Adelaida Kay Van Meter (NPA)
6/13/10 - 2/29/12
We are very sad to report that we have received word of the death of little Adelaida Kay Van Meter, at the age of 20 months, due to Acid Sphingomyelinase Deficiency (ASMD), i.e., Niemann-Pick Disease Type A.
The daughter of Murro Van Meter and Sophia Fox of Massachusetts, "Adelaida loved everyone and everything," writes her mom. "She especially loved singing songs, baby dolls, reading books, and going on adventures. No one ever told Adelaida she wasn’t supposed to be the happiest little girl in the world! Her vibrant personality brought joy to the lives of her family and friends. Adelaida was an old soul. Words cannot express how she will be missed. There will be an enormous emptiness for a long time."
To read and see more about Adelaida's beautiful, too-short life, read the March 11 post at the Bourgeault family's blog, Kaitlyn's Korner. For more information about Niemann-Pick Disease Type A, visit
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Adelaida's family and friends in their loss.