Thursday, October 20, 2011

What to Eat After a Workout to Lose Weight

What to Eat After a Workout to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, then you need to select the best food or foods that could make you healthy and at the same time will help you lose weight. It is important to properly select the food that you take after a sweaty workout. The reason why we workout is to lose weight, right? That's why we sacrifice even if it's very tiring. Thus, it's really important to know what to eat after you workout to lose weight.

Have you been wondering what to eat after a very tiring workout? I would suggest eating low calorie foods, of course you want to eat something healthy with proteins and carbohydrates. This will refill your body with the energy you used during your workout. But take note, you need not to eat a lot. Below are the foods that I would recommend after your workout. I have created an article regarding "what should i eat for breakfast to lose weight"

Foods After Workout: Tuna on Whole Wheat
One of the favorite food that I love to eat after my workout. You can have half of a tuna sandwich which is a source of nutrients that can help us with our lose weight diet. As we all know, tuna is a good source of protein, and the sandwich can be our source of carbohydrates as well as fiber. Now, for a low calorie intake, you can add pineapple juice or lemon juice for extra flavoring. Now that's one whole serving of great food, with low calorie but with lots of nutrients.

Foods After Workout: Smoothies
If you are looking for a product that could give you both protein and carbohydrates, then you need to try some dairy products. Best example would be Milk and Yogurt. You can also include banana on your smoothies, since banana contains magnesium and potassium and some good electrolytes that could help our muscles. Or you can create any smoothies as you like, you can mixed it with your favorite fruits with low fat milk. Smoothies help you provide essential nutrients that can help your body recover faster during your workout.

Foods After Workout: Granola
For a snack that you can bring anywhere anytime, then granola is the best example. Since it is handy and you can bring it anywhere. You also have the option to add yogurt on it. This is a great snack with carbs and protein on it. Their's just one thing that you need to consider in granola, the calorie content of it is high, so you better control yourself not having granola everyday.

Foods After Workout: Protein Shake
Lastly, protein shake. You can see it whenever you see people exercising. This is one of the most favorite product that most experienced exercisers love to have after their workout. Protein shake is known to be a good source of protein. This is the most recommended foods that you need to have after your exercise since it can quickly repair and rebuild your muscle tissues that has been damage during your exercise. You can have protein shake in any flavors, this also contains some micronutrients. If you're planning to have protein shake after every workout, then I recommend you look for a low sugar but with high protein powder to help you lose weight fast.

You can also watch and listen to this very informative video if you are struggling to lose weight. I can assure you, this is worth your time.Just Click Here! to start and listen to the video. Or if you want to see some useful tips with power point presentation, then you need to Click Here!