasi Nyeri Haid

Selain sebagai salah satu bahan baku jamu, tanaman yang tumbuh subur di pekarangan, terutama di areal yang agak lembab, ternyata Temu Hitam memiliki khasiat yang tak perlu diragukan lagi. Diantaranya adalah :


Bahannya :
- 25 gr Temu Hitam
- 30 gr Takokak
- 600 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, lalu rebus hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Selagi hangat, saring dan minum. Lakukan pada pagi dan sore, selama 7 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 25 gr Temu Hitam
- 20 gr Kencur
- 20 gr Kunyit
- 2 ruas Asam Jawa
- 600 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, lalu rebus hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Selagi hangat, saring dan minum. Lakukan pada pagi dan sore, selama haid.


Bahannya :
- 25 gr Temu Hitam
- 400 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, lalu rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Selagi hangat, saring dan minum. Lakukan pada pagi dan sore selama 10 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 25 gr Temu Hitam
- 25 gr Temu Giring
- 20 gr Kencur
- 600 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, lalu rebus hingga tersisa 200 cc. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum. Lakukan pada pagi dan sore selama 14 hari berturut-turut.


Bahannya :
- 25 gr Temu Hitam
- 15 gr Bangle
- 5 lembar Daun Sirih
- 5 butir biji Ketumbar
- 4 gr biji Pinang
- 600 cc air

Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, lalu rebus hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Selagi hangat, saring dan minim. Lakukan pada pagi dan sore selama 6 hari berturut-turut.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Maintain Your Cardio Activity During the Winter Months

People generally tend to cut back on their cardio training during the cold winter months and lean towards increased inactivity. This may be due to the weather making it a more difficult task to get to the gym, excessive holiday partying, or the poor outdoor conditions making it too difficult to perform your regular outdoor cardio routine. These are all reasonable explanations but it is no reason to cut back on one of the most important aspects of your training regiment.

Bring your cardio indoors and work the treadmill, elliptical, exercise bike, or rower. You can make it more fun and interesting by setting distance and time goals for yourself. Staying in shape and strong will also help boost your immune system and ward off those nasty winter illnesses.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Our Family Party

I'm so excited for our Larry and Margaret Family Party tomorrow. We have a wonderful

tradition every year of going to a nursing home and performing for the elderly people.

Then, afterwards, we all come to our house for pizza and make ginger bread houses! So fun!

We started performing when Aaron and Jonathan were little and have kept it up through the

years. Some people give gifts and money to those in need at Christmas, and that is a great

thing to do, but as we really never had much money to give away, we decided years ago to share

something that we did! It's very rewarding and humbling to go into the nursing

homes and find it a privilege to get to share some of the Christmas Spirit with them.

Although when we leave, we find that they blessed our lives far more than we did theirs.

We visit and hand out candy canes afterwards. It really makes my Christmas

special because, not only do I get to hear my children and grandchildren perform, but get

to see the smiles on the faces of the elderly as well. It's a great tradition and we plan on keeping

this throughout the years. Larry and I are singing a song together and are enjoying practicing

practicing it every morning. Along with the hustle and bustle of Christmas, music

brings that special glow inside. We are going to miss Thomas this year as he is in Washington

serving a mission for our church. Maybe he will find an opportunity to sing for others as well.

Exercise of the Week: Seated Cable Rows

Cable rows are a great exercise to work your lats and middle back. Form is of the utmost importance when doing this exercise as your lower back can be easily injured if proper technique is not followed.

You can use either a bar, rope or a V handle. I prefer the latter. Position yourself on the cable row machine and grasp the handle with both hands. Keep your knees slightly bent and you back arched. Bend forward and when you are at peak extension slowly pull the handle into your upper stomach area and hold it there for a one count. This will ensure peak back muscle contraction. Ease the weight back to the starting position slowly so you are working the muscle on the return portion of the rep as well. Warm up thoroughly and use a weight that you have to fight to get 8 - 10 hard fought reps. 3 - 4 sets if done properly should leave your back muscles pumped and exhausted.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Unique Fitness Featured Exercise: Barbell Row

This exercise is one of the best lat building and back thickening exercises you can do. It's difficult to breath while your doing this exercise since your bent over the entire time. But if done properly this strenuous exercise is well worth the effort. You'll notice a thicker and wider back almost immediately if you make this exercise part of your back routine.

Here's how it's done: Step on a platform or bench with your grip on the bar slightly wider than shoulder width. Bend over, arch your back and pull the weight up slowly to your chest (not stomach). Lower the weight slowly to the starting position and repeat. Perform 3 - 4 sets with a moderately heavy weight for 8 - 12 reps.

Remember do not lower your chest to meet the bar and do not bounce the bar off of your chest. This constitutes cheating and not only will you not build muscle you'll also leave yourself susceptible to a lower back injury.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Peggy Sue Golf Tournament

Although I missed going the the tournament, I was there in spirit. I so much appreciate all who

gave up their Saturday (and the wife's who gave up their husbands) to golf the 18 holes in my

behalf. The hat's turned out so nice...thanks to Ellen Rogers and her son Jeff. Bryan Stradling

deserves a big hand for all that he did in my behalf. (and Maria as well!) So many people

donated money and time and I don't how to begin to thank everyone.

But, I just couldn't go to bed with out attempting to express my deep appreciation to all that

were involved. It comes down to love. There are so many Christ-like people out there. One

person donated $5. Some $75... others more. Another donated $1,000. All the money

combined sure adds up. Thank you...thank you...thank all of you that helped in any

way. I love you all!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Perform Dumbbell Concentration Curls for a Super Biceps Peak

The concentration curls give your biceps that well-rounded peak look bodybuilders strive for. It has been a staple exercise and used by bodybuilders since the golden age of bodybuilding in the 1970's. There are many videos and images of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his contemporaries performing this exercise. It is a favorite because of the isolation factor and the subsequent great pump you can achieve if this exercise is performed properly. Perform this exercise after your heavier biceps movements like standing barbell or seated dumbbell curls. The concentration curl will isolate each bicep muscle ensuring that the biceps are responsible for all of the work.

How to Perform The Concentration Curl: Sit on the end of a flat bench with your legs apart and lean forward slightly. Pick the dumbbell up in one hand with your palm facing upward and place your elbow on the inside of your thigh letting the dumbbell hang down. Slowly curl the weight up while keeping your elbow steady and locked in place against the inside of your thigh. As you are performing the curl twist your wrist to the outside to work the muscle more completely. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement then slowly return to the starting position and repeat. Remember the downward part of the movement is as important as the lifting portion to completely fatigue the muscle.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Throughout this whole cancer experience, I have felt such deep peace. It has sustained me and

given me great comfort. I know what it is like to be held in the Lord's hand and to be blessed

while experiencing a deep trial. He has truly been with me every step of the way and is

continuing to bless my life and to give me strength. This Christmas season I want to testify that

God lives and that He loves each of His children. I know that miracles have not ceased and that

healing continues even in our day. I have such a wonderful husband that is very supportive and

helpful to me. He loves me and that means everything to me. I am blessed with such great

children that have strong faith and are there for me constantly. They, along with so

many others have sacrificed much in order to help me.
Thank you to all that pray for me and

give so generously to help me get my pills. May God bless each of you with your needs this

Christmas season. Good news! I made the Easter Pageant along with my granddaughter

Rebecca. So, we will be having a very special experience this spring. It will be wonderful to

participate in testifying of Jesus Christ through music and acting!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lunges are a Great Exercise for Overall Leg Shape and Development

Next to squats, lunges are the next best thing for your butt and thighs. Lunges are also a compound movement like squats. So when you do them you get more of a complete anaerobic workout for your entire body. There are a few different ways to perform lunges. There are static lunges which you do while holding dumbbells at your side or a barbell across your back and lunge forward alternating legs. You would start with your feet together and then step forward into the lunge, then back to starting position (front lunges). Another popular way to perform this exercise would be to do reverse lunges. You would also start with feet together and then you step back (instead of forward) one leg at a time into a lunge position and then back to starting position.

A third way is to do moving lunges. You would perform these outdoors or in a gym that has ample room. With this version you would keep moving forward with the lunge and not go back to the static position. This is a more advanced version of the exercise since you would keep constant tension on your glutes, quads and hams for a deep burn.

Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more training advise, tips, and equipment.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Know When You're Ready to Enter Your First Bodybuilding Contest

Question and Answer with Harvey Reich, Natural Masters Illinois Bodybuilding Champion.

Question: I am preparing to enter a contest. I trained very hard and I cut my weight from 245 lbs. to 185 lbs. I have a very large torso and short limbs which made my arms and legs look big and well developed when I was heavier. Since I have lost this weight most if not all of recently gained my muscle mass is gone, particularly in my arms which has made me very depressed. What should I do?
Todd C. Buffalo, NY

Answer: Hello Todd. If you had that much weight to lose then there was never much underlying muscle in the first place, which tells me that you were not developed enough to enter a contest. If you lost this weight in a short amount of time (which it sounds like you did) it is no wonder that you have lost muscle mass.

Your body uses the muscles as nourishment to feed itself when drastic weight cutting occurs, which is what seems to have happened to you. The proper way to get "ripped" for a contest (once you DO have enough muscle mass) is to adjust your carbohydrate and fat intake so you gradually lose the weight, optimally 1 – 2 lbs. a week. Leave enough time before a contest to begin your diet, usually around 16 – 20 weeks out so you can reach your target contest weight in this manner. You’ll be very pleased with the results.