Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Train your Serratus Muscles for a Finished Midsection Look

When working the midsection trainers usually thinks of abdominal training first. While abs are extremely important and are responsible for the "six pack" look, the serratus muscles should not be overlooked. They are a key components of a finished and professional looking midsection. If you are not familiar with the serratus muscles they are the long thin muscles on both sides of the abdominals. When fully developed they give the midsection a sleek yet powerful look. There are two excellent exercises you can do to work your serratus muscles: Dumbbell pullovers and rope pulldowns.

Dumbbell Pullovers:
You perform dumbbell pullovers with your upper back on the bench perpendicular to the bench with your feet on the floor. Hold the dumbbell with your arms slightly bent above your head and extend back with the dumbbell until you feel a good stretch with your lats and serratus. Slowly raise the dumbbell until it is again directly over your head while concentrating on flexing the serratus muscle during all phases of the rep. Do 3 sets of 8 - 12 reps.

Rope Pulldowns:
Use the triceps rope for this exercise. Grasp the rope in both hands and kneel down about two feet from where the rope would be if it was hanging straight down. Bend over as if you were doing a crunch. Next, bring the rope down in the pullover position with your arms directly overhead. To complete the rep return the rope to a stretched position at the top or beginning of the movement. Concentrate on contracting your abs and serratus throughout the movement for maximum benefit. This is not a power exercise so you should choose a weight that you can perform 3 sets of 20 - 25 reps. Do this routine immediately after abs and you will quickly see the results.