Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nothing Beats the Look of a Powerful Back

I've always admired bodybuilders and powerlifters who sport a powerful looking well-developed back. You know the type - the tapered V look that looks like there isn't enough room to hold that amount of muscle. All of the top bodybuilding champions like Arnold, Sergio Olivia, Ronnie Coleman, and the current Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler had the best backs of their respective eras. When these champs wrote about their back routines they always seem to be proud of the amount of work and effort it took to build this impressive body part. They usually performed at least 4- 5 different exercises to ensure that they hit all areas of their back. Although some of these aforementioned bodybuilders who were from "golden age" seemed to always train to much I have to agree with the number or exercises they performed on a regular basis for back.

In order to fully train the back properly one must address the upper, middle, and lower back almost as separate body parts. Here is one of my back routines and the associated part of the back it works.

1) Pull-ups: 4 sets of 10 - 15 reps and works the upper back and lats.
2) Seated Cable Rows: 4 sets of 8 - 12 reps and works the middle back.
3) Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 8 - 12 reps. Works lats and middle to lower back.
4) Hyper Extensions: 2 sets of 30 rep. Works the lower back.

As you can see the total of 14 sets works the entire back and will give you that powerful well-muscled back that all bodybuilders strive for. Try this routine for about four weeks and I'm certain that you will be pleased with the results.

Check out the video below and you can see back exercises performed with PowerBlock adjustable dumbbells.

View video for PowerBlock Ab & Back Exercises.

Please visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more fitness tips and exercise routines.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Discover What Motivational Factors Work For You

I've been lifting now for 35 years and there has been one consistent factor throughout that time and that is motivation. Motivation gets you going when you're feeling a bit lazy and don't want to go to the gym. Motivation gets you that one extra hard fought rep to make you grow. Motivation gives you the drive to be the very best you can be. All of the top bodybuilders have always used it to their advantage to get to the top of their profession.

Personally, I started out very weak and underweight and my motivation was to build muscle so I wasn't that 97 lb. weakling in the Charles Atlas comic book cartoon. As I got older my motivation changed from building up to trimming down and ridding myself of extra fat. During my workout I pictured myself with my stomach protruding and that thought alone drove me to push myself harder. The point is that I used a factor in my life that lit a fire under me to push myself beyond what I normally would do. The same should hold true for everyone. Think about it and choose something that will push you to excel. It may be an ex boyfriend or girlfriend or an irritating boss. Or maybe you want to look great in your swimsuit on the beach. Whatever your motivation is store it in your brain and bring it out when you're lifting to push yourself beyond where you would normally go.

Please visit us at Unique Fitness Concepts for more bodybuilding tips and routines.


It's so much fun to play with and watch my grandchildren. They are the cutest and so

adorable. As Aaron and Andrea are moving, I get to watch some of their children. Rebecca, age

5, brought with her a special envelope which was all sealed up with money inside. On the outside

she had written "Rebecca Disneyland Money". Then she gave it to me for my pills. She said

that she had earned it by doing lots of chores and was saving it for Disney Land... but she

changed her mind. I was so touched.

We emptied it onto the bed and counted out the nickles and dimes and pennies. It was two

dollars and 95 cents. What a sacrifice. It really is special that my grandchildren want to help

me. I know that their money is like the widow's mite and that the Lord recognizes their money

as such. I love being their grandmother.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Advantages of Training with Dumbbells

Some bodybuilders have gravitated to the weight training machines since they burst onto the gym scene in earnest in the 1970s. The machines are all well and good and they can add variations of exercises to your routine, but they do restrict your natural movement due to their design.

I've always liked training with free weights and especially dumbbells. Dumbbells give you freedom of movement and also work your core with certain exercises as well. You can also alternate between arms for a variation of the exercise which is not possible with machines. Once you've mastered the balance part for exercises like dumbbell presses and flyes you'll be able to better focus on the muscle group you're working due to the isolation nature of the movement. This in turn will lead to greater gains in strength and mass.

Here are some excellent dumbbell exercises for arms with PowerBlock adjustable dumbbells.

View video for PowerBlock Arm Exercises.

To see more videos of dumbbell exercises please visit us at Unique Fitness Concepts

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ingredients for a Great Chest Workout

Today I will be working my favorite body part, chest. To me nothing makes you feel more virile and powerful than the pump you feel after working chest. I start out with bench presses 4 - 5 sets including one warm-up set. When bench pressing focus on using your chest muscles to push the weight. Bring the bar down slowly then explode upwards once the bar touches your chest. Never bounce the weight or arch your back as cheating does not increase your muscle mass or strength and you will also leave yourself at risk for shoulder and back injury.

The next chest exercise is one of my favorites, inclines presses. No muscle burn feels better to me then the deep muscle ache you feel during a hard worked set of inclines. A well developed upper chest gives you that powerful table-top look that people really admire. I usually perform 3 - 4 sets of 8 - 12 hard fought reps. That does the trick for me. If you do these correctly you should have a difficult time even lifting the bar after the last set.

I complete my chest workout with either dumbbell flyes or cable crossovers. When performing dumbbell flyes your motion should be similar to that of you hugging a tree. But be careful and don't extend to far down at the bottom of the movement as you leave yourself vulnerable to shoulder injury. Same with cable crossovers, use a moderate weight and flex your pecs at the peak of the movement. Don't overload the weight as you will also expose yourself to injury.

When your done working with the weights spend a few minutes flexing your pecs in front of a mirror to really bring out the cuts and striations with this isometric exercise.

Blessings from Heaven

As you know, we have been strugling to pay for our expensive pills to keep me alive. But, the

Lord is right there to bless me through so many angels on earth. My brothers and sisters each

contributed and together were able to come up with $1,100, which is very helpful. Then today,

another angel dropped $100 off at my door.

Larry's parents gave us money as well. It's wonderful to know that I am being taken

care of and that somehow the money comes in. Our son in law, Bryan is also

working to put together a golf tournament with pledges, to go towards my medicine. I

know that our loving Heavenly Father watches over us and He hears our heartfelt prayers. So

many people on earth are in tune with the Spirit and are willing to sacrifice for little old me. I

feel very blessed! (By the way, if anyone ever reads this blog and has questions about my experience at the Burzynski Clinic you can email me at and I would love to talk with you about it)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Legs Take the Longest to Get Back Into Flow After Layoff

Well my comeback just completed two workout cycles. By that I mean I completed workouts for each body part two times. Without question legs seem to be the most difficult to get back into a good rhythm. For this second leg workout I did barbell squats first for three sets of 135x12, 185x12, and 205x15. Not bad for the second workout but my conditioning or lack thereof showed during this exercise. My rest time in between sets was probably twice as long as when I am in shape and my fatigue level was very high. I never quite recovered my wind which hindered my effectiveness for the rest of the workout. I finished the workout with calves - raises on the leg press and standing calf raises. I was able to get a fair calf burn but not a great pump which I again attribute to my conditioning. I will be hitting the cardio harder so my focus and energies can be with the task at hand and not fatigue.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are Barbell Squats The Right Exercise For You?

Ever since circus strongmen and the early superstar bodybuilders like John Grimek and Steve Reeves were winning the Mr. Universe contest the question to perform barbell squats has been a hotly debated topic. In the 1970's, top bodybuilders like Ken Waller and Arnold would swear by the squat, while fitness guru's like Vince Gironda would not even have squat racks in their gym! His argument was that the barbell squat would overdevelop the glutes and would be a detriment to the symmetrical bodybuilder. Others, like Arnold and France Columbu squatted religiously, and they attributed there overall muscular balance and strength to the squat. So which point of view is correct? I don't want to ride the fence but in my humble opinion both are!

There really isn't a better exercise you can do for overall body balance, mass and conditioning that the squat. When I perform squats as part of my leg routine I can almost feel my strength and conditioning increase as I am doing them. I also feel that I have endless energy and stamina for the rest of my workouts, and every exercise seems that much easier to do. Barbell squatting is that good for conditioning! However my body type tends to gravitate more towards the ectomorph side (thinner and a hard gainer), so putting on too much mass was never an issue for me.

If your body type is more of an endomorph (larger and heavier) you may not ever need to put on more mass on your body, especially in the glute area. Although lighter weight and high repetition squats would still be of benefit to you for shaping and conditioning, heavy squats probably would not be the first and best choice of leg exercise, unless you're a powerlifter.

In summary there is not a better over all exercise you can do than the barbell squat. It is an individual choice as to determine if the aesthetic results are to your liking.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

False Alarm!

Sorry about the mix up. Larry King ended up having a substitute and they wanted

to talk about the boy and the big balloon that went up into the sky. So.....the Dr.

Burzynski is suppose to on either tonight or Friday night. Please try to watch it if

you can.

I had a very special blessing occur today. Larry and I have been concerned about

getting more pills for me as it is quite costly. We just don't have the money right

now and needed to order them. After much pleading, the Burzynski Clinic is going

to send us a week supply of the PB (cancer pills) free. Yay! That will give us some

more time. Also, my sister, Mary, said that some of my brothers and sisters gave

her some money last night at her birthday party to give to me. So, I may be able to

by my Tykerb on Wednesday. I know that the Lord is watching over me and our

family. But, please continue to keep me in your prayers and pray that we will be

able to have the pills that I need to live! Thanks so much, Margaret

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Balance is the Key to an Eye Pleasing Physique

You've probably noticed this too but I've walked into the gym way too many times over the years only to see some of my buddies the "regular gym rats" who perform only a select few exercises and call it a day. They only exercise the "showy" muscles with disregard for the rest of the body. A fine example of this are the "cantaloupe smugglers". You know those guys, the ones who only work their pecs and biceps and look like they are carrying four large melons under their shirt. They probably think that they look strong or muscular. But with little muscular development elsewhere they in fact look horribly disproportionate and even silly. If you look closer at these guys they probably have spindly under-developed legs and look ludicrous in a shorts or a bathing suit. Another good example are guys who work everything but their abs. They may have a great back, chest, arms, legs etc. but if your stomach is not sporting some semblance of a six-pack you're not going to look in shape.

The whole idea here is proportion. I've been to many bodybuilding contests and the overall winner more often than not is not the biggest, strongest person in the contest with flashing oversized body parts. It's the guy or gal who is proportionally or evenly developed and has the fewest weaknesses. This type of physique will catch your eye at the pool or beach as being much more impressive than the cantaloupe smuggler type. Remember a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and this especially holds true for the human body.

It may not be fun to blast your legs with squats or do endless calf raises and sit-ups. But if you do work out the entire body in proportion there is no doubt in the end you'll be more than pleased with the results.

Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more bodybuilding articles, routines, and advice.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Exciting News!

Dr. Burzynski will be on the Larry King Live Show (CNN) on Monday,

October 19th at 6 pm. He is going to talk about what they do at the clinic

and why he can help people with cancer. I'm so excited to see the show

and hope that everyone I love can see it too. He's kind of shy but very

intelligent and full of energy. Hope you can watch it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Cardiovascular and Psychological Benefits of Walking

First let me start out with the statement or fact that I believe that there is no better low impact aerobic exercise then walking. Walking is tremendous activity for every level age group and fitness level. It helps control weight, conditions the heart and strengthens the bones and you can easily make it as easy or as difficult as you like to suit your physical fitness needs. For example, I started walking at a leisurely pace when I began training again after an extended layoff just to get my motor running. I also did heavy or fast walking five times a week when I was in intense training for competition. Needless to say I was very pleased with the end result both times. Walking helped me "ramp up" or segues into more serious training and it was a great cardio top-off after a long day of lifting and dieting. I can't say that I enjoyed any fitness activity more than arming myself with my ipod and dog and marching away in a cool, soothing night throughout the neighborhood.

I have also find out that even though during my intense training periods where I really pushed my walking pace to 9 - 10 minute miles I was able to relax my mind and "think" about plans and activities that I would not be able to do while performing any other intense fitness activity such as free weight or machine circuit training. It seems that the rhythmic cadence of walking really freed up my mind to perform my most creative thinking of the day!

Walking should never be boring. The great thing about walking is that any two workouts never have to be the same. You can change the pace, environment, time of day... you get the point. With the limitless amount of change to keep you fresh you should never grow tired of it! You can also ramp up the intensity by adding hand, ankle, or wrist weights or even a weighted vest.

Cancer Clinic

I am sitting at the computer at the Ironwood Cancer Clinic killing time while the

rituxin finishes through my IV. It is great to have computers down here.

This is the third week of four and then I'm done with this series until April. yay!

The people down here so nice and very humble. but, I am so glad that I am not taking

chemo...because in all honesty...many of them are very sick. But, I always enjoy my visits

with the nurses and the patients around me. It's an experience that I'm glad to have.

It's been a very busy week with lots of activities. The saddest thing is that my brother, Stephen,

passed away. The funeral was wonderful and Mary and the family did an amazing job. but, my

heart hurts for him and I will miss him so much. Other things that happened are we got to enjoy

Jonathan and Carrie's kids for several days while they went on a business trip. All in all it went

well until I either sprained or broke my toe. Fortunately, it happened the evening before they

returned and picked up the kids. But it was really nice having them.

Our pipe broke in the front yard and the water was off....but we got it repaired.

We were able to plant much of our garden with our grand kids help and they

had a lot of fun. Emma was sick most of the time but she felt good about helping to plant a few

flowers in the front yard. Lily was ecstatic that she learned to ride a two wheeler all by herself.

I forgot to mention, the 2 baby blessings went very well on Sunday and now this Sunday, will be

one more. I'm so happy to be alive and not be sick with chemo treatment so that I can enjoy

these special times with my family. Life is wonderful and I am enjoying every moment of it. Got

to go because my IV is done.

My Favorite Giant Set Routine for Biceps and Triceps

One of my favorite giant set routines…

Out of any body part or muscle group I really love doing giant sets when I am training arms. You recover much quicker between sets as the biceps and triceps are relatively small muscles and you can really increase the intensity for a maximum pump once you get the hang of it. Here’s one of my favorite routines which has minor variations to avoid monotony and stagnation. Use weights or resistance which you can perform the following repetitions:

* Standing Barbell Biceps Curls: 8 – 10 reps
* Triceps Pushdowns: 8 - 12 reps
* Seated Dumbbell Curls: 6 - 10 reps
* Skull Crushers (lying triceps eye raises): 8 – 12 reps
* Preacher Curls: 8 – 12 reps
* One Arm Triceps Extensions: 8 -12 reps.

As you see I alternate bi's and tri's I perform four circuits of this for a total of 24 sets (12 for biceps and 12 for triceps) in around 30 minutes! I love it because of the intensity you can obtain along with the short workout time! However I usually do this about 1 out of every 3 - 4 times I do arms so the routine remains fresh which translates to higher intensity and more muscle growth. There you have it, the benefits of giant sets. They can really give you a lift when your arm workout routine needs a boost.

Please visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more workout routines, tips, and equipment.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Benefits of Giant Sets as Part of Your Bodybuilding Routine

Most of you experienced weight trainers have heard of giant sets, the circuit training equivalent for bodybuilding. You perform one set and directly go to the next with minimal rest (preferably for the same body part or group of muscles) and keep going until you complete about 5 – 7 sets and finish the circuit. Perform this circuit 3 - 4 times and you've completed the workout. This method of training has numerous benefits:

1. It helps you maintain a quick pace during your workout which is an aid to cardiovascular training.
2. It cuts down on your valuable time by allowing you to complete your workout faster.
3. Giant sets break up the monotony of your routine in a quick and efficient manner.
4. It helps you attack the targeted muscle group in a new and effective way.

However there are a few precautions to note when attempting to complete a giant set workout:

1. Use a moderate weight for each exercise as the quickened pace and going directly to the next set will fatigue your muscles more rapidly.
2. Stay focused as the increased intensity and muscle fatigue of performing sets quicker may open yourself up to injury.
3. Listen to your body. Your conditioning will let you know how much time to rest you need between sets.

I suggest resting 60 - 90 seconds between sets the first time you attempt giant sets and gradually reduce it to 30 – 45 seconds as your conditioning improves.

Next time I will outline in full detail one of my favorite giant set routines.

Please visit Unique Fitness Concepts where we cover many more fitness and bodybuilding topics.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Effort and Consistency are Keys to a Great Physique

People always ask me what is the secret to building a great physique. Then They ramble on about the number of hours they put in at the gym and how hard they work, but they still look the same day after day, week after week, and year after year. The answer is really quite simple: effort and consistency. There's a direct correlation between the time and effort you put in at the gym and the results. You can spend all the time you want working out, but if you're just going through the motions you will never see a noticeable improvement. However, if you are consistent in your effort, eat clean, and get your rest, you will reap the benefits from that lifestyle. Remember it's all up to you.

Keep a calendar and log of your workouts. The calendar will help you maintain your regular workout schedule and the log will give a much more detailed picture of your progress and sticking points over time. Tracking your workouts will always give you a clearer overall picture and will help you plan your future workouts accordingly.

Learn more about health and fitness at the Unique Fitness Concepts Newsletters Archive

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Barbell Squats are Great for Strength and Conditioning

There really isn't a better exercise you can do for overall body balance, mass and conditioning that the barbell squat. When squats are performed as part of your leg routine you will feel your overall strength and conditioning increase almost immediately. You will also have more energy and stamina for the rest of your workouts and every exercise will seem that much easier to do.

If you've never squatted before start out with a light weight until your form is perfected. Proper form is imperative for barbell squats. If you do not have good form not only will you not work the muscles you're supposed to but you will leave yourself susceptible to serious injury as well. So go ahead and squat and reap the benefits of the best overall exercise there is!

You can visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more fitness tips!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chicago Marathon Update

Runners are off to a fantastic pace thus far under world record time. Unseasonably cold temps have been contributing by keeping the runners fresh. Pace so fast that even a few of the pace setters have dropped off. Watch the Chicago Marathon Live

Aging and the Benefits of Bodybuilding (Weight Resistance Training )

Bodybuilding or weight resistance training is often viewed as a young person's sport, but that couldn't be further from the truth. People of all ages can and have benefited from lifting weights. Studies have concluded that even people in their 90's have become stronger and have increased bones density through weight resistance training. Many years ago the top bodybuilding champions were often in their early 20's and by the time they reached the "advanced" age of 40 they were considered over the hill. Today that is far from the norm. Recently, Ronnie Coleman won the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding championship when he was well over 40 years of age. The current Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler is 36 years old and is showing no signs of slowing down. There are also many current champions in their 60's and even 70's who look decades younger than their chronological age. These people have all reaped the physical and mental benefits of weight resistance training well into middle and old age.

So please reconsider when you're thinking that you are too old to start or continue a bodybuilding program as age is no longer a valid excuse. Of course get clearance from your doctor prior to the start of any exercise program and be reasonable regarding the amount of weight you lift. Also, don't become a "weekend warrior" weight lifter, you'll only increase your chances of injury. The body at any age, needs consistency in exercise to get the most out of it and reduce the chances of injury.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Set Micro Goals To Get Past Tough Sticking Points

A micro goal is any goal that you can complete in a short time and see immediate results. For example, when you're on the treadmill today you may want to set a goal of running (or walking) one minute longer or increasing the incline one more level. For lifting weights it may be completing one more repetition or slightly increasing the poundage for a one set. A micro goal can even be pushing yourself to complete your workout routine a few minutes faster and with greater intensity. Making these daily goals will keep you focused and in tune with your workouts and help make your long climb up that mountain easier. Conquer the small hills and the larger mountain will come into focus before you even realize it.

Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for fitness tips, routines, articles, and equipment specials.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Always Maintain Proper Form During Exercise

I can't emphasize how important proper form is. Proper form will enable you to get the absolute most out of each set and totally fatigue the intended muscle group. Improper form will often bring ancillary muscles into play decreasing the effectiveness of the exercise and wasting most of your effort. For example, have you ever seen a lifter with well developed pecs who bounces the weight off of their chest? Or a bodybuilder who uses mostly back during a squat with large well developed legs? Probably not on both accounts. Improper form often occurs when the lifter is more concerned with the actual weight they lift instead of form. These trainers are wasting their time by cheating their way through the exercises and the heavy weights they claim to lift are mostly false bravado. Good exercise habits begin early but are never to late to correct. If you feel that you have poor form you can correct it by performing the exercise in front of a mirror for self critique or have a seasoned lifter or personal trainer at the gym show you proper form.

If you want to speed up your workout at the gym to increase the cardiovascular benefit or you're in a time crunch then decrease the time in between sets. Never perform your exercises faster to save time. You'll only end up compromising your form and leave yourself susceptible to injury.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In Addition to Exercise Eating Properly Helps Get That Six Pack of "Ripped" Abs

Eating properly is essential in order to obtain lean muscular abdominal muscles. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day with your protein intake equaling about one gram per pound of body weight. Eat plenty of chicken and turkey which are excellent sources of lean meat and are high in protein. Fish, eggs, protein bars and shakes are also solid sources of protein as well. Your carbohydrate intake should include carbs that are high in starch such as rice, oatmeal, and cereals. Always avoid eating junk foods and foods that have a high fat content. To keep your metabolism functioning at increased levels to burn fat eat 5-6 small meals per day and healthy snacks in between. Adhering to this basic dietary plan will help you gain muscularity, lose fat, and with proper exercise result in a six pack of "ripped" abs.

For more information on exercise, diet and fitness visit Unique Fitness Concepts.

Dr. Burzynski

Right now I am in Houston, Texas with Larry. We went to the Burzynski Clinic today and it was so

wonderful. Dr. Burzynski knows exactly what he is doing, and is very detailed with my case. He reveiwed

the Gene Marker test results and the Her2 protein was with- in range. Yeah! I got to meet with 4 doctors today. They are

Dr. Marquee, Dr. Kubove and Dr. Kahn. One is an oncologist, another a regular doctor I believe, and then the radiologist.

I had my list of about 15 questions answered and had my medicine adjusted. Good news, the tykerb has been reduced to

2 a day instead of 3 a day...a savings of about $700.00 a month. The zolinza has been changed as well.

Also, I am to drink 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice with my rapamune to help it work better.

Overall, I am greatly improving and as Dr. Burzynski himself said...he believes by the next appointment

or by February...I may be all better. He is very hopeful. (although I will need to continue with the rituxan every 6 months

for maintenance for 2-3 years...depending on blood results)

It's truly a blessing to be able to experience this miracle in my life. I appreciate all the prayers for me and our family.

Even the guy helping us at the airport asked my name and said that he would pray for me. I started to cry, it was so

embarrassing. Larry and the family very supportive and it sure makes it easier for me.

So, my job is to keep taking the pills and pray that Larry can afford to buy them.

We are being blessed with more work which will help. It also is a great blessing to have our son, Thomas, serving

in the mission field. He is working hard and sending blessings our way.

Houston is very humid. Some of the store windows are covered with moisture. It's 75% humidity. I don't mind it

though. With huge oak trees and New England's very pretty. We also went to the Houston Temple this

afternoon. The Spirit was strong and more inspiration came to both of us. We are just having a great time together.

Our hotel is very nice with a living room, a king size bed which is very comfortable...etc. etc. It's called the Sheraton and

it's located right in the middle of Houston. We put in a bid to and said that we would pay $49.00 a night

they accepted our price. It has a heated pool and a jacuzi, a gym and more. They deliver us the newspaper and

yea....we're spoiled and loving it!

But the most important part of this trip was going to the clinic and getting the care. We spent

about 45 minutes with the radiologist and he showed us the difference in the pet scans. It was quite interesting as he

showed us the cross section of my body and compared the pet scans. Most of the tumors have gotten smaller and the

cancer is less active... or is gone. Everyone that works at the clinic is so upbeat and very professional. It's very impressive

and you just don't want to leave it. We love to be there.

Friday I go to the clinic in Chandler for the rutixin IV and will contine it for the next two Fridays after that.

Oh, and by the way... Dr. Burzynski will be on the Larry King Live Show on CNN on Monday, Oct. 19th. I think at 6 pm.

They are preparing for more patients. They are always very busy but will most likely get a lot busier. Well, Larry

is falling to sleep down here in the lobby and wants me to go up to the hotel room. So...good night!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Perform Your Abdominal Repetitions Slowly

Have you also seen people appear to be in some sort of crazy ab race to perform as many reps as quickly as possible on the ab machines or on the sit-up boards at the gym? Unfortunately, I've been witness to this way too many times. Granted, you can probably complete more repetitions per set for abs than any other exercise, but that is not the point of ab training. The point of ab training or any other exercise for that matter is to get the most out of the exercise. And for abdominals it is to work the muscles in the most effective way possible, which is SLOWLY. It is not the number of repetitions you complete but the quality of the repetitions. You will get a much deeper burn and work the muscles more completely by slowing down your reps, concentrating, and tightening your midsection as you perform each rep. You will not be able to complete as many reps per set but the ones you do complete will work and exhaust the midsection more thoroughly.

Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more training advice.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Seven Important Factors to Consider When Choosing A Gym

A good gym should always motivate you to come back. The atmosphere should be conducive to your personal goals and should meld with your personality. Keep these seven factors in mind when choosing your gym:

1) Location: Choose a gym nearby. Having a gym close will allow you to fit time in your schedule. Usually a location between your home and office is convenient.

2) Hours: Make sure the gym is open for hours that will work with your schedule.

3) Staff: The staff members should be friendly and helpful. They should be able to answer questions whenever you need.

4) Cleanliness: Towels should be available around the gym to wipe off the equipment. This will help avoid health problems.

5) Equipment: Make sure that the equipment will benefit you. Also check if there are enough machines for everyone to use. There is no use in waiting in a long line to workout.

6) Classes: Classes are a great way to get motivated. Look at the list of classes and see if there are any you would enjoy. Also decide whether or not these classes fit into your budget.

7) Fees: The cost of gyms can be very expensive. This could also be a deciding factor of whether or not to join. See if you pay each month or if you are committed for a year or more. Choose according to your needs.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Featured Exercise - Seated Triceps Extensions

The seated triceps extension is a tremendous refinement exercise when completing your triceps routine. This exercise will help carve out that "horseshoe" look in your triceps. Perform this exercise while seated and begin the exercise by holding the dumbbell directly above your head. You can use your other arm as a brace to help keep your elbow in place. Slowly lower the weight behind your head until you feel a full stretch in your triceps. Then lift the weight back up to the point where your arm is almost locked out. Do not completely lock out your arm as this will keep constant stress on the muscle and will make it work harder.

Check out Unique Fitness Concepts for more exercise routines and tips.

Featured Exercise - The Preacher Curl

The Preacher or Scott curl, named after bodybuilding great Larry Scott, is the ultimate isolation exercise for biceps. Remember when you perform this exercise that it is NOT a power exercise. Use moderate weights which enable you to perform 8 - 10 hard fought reps. Lower the weight slowly as you will build your biceps during that motion as well as when you lift the weight up. Remember, do not bounce the weight as this can result in serious injury. Concentrate throughout the exercise and maintain a constant steady motion. Avoid resting or stopping during the exercise to maximize the impact.

Check out Unique Fitness Concepts for more workout tips and articles.

Pet Scan Results back

Today was my appointment with my oncologist, Dr. Kellogg. He reviewed the

Ct/Pen Scan with me and sure enough I am continually improving.
The conclusion

reads: There has been further improvement with decrease in size and decrease in the SUV of

mulitple bilateral axillary, chest wall, pelvic, and inguinal lymph nodes. Several lymph nodes in

the chest have resolved. No new lymph nodes are seen and there is no increase in the maximum

SUV in any of the lymph nodes.

My doctor is very pleased with the results and wants me to continue with what I am doing so

far. I am not all the way healed yet...but am progressing along very well. Monday we will head

off to the Burzynski Clinic and find out more and have the medicine adjusted. So...good news for


I just want to thank each of you for your prayers. It means so much to me to think that faithful

people are asking God to bless me. I believe in miracles and it is by the prayers of many that I

am being healed.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Working Legs After a Layoff

Legs are often the most neglected area for bodybuilding today. Novice,intermediate and even some advanced lifters often spend a great deal of their time and energy on the "flashier" muscles like chest and arms while back and legs are ignored. This is a poor choice as strong, well-developed legs are the foundation for your physique. You'll gain in strength and mass much faster if you are working your legs especially with squats as the "king" of all exercises with its aerobic and overall mass benefits.

With all of the benefits of leg work in mind I went to the gym resigned to the fact of the self-inflicted torture I'll soon be facing by doing squats. As it turned out I only did two sets, 135 x 12 and 185 x 15 due to the cramping I had in my hamstrings. It's interesting how in a relatively short time how your body so quickly loses it's edge for working out and especially squatting. Well after the soreness wears off from this workout I look forward to the next round of squats and I'm anxious to see my progress in strength and endurance.