Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pills and Bills

It's incredible to me how expensive little pills cost. I am on 3 different kinds that are very costly.

(Rapamune, Zolinza and Tykerb) They cost thousands of dollars a month due to

research costs. My insurance doesn't cover them for mantle cell lymphoma cancer. But those

are the drugs that are effective for me. I am on them and already some of the tumors are

disappearing and others are flattening out. I have been on-line for days contacting the

manufacturers of these drugs and have filled out forms to apply for free medicine. The

companies like to have people use their drugs so that they can find out what other illnesses can

be cured with them. The medicines that I can't get free are those that are sold at the Burzynski

clinic. The "miracle drug" is well over $4,000 a month. It is the first group of pills started and

the last ones I will get off of. But, really, it comes down to pills and bills for awhile.