Today I went to my oncologist who is working hand in hand with Dr. Burzynski.
It was very enlightening.
First, the pet/ct scan actually did show some improvement. The report reads "There has been
marked interval improvement in the PET-CT funsion study with resolution of hypermetabolic
adenopathy in the mediastinum, axillaas, abdomen, and pelvis. Single mildly prominent right
axillary lymph node is demonstrated showing minimal low level metabolic activity.
Otherwise stable PET_CT fusion exam." In the chest the largest lymph node is 1.2 compared to
1.8 on the prior exam.
So, I am really happy about that. At the Burzynski Clinic they said that the pet/ct scan reading
was pretty much the same as the one in January. I think they were more concerned about the
rise in the her2. (Which is a protein that the cancer over expresses)
But, steps are being taken to lower the her2..... and my medicine is costing twice as much as a
Oh well. Life is worth it and I will live and get all better.
I was pleased that all my blood work came back just right and my organs are functioning well.
Also, my echo cardiogram came back within normal range. (A test that tells how the heart is doing)
But, please continue to keep me in your prayers because I know that God hears and answers the
prayers of the faithful and I need all the prayers that I can get. My nephew Brent Thomas also
needs our prayers as he was diagnosed with breast cancer last week and will be having an
operation this week. He is a wonderful young man and is married and has children. He is the
4th in our family with cancer.
We sure had a nice Father's Day with most of the family here. We also celebrated Larry's
birthday a little early and he got his cheesecake. I enjoyed my blueberry ice-cream from Ocean
Blue (that is made with fructose..that I can have)
I'm enjoying my scripture study, prayer, singing the hymns and meditating. I certainly derive
much strength from doing these things as they bring me closer to the Lord and bring the Spirit
into my life!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Get Huge Arms with Biceps and Triceps Supersets
The Proper technique for performing biceps and triceps supersets for arms.
Key features:
1) Perform the 2nd exercise immediately upon completion of the first.
2) Keep rest to a minimum between sets to approximately 1 minute.
3) Do not go heavy in these as you will be tired as the goal is continual effort.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Brooke Lynn Thomas

Brooke Lynn Thomas
March 5, 2001 - June 16, 2010
With very heavy hearts, we inform you of the passing of little Brooke Thomas, 9-year-old daughter of D.J. and Vicki Thomas of Blair, Nebraska.
Despite the challenges of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, Brooke was able to complete the school year. She subsequently developed a case of pneumonia which she was unable to overcome.
Despite their heartbreaking loss, the family is taking comfort in the knowledge that prior to her unexpected death, Brooke was a happy, carefree and engaged little girl who enjoyed life.
A visitation and celebration of Brooke's life will be held on Sunday and Monday, June 20 and 21. Please visit the NNPDF NewsLine page for more details.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Brooke's family and friends in their loss.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
NNPDF Families Working to Raise Awareness and Find a Cure

The summer fundraising season is upon us, and many NNPDF families are pulling out all the stops to raise awareness and funds for the fight against Niemann-Pick Disease.
Of course, many of our families do fundraising year-round, but the warmer weather lends itself to many types of outdoor fundraisers that bring out the crowds looking for something fun to do while supporting a worthy cause.
This Saturday, June 19, golfers will compete in the Alex and Laura Vaughan Memorial Golf Tournament in Durham, Ontario, to benefit the Canadian Chapter of the NNPDF. Next Friday, June 25, an Evening of Jazz in Vaughan, Ontario, will benefit the Life for Luke (Liegghio) Foundation.
The weekend of June 26-27 will see four events benefitting the NNPDF. Saturday, June 26, is the date for this year's Hanover (Massachusetts) 5K Road Race in memory of Erin Roberts, as well as the Golf "FORE" Stacey (Vorpahl) Memorial Classic event in Cold Spring, Wisconsin.
On Sunday, June 27, the Perugini family will host the Marcello and Matthew Perugini Memorial Walk (Waterbury, Connecticut), and Annie OConnor-Smith's husband, Mike, will compete in the Ironman Triathlon in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Thank you to all our NNPDF families, friends and supporters, who organize, donate and participate in these events to raise funding for essential research and to provide all-important family support services!
More events are scheduled around the nation for the coming weeks. Visit the NNPDF Web site's Upcoming Events page for all the details.
One final note -- as many are celebrating graduations around the country, the Naugatuck, Connecticut, High School lovingly dedicated their 2010 yearbook to the memory of Bryanna DeSouza (NPC), who would have graduated this year. Visit the NNPDF's Recent Events page for the complete posting.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Many Benefits of Outdoor Cardio Training
There are many benefits of performing your cardio work outdoors. The pleasant weather, fresh air, numerous exercise options, and exhilarating scenery to name a few. Cardio is the perfect complement for weight training. Sort of like a ying and yang. Two very different ways of training, almost opposite by nature, but both contribute the whole health of the person.
I always look forward to the “adventure” of outdoor cardio especially bike riding. You never know where the wind will take you that particular day. To experience all of the sensations of a bike ride really has its benefits when compared to weight training which is often done in the same environment day in and day out. That is why it is so important to break up your weight training routine with other fitness activities. The uniformity of it can lead to staleness and result in lack of progress. So keep your fitness attitude fresh with a well-rounded routine of weight training and cardio. Have a great summer and make sure you take advantage of all the outdoor exercise possibilities!
Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more training advise, tips, and equipment.
I always look forward to the “adventure” of outdoor cardio especially bike riding. You never know where the wind will take you that particular day. To experience all of the sensations of a bike ride really has its benefits when compared to weight training which is often done in the same environment day in and day out. That is why it is so important to break up your weight training routine with other fitness activities. The uniformity of it can lead to staleness and result in lack of progress. So keep your fitness attitude fresh with a well-rounded routine of weight training and cardio. Have a great summer and make sure you take advantage of all the outdoor exercise possibilities!
Visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more training advise, tips, and equipment.
Upaya Mendapatkan Tubuh Sehat Dan Cantik
Keindahan, kecantikan, kelembutan ditambah dengan kesehatan seolah menyatu dengan hidup kaum wanita. Tanpa itu seolah mereka kehilangan percaya diri. Para pendahulu yang hidup di tanah surga ini seolah begitu menyatu dengan alam ciptaan tuhan. Merekalah penemu, pelestari dan yang menularkan berbagai cara-cara penyembuhan dengan menggunakan tumbuhan yang hidup subur di lingkungan kita. Berikut adalah ramuan tradisional yang menyangkut bagaimana upaya wanita untuk tetap sehat dan cantik sepanjang masa.
Melembabkan Kulit Kering
Bagaikan bunga yang sedang merekah, sudah menjadi kodrat wanita untuk selalu menjaga kecantikannya, seperti menjaga kelembaban kulit. Untuk hal ini ramuan tradisional berikut dapat membantu.
Bahan I :
- Buah Alpukat
- Minyak Zaitun
Cara membuatnya :
Lumatkan daging buah Alpukat sampai lembut, tambahkan ½ sendok makan minyak Zaitun, lalu aduk sampai rata. Kemudian gunakan sebagai masker, dan diamkan sampai kering. Setelah itu, bilas hingga bersih.
Bahan II :
Meningkatkan Stamina
Bahannya :
- 30 gr Temulawak
- 30 gr Kencur
- 10 gr Jahe
- Madu
- 400 cc air
Cara pembuatannya :
Cuci bahan-bahan tersebut hingga bersih. Lalu rebus hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Begitu sudah hangat-hangat kuku, saring, tambahkan Madu, lalu minum.
Perawatan Kulit
Bahannya :
- Jus daun Lidah Buaya
- Daun Sirih segar
- Daun Sambiloto segar
Cara membuatnya :
Masing-masing secukupnya, rebus dengan air secukupnya pula hingga mendidih, lalu disaring. Setelah dingin campurkan dengan bedak Beras dingin dan gunakan sebagai masker. Sedang air rebusan, gunakan sebagai cleansing. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- 30 gr Temulawak
- 15 gr Sambiloto
- 600 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bahan-bahan tadi hingga bersih, lalu rebus sampai air tersisa 300 cc. Saat hangat-hangat kuku, saring dan minum 2 kali sehari.
Flek Hitam Pada Wajah
Salah satu masalah dalam perawatan kecantikan wajah adalah noda hitam. Berbagai cara dilakukan guna menghilangkan noda pada wajah. Salah satunya secara herbal tradisional adalah sebagai berikut.
Bahan I :
- Kentang
- Ragi
Cara membuatnya :
Kentang secukupnya, kupas dan haluskan. Kemudian campurkan sedikit ragi dan aduk lalu gunakan sebagai masker pada wajah yang terdapat flek hitam hingga kering. Kemudian bilas dengan air hangat hingga bersih. Lakukan secara teratur.
Menipiskan Kerut Pada Dahi
Bahannya :
- Bagian dalam Lidah Buaya
- Putih Telur
Cara membuatnya :
Jus bagian dalam Lidah Buaya, tambahkan putih Telur secukupnya dan oleskan seperti anda memakai masker pada dahi. Lakukan secara teratur.
Melembabkan Kulit Kering
Bagaikan bunga yang sedang merekah, sudah menjadi kodrat wanita untuk selalu menjaga kecantikannya, seperti menjaga kelembaban kulit. Untuk hal ini ramuan tradisional berikut dapat membantu.
Bahan I :
- Buah Alpukat
- Minyak Zaitun
Cara membuatnya :
Lumatkan daging buah Alpukat sampai lembut, tambahkan ½ sendok makan minyak Zaitun, lalu aduk sampai rata. Kemudian gunakan sebagai masker, dan diamkan sampai kering. Setelah itu, bilas hingga bersih.
Bahan II :
- Ampas Kelapa secukupnya
- Air hangat secukupnya
- Handuk
Cara membuatnya :
Tiap menjelang tidur, balurkan dan gosok kulit wajah dengan ampas kelapa secara merata dan diamkan selama 10 menit. Setelah itu basuh dengan air hangat dan keringkan dengan handuk. Lakukan sampai kelembaban kulit yang diinginkan terwujud.
Meningkatkan Stamina
Bahannya :
- 30 gr Temulawak
- 30 gr Kencur
- 10 gr Jahe
- Madu
- 400 cc air
Cara pembuatannya :
Cuci bahan-bahan tersebut hingga bersih. Lalu rebus hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Begitu sudah hangat-hangat kuku, saring, tambahkan Madu, lalu minum.
Perawatan Kulit
Bahannya :
- Jus daun Lidah Buaya
- Daun Sirih segar
- Daun Sambiloto segar
Cara membuatnya :
Masing-masing secukupnya, rebus dengan air secukupnya pula hingga mendidih, lalu disaring. Setelah dingin campurkan dengan bedak Beras dingin dan gunakan sebagai masker. Sedang air rebusan, gunakan sebagai cleansing. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- 30 gr Temulawak
- 15 gr Sambiloto
- 600 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bahan-bahan tadi hingga bersih, lalu rebus sampai air tersisa 300 cc. Saat hangat-hangat kuku, saring dan minum 2 kali sehari.
Flek Hitam Pada Wajah
Salah satu masalah dalam perawatan kecantikan wajah adalah noda hitam. Berbagai cara dilakukan guna menghilangkan noda pada wajah. Salah satunya secara herbal tradisional adalah sebagai berikut.
Bahan I :
- Kentang
- Ragi
Cara membuatnya :
Kentang secukupnya, kupas dan haluskan. Kemudian campurkan sedikit ragi dan aduk lalu gunakan sebagai masker pada wajah yang terdapat flek hitam hingga kering. Kemudian bilas dengan air hangat hingga bersih. Lakukan secara teratur.
Bahan II :
- Putih Telur
- Madu secukupnya
- Air hangat
- Handuk
Cara membuatnya :
Aduklah putih Telur dan Madu hingga tercampur, sapukan pada wajah hingga merata dan diamkan selama kira-kira 10 menit. Selang waktu tersebut basuh wajah dengan air hangat dan keringkan dengan handuk. Lakukan hingga noda-noda tersebut memudar dan hilang.
Bahan III :
- 1 genggam biji Pepaya muda yang masih putih
- 1 genggam beras
Cara membuatnya:
Rendam kedua bahan tersebut hingga semalam. Esoknya giling kedua bahan tersebut hingga benar-benar halus. Lalu, sapukan pada wajah hingga merata dan biarkan mengering. Setelah beberapa saat basuh dengan air biasa. Lakukan hingga noda tersebut memudar dan hilang.
Menipiskan Kerut Pada Dahi
Bahannya :
- Bagian dalam Lidah Buaya
- Putih Telur
Cara membuatnya :
Jus bagian dalam Lidah Buaya, tambahkan putih Telur secukupnya dan oleskan seperti anda memakai masker pada dahi. Lakukan secara teratur.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
How to Perform Seated Cable Rows for Back
How to perform seated cable rows for back which works the lats and middle muscles of the lower back. The keys to the exercise are:
1) Keep your legs slightly bent.
2) Arch your back.
3) Extend your arms for a full and complete stretch.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Beragam Resep Batu Ginjal
Gelisah susah tidur, otot disekitar kemaluan terkadang terasa sakit serta buang air tidak lancar, bukan tak mungkin, itu adalah gejala gangguan pada ginjal. Sebenarnya tidak perlu panik, nenek moyang kita meninggalkan ramuan tradisional yang kemustajabannya tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Bahan-bahannya pun sangat mudah didapatkan disekitar kita.
Resep 1
Bahannya :
- 4 lembar daun Komfey segar
- Garam secukupnya
- 4 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 3 gelas. Saring dan minum 3 kali sehari, masing-masing 1 gelas.
Resep 2
Bahannya :
- 3-4 buah Belimbing manis
- 1 sendok makan Madu
- 1 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga mendidih. Lalu tambahkan Madu, aduk sampai rata dan minum selagi hangat. Lakukan sekali dalam sehari.
Resep 3
Bahannya :
- 7 lembar daun Alpukat segar
- ½ gelas air mendidih
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci sampai bersih dan rajang, kemudian seduh dengan air mendidih. Setelah agak dingin, saring dan minum sekaligus. Lakukan 2 kali dalam sehari, pagi dan sore.
LoganFest Basketball Tournament a Roaring Success!

The Kalles (Puyallup, Washington) Junior High School's LoganFest 3-on-3 basketball tournament saw 35 teams of all ages competing to help raise funds and awareness for Niemann-Pick Disease in honor of Kalles seventh-grader Ty Quandt (NPC).
Teams played a minimum of four 20-minute games, leading up to the championship games. Prizes for first and second place teams, raffle prizes, "Persevere" t-shirts, team t-shirts and concessions added to the action.
In addition to Kalles students, teachers, staff and families, donors and supporters included Ty's friends and former teachers from Mt. View Elementary School.
LoganFest is named in honor of a child who inspired the first event in his fight against neuroblastoma cancer. The school's motto, "Tyee Goodness" (from the Chinook Jargon), implies acts of kindness, and LoganFest is just one example of how Kalles Junior High embodies "Big Goodness."
For all the details, including links to videos from LoganFest, please visit the National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation's NewsLine page.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Genzyme Marathon Team Runs for Rare Diseases
Genzyme Marathoners Raise Funds and Awareness for Rare Diseases
Two Run Boston Marathon in Honor of Niemann-Pick Disease Type B
A team of runners from Genzyme Corporation competed in the 2010 Boston Marathon this spring, raising approximately $25,000 for the National Organization of Rare Diseases (NORD).
Each runner or pair of runners raced in honor of someone affected by a rare disease, and two of the marathoners were matched up with Collin and Cohen Parody, both affected by Niemann-Pick Disease Type B. The runners wore shirts with a photo of the boys, and ran in their name.
The runners spoke of their excitement and sense of meaning in running in honor of a specific individual affected by a rare disease.
As one runner commented, "I just have to say that working on this has made the experience so much more significant for me. Besides putting a human connection on the whole venture, it puts what we’re doing in perspective.... The fundraising and awareness are as much a part of this – if not more so – than the running is now. And that’s saying a lot, considering we’re runners! "
For all the latest news from the National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation, visit
Back from the Clinic
I recently returned from the Burzynski Clinic in Houston and have to make changes in my
medications. I found out that the cancer has stayed the same size as the last visit and pt/scan.
So, that wasn't good news. Dr. Burzynski said that they will be increasing the tykerb and
rapimune and that I will be stopping the zolinza medication. In reviewing the gene marker tests,
they determined that the cancer is over expressing her2 and that the levels have increased. The
medicine changes should take care of it. That is why I go in every 3 have the
medicines adjusted and to have the doctors talk with me in detail about my health. So, it was a
good visit. I need to get a echo cardiogram and find out how my heart is doing as well. I feel in
good hands.
The biggest concern is one that I don't need to worry about....MONEY. The tykerb medicine is
the one that we don't get free from the manufacturer, and now I need to double the amount that
I take. So, it cost double the money. But, I know that the Lord will provide and that my job is to
take the pills and not be over concerned about the money or size of the tumors. Actually, the
doctor said that I am looking very good.
At first, after hearing that the tumors hadn't shrunk more, I started to be a little concerned. But,
then I prayed and got the reassurance from the Lord that all will be well and not to worry about
it. I know in my heart that everything will work out. my source of strength and has been with me
throughout this whole cancer adventure. I also know that through trials, great blessings are
received. Everything is going to work out as promised:)
medications. I found out that the cancer has stayed the same size as the last visit and pt/scan.
So, that wasn't good news. Dr. Burzynski said that they will be increasing the tykerb and
rapimune and that I will be stopping the zolinza medication. In reviewing the gene marker tests,
they determined that the cancer is over expressing her2 and that the levels have increased. The
medicine changes should take care of it. That is why I go in every 3 have the
medicines adjusted and to have the doctors talk with me in detail about my health. So, it was a
good visit. I need to get a echo cardiogram and find out how my heart is doing as well. I feel in
good hands.
The biggest concern is one that I don't need to worry about....MONEY. The tykerb medicine is
the one that we don't get free from the manufacturer, and now I need to double the amount that
I take. So, it cost double the money. But, I know that the Lord will provide and that my job is to
take the pills and not be over concerned about the money or size of the tumors. Actually, the
doctor said that I am looking very good.
At first, after hearing that the tumors hadn't shrunk more, I started to be a little concerned. But,
then I prayed and got the reassurance from the Lord that all will be well and not to worry about
it. I know in my heart that everything will work out. my source of strength and has been with me
throughout this whole cancer adventure. I also know that through trials, great blessings are
received. Everything is going to work out as promised:)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Adas Tumbuhan Obat Anglo-Saxon
Adas yang berasal dari Eropa Selatan dan Asia, telah sejak lama dibudidayakan di Indonesia baik sebagai tanaman bumbu dan bahkan tanaman obat. Adas dapat tumbuh pada dataran rendah sampai dengan dataran tinggi 1800 meter diatas permukaan laut. Nenek moyang mencatat ada beberapa penyakit yang bisa disembuhkan dengan adas.
Bahannya :
- 5 gr serbuk buah Adas
- 1 sendok makan Madu
- ½ cangkir air mendidih
Cara membuatnya :
Seduh serbuk buah Adas, setelah hangat-hangat kuku, saring. Kemudian tambahkan Madu dan aduk sampai rata lalu minum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari sampai sembuh. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- ¼ genggam daun Saga
- 2 kuntum bunga Kembang Sepatu
- 1/5 genggam daun Poko
- 10 kuntum bunga Tembelekan
- 2 butir Bawang Merah
- 1 sendok the Adas
- 1 jari Pulosari
- 1 jari rimpang Jahe
- 3 jari Gula Merah
- 3 gelas air bersih
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci sampai bersih bahan-bahan diatas, rebus hingga air tersisa setengahnya. Setelah dingin saring, dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing ½ gelas.
Sesak Nafas
Bahannya :
- 10 tetes minyak Adas
- 1 sendok makan air panas
Cara membuatnya :
Campurkan minyak Adas dengan 1 sendok makan air panas. Minum selagi hangat dan lakukan 3 kali sehari sampai sembuh. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- ½ sendok teh Adas
- ¼ jari Pulosari
- 2 jari rimpang Kencur
- 1 jari rimpang Temulawak
- ¼ Jintan hitam
- ¼ genggam daun Poncosudo (Jasminum Pubescens)
- 3 jari Gula Merah
- 4 ½ gelas air bersih
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua bahan tersebut diatas, lalu rebus hingga airnya tersisa setengahnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 3 kali sehari, masing-masing ¾ gelas.
Haid Tidak Teratur
Bahannya :
- 1/5 genggam masing-masing daun dan bunga Srigading
- ¾ sendok teh Jintan hitam
- ½ sendok teh Adas
- ½ jari Pulosari
- 2 kuntum bunga Kesumba Keling
- 2 buah Jeruk Nipis
- Gula batu sebesar telur ayam
- 3 gelas air bersih
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua dan potong-potong seperlunya. Rebus, hingga airnya tersisa 2 ¼ gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing ¾ gelas.
Batu Empedu
Bahannya :
- 5 gr serbuk buah Adas
- 1 cangkir air mendidih
Cara membuatnya :
Seduh serbuk Adas dengan air sampai mendidih. Setelah hangat-hangat kuku, aduk sampai merata dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing 1 cangkir.
Bahannya :
- 5 gr serbuk buah Adas
- 1 sendok makan Madu
- ½ cangkir air mendidih
Cara membuatnya :
Seduh serbuk buah Adas, setelah hangat-hangat kuku, saring. Kemudian tambahkan Madu dan aduk sampai rata lalu minum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari sampai sembuh. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- ¼ genggam daun Saga
- 2 kuntum bunga Kembang Sepatu
- 1/5 genggam daun Poko
- 10 kuntum bunga Tembelekan
- 2 butir Bawang Merah
- 1 sendok the Adas
- 1 jari Pulosari
- 1 jari rimpang Jahe
- 3 jari Gula Merah
- 3 gelas air bersih
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci sampai bersih bahan-bahan diatas, rebus hingga air tersisa setengahnya. Setelah dingin saring, dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing ½ gelas.
Sesak Nafas
Bahannya :
- 10 tetes minyak Adas
- 1 sendok makan air panas
Cara membuatnya :
Campurkan minyak Adas dengan 1 sendok makan air panas. Minum selagi hangat dan lakukan 3 kali sehari sampai sembuh. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- ½ sendok teh Adas
- ¼ jari Pulosari
- 2 jari rimpang Kencur
- 1 jari rimpang Temulawak
- ¼ Jintan hitam
- ¼ genggam daun Poncosudo (Jasminum Pubescens)
- 3 jari Gula Merah
- 4 ½ gelas air bersih
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua bahan tersebut diatas, lalu rebus hingga airnya tersisa setengahnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 3 kali sehari, masing-masing ¾ gelas.
Haid Tidak Teratur
Bahannya :
- 1/5 genggam masing-masing daun dan bunga Srigading
- ¾ sendok teh Jintan hitam
- ½ sendok teh Adas
- ½ jari Pulosari
- 2 kuntum bunga Kesumba Keling
- 2 buah Jeruk Nipis
- Gula batu sebesar telur ayam
- 3 gelas air bersih
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih semua dan potong-potong seperlunya. Rebus, hingga airnya tersisa 2 ¼ gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing ¾ gelas.
Batu Empedu
Bahannya :
- 5 gr serbuk buah Adas
- 1 cangkir air mendidih
Cara membuatnya :
Seduh serbuk Adas dengan air sampai mendidih. Setelah hangat-hangat kuku, aduk sampai merata dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing 1 cangkir.
Batu Empedu,
Batuk Rejan,
Sesak Nafas
Ragam Khasiat Herbal Krokot
Sungguh menakjubkan, herba Krekot ternyata bisa menyembuhkan beragam penyakit yang menakutkan. Tumbuhan ini banyak ditemukan disekitar kita dan buyut nenek moyang mewariskan ramuannya sebagai berikut.
Jantung Berdebar
Bahannya :
- 4 rumpun herba Krokot (akar, batang dan daun)
- ½ cangkir air matang
- 1 sendok makan Madu
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, tumbuk hingga halus dan tambahkan air. Setelah itu, saring, tambahkan Madu dan aduk sampai rata lalu minum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari sampai gejala itu hilang.
Kencing Darah
Bahannya :
- 100 gr herba Krokot (akar, batang dan daun)
- 25 gr daun Sendok
- ½ cangkir air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Selagi hangat, saring dan minum. Lakukan 2 kali dalam sehari sampai sembuh.
Radang Usus Buntu Akut
Bahannya :
- 1 genggam herba Krokot
- Gula putih secukupnya
- 50 ml air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci, tumbuk, saring dan peras. Tambahkan gula putih dan air, aduk sampai rata dan minum. Lakukan 3 kali sehari sampai sembuh. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- 60 gr herba Krokot
- 60 gr herba Jombang
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin bagi 3 dan minum pada pagi, siang dan malam hari. Lakukan sampai sembuh.
Sakit Kuning
Bahannya :
- 200 gr herba Krokot
- ½ gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus hingga mendidih. Dinginkan, saring dan minum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari sampai sembuh.
Jantung Berdebar
Bahannya :
- 4 rumpun herba Krokot (akar, batang dan daun)
- ½ cangkir air matang
- 1 sendok makan Madu
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, tumbuk hingga halus dan tambahkan air. Setelah itu, saring, tambahkan Madu dan aduk sampai rata lalu minum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari sampai gejala itu hilang.
Kencing Darah
Bahannya :
- 100 gr herba Krokot (akar, batang dan daun)
- 25 gr daun Sendok
- ½ cangkir air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Selagi hangat, saring dan minum. Lakukan 2 kali dalam sehari sampai sembuh.
Radang Usus Buntu Akut
Bahannya :
- 1 genggam herba Krokot
- Gula putih secukupnya
- 50 ml air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci, tumbuk, saring dan peras. Tambahkan gula putih dan air, aduk sampai rata dan minum. Lakukan 3 kali sehari sampai sembuh. Atau ..
Bahannya :
- 60 gr herba Krokot
- 60 gr herba Jombang
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin bagi 3 dan minum pada pagi, siang dan malam hari. Lakukan sampai sembuh.
Sakit Kuning
Bahannya :
- 200 gr herba Krokot
- ½ gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus hingga mendidih. Dinginkan, saring dan minum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari sampai sembuh.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
One Arm Dumbbell Curls on the Preacher Bench
The proper technique for performing one arm dumbbell curls on the preacher bench. The keys to this exercise are:
1) Use a moderate weight you can handle for 8 - 10 reps.
2) Keep constant tension on your biceps throughout the movement.
3) Do not bounce the weight at the bottom of the curl.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Triceps Extensions with a Rope Attachment
Here is our next video in our exercise how-to series: Triceps extensions with a rope attachment.
The three keys are:
1) Keep your elbows at your side.
2) Maintain constant tension on your triceps
3) Do not rest though the entire movement.
The three keys are:
1) Keep your elbows at your side.
2) Maintain constant tension on your triceps
3) Do not rest though the entire movement.
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