Get ready for 2011 with the latest edition of the darling Puppies Calendar, "Treasuring Each Day!"
Featuring playful puppies and sayings of inspiration and hope, this very special wall calendar is dedicated to the children and families who struggle every day with the challenges of Niemann-Pick Disease (NPD).
Get a jump on your holiday shopping by ordering ten calendars on 10-10-10, supporting the NNPDF's program of research and important Family Support Services at the same time!
Your purchase of these calendars gives hope to families affected by NPD as funds are raised for essential research into treatments and a cure. Turning the page each month, we are reminded that we are in a race against time to find treatments and a cure for all children and adults with NPD.
NNPDF member Lorna Tyrrell created the Puppies Calendars in honor of their seven-year-old daughter (who loves puppies and bunnies and all things cuddly!), Naomi (NPC). Please order calendars directly from the Tyrrells using the order form available here.
Thank you for your support of all those affected by Niemann-Pick Disease, on 10-10-10 and every day!