Monday, October 25, 2010

Online Auction for Niemann-Pick Disease

The NNPDF’s Online Auction has something for everyone!
Get a jump on holiday gift shopping, while benefiting research and support services for families battling Niemann-Pick Disease.

The auction offers a full array of exciting items, with all proceeds to advance our Quest for a Cure! Pictured is just a small sampling of the items you’ll find there.

The NNPDF Online Auction is accepting bids up until midnight October 31st. Many new items have been added recently, with items ranging in value from $10 to fabulous trips worth several thousand dollars -- something for every budget and some real “steals” to be snapped up -- gourmet foods, sporting event tickets, “Persevere” clothing, autographed memorabilia, handmade crafts, jewelry, travel, artwork, etc.

Your participation is key to our success. Please help us raise funds to advance research for a cure and to provide important support services for our families!

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further information about the October Awareness Online Auction or about Niemann-Pick Disease. Visit the NNPDF at