Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Be Careful of What You Eat Prior to Contest Time

Your diet is so very important when training for a bodybuilding contest. Your diet can make or break your appearance and all that hard work in the gym can be covered by an unwanted layer of fat of film of water under your skin. Do not carb up on some odd food choice that you haven't been eating during your pre-contest diet. Foods such as pies, ice cream, cake, donuts and pizza are some of the worst choices you can make considering that you do not know how your body will now react to them. These foods can bloat your stomach and cause you to retain water hiding your cuts. Carb up by dieting smartly and increase the amount of clean carbs you ingest slowly throughout the last week prior to the contest. If you start the increasing of carbs by mid-week prior to the contest you should be close to your target look by contest time. remember to also stay away from foods high in fiber since fiber can bloat your stomach as well.