So grateful for life! I remember embroidering a quote for my mother that said "Life is fragile,
handle with prayer". So true!
This has been a busy week with grand kids and the other day I was on the ground with 2 of them and a baby playing with the "marble magic." The thought went through my head how blessed I was, as I kept pulling baby Miriam away from the marbles, to get to enjoy my grand kids and see them grow up.
It's also nice to have more years on earth with Larry and to get to see my kids and their spouse raise families of their own. I know that prayer has truly changed the course of my life.
This weekend Larry and I are getting to see Aaron do the Iron Man! I've proud of him and grateful to get to go to St. George for this event! I'm also so excited for Maria and Bryan as they are expecting another baby!
...and to think that a year ago I was very very sick with this cancer. I'm so f0rtunate to be alive and well and to have this time with my family and friends on earth. I just feel like shouting for joy!!
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Friday, April 30, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Proper Technique for Performing One Arm Triceps Extentions with a Dumbbell
Unique Fitness Concepts added another YouTube instructional exercise video on the proper technique for one-arm dumbbell triceps extensions. This is a great exercise to really isolate the triceps muscle which you can even do in the privacy of your home.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Join us in Toronto August 5 - 8, 2010!

Mark your calendar and start planning your trip! The National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation's 18th Annual Family Support and Medical Conference will be held in Toronto, Ontario, August 5th - 8th, and we want YOU to join us there!
We are so excited about this first-ever international conference, co-hosted by our sister chapter, the Canadian Chapter of the National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation (CCNNPDF). We have already heard from several families from other countries that they plan to join us for this conference, and we expect an excellent turnout from the NPD scientific community.
We are planning a conference chock-full of information, inspiration and fun for families affected by Niemann-Pick Disease. This is your opportunity to hear the latest in NPD research directly from the eminent doctors, scientists and researchers in the field. You will have ample opportunities to meet and network with other families facing similar challenges, and you will take home friendships and memories that will last a lifetime!
Visit our Web page for all the details about our conference, travel tips, a link for hotel reservations, conference registration forms, and more. Be sure to check back often, as we are updating conference information almost daily.
Complete registration packets will also be mailed to all NNPDF and CCNNPDF member families in May, so be sure to let us know if your mailing address has changed.
Conference attendees from outside Canada, including the U.S., will need passports, so dig yours out and make sure it is still valid, or go apply for one ASAP, and start making your travel arrangements today. There are some great airfares out there, and for some, the train or bus may be even more reasonable options.
Please contact us if you have any questions about this year's Niemann-Pick Disease Family Support and Medical Conference, and we hope to see you in Toronto!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Family Reunion
Recently our family had a wonderful reunion. We met at my cousin's house where the kids rode
horses, there was a hay ride, food, music, visiting, and good times together.
We planned for the next one to be in 2 years. I get to be in charge of it along with my cousin and her husband from Idaho. We are excited to work together.
I have the best family and they are very supportive and bring lots of sunshine and smiles to my life!
All of my kids and their families were able to come except for Thomas who is in Washington on his mission. Oh...I am super excited for Mother's Day because I get to talk with him on the phone.
A couple of days ago, some people from his mission were down and we had them over for dinner along with Thomas' companions family. It was so fun to get acquainted. Because of the busy life...I have decided that this week I will schedule in a time to relax each day!
It's really nice to feeling so well.
horses, there was a hay ride, food, music, visiting, and good times together.
We planned for the next one to be in 2 years. I get to be in charge of it along with my cousin and her husband from Idaho. We are excited to work together.
I have the best family and they are very supportive and bring lots of sunshine and smiles to my life!
All of my kids and their families were able to come except for Thomas who is in Washington on his mission. Oh...I am super excited for Mother's Day because I get to talk with him on the phone.
A couple of days ago, some people from his mission were down and we had them over for dinner along with Thomas' companions family. It was so fun to get acquainted. Because of the busy life...I have decided that this week I will schedule in a time to relax each day!
It's really nice to feeling so well.
How to Perform the Biceps Preacher Curl
Instructional workout video on the proper technique in performing the preacher or Scott curl.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Mind Over Muscle Will Help You Obtain Your Fitness Goals
Everyone seems to be in a huge hurry to have that great looking fit body. Who would blame that train of thought as most anyone would want that end result easily obtained and quickly. But you have to pay your gym dues as what you put into your training is what you'll get out of it. It's an old cliche but very, very true. All goals are obtainable but they need to be addressed one step at a time. It will not do you any good if you're fixated on that Mr. or Ms. Olympia body when you only have six weeks of training under your belt.
Your thoughts and goals would be much better served if you focus on the immediate task at hand. That means focus and think through every workout, every body part, every set, and every rep. This focus will enable you to dial in on the immediate task at hand and help you get the most out of your workouts. You'll be pleasantly surprised as how powerful the mind-muscle connection can be and you'll be much closer to that end result you are seeking.
Also visit Unique Fitness Concepts for more training advise, tips, and equipment.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Proper Technique for Seated Calf Raises
The Proper Technique for Seated Calf Raises is the first in a series of videos by Harvey Reich fitness trainer and natural bodybuilding champion on the proper techniques for bodybuilding, powerlifting, and general weight training exercises.
Wish I had money to help people
One of my greatest desires is to help people. People contact me from many different states to
inquire about the Burzynski Clinic. I tell them my miracle story and how I was directed to go to
Dr. Burzynski and how I am in remission.....perhaps complete remission now....I don't know
yet. (But, I know that I will be!) I have been in contact with a young man from Washington state
the last few weeks...he has Lymphoma and is desiring to go to the clinic. His name is Mark. I
wish I could help him financially. But the best I could give him was my testimony of how God
blesses his children and provides a way for them to accomplish what they ask for in faith that is
right. I shared with him the story in the Bible of the 7 loaves and fishes and how that after Jesus
gave thanks for it...the food multiplied and it fed thousands. Giving thanks for what we have has
blessed me so much. I remember one month, my grand children had colored pictures for me for
money and donated it to my cause, other grand children gave pennies, a jar full of money was
delivered to our wasn't near enough...but by giving thanks....somehow it ended up
being enough. Others came by and left money at my door and I was able to pay for the pills. It is
really amazing how it works. One of my favorite scriptures is "And he who receiveth all things
with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him,
even an hundred fold, yea, more." D &C 78:19
God truly loves his children and is the Great Provider.
inquire about the Burzynski Clinic. I tell them my miracle story and how I was directed to go to
Dr. Burzynski and how I am in remission.....perhaps complete remission now....I don't know
yet. (But, I know that I will be!) I have been in contact with a young man from Washington state
the last few weeks...he has Lymphoma and is desiring to go to the clinic. His name is Mark. I
wish I could help him financially. But the best I could give him was my testimony of how God
blesses his children and provides a way for them to accomplish what they ask for in faith that is
right. I shared with him the story in the Bible of the 7 loaves and fishes and how that after Jesus
gave thanks for it...the food multiplied and it fed thousands. Giving thanks for what we have has
blessed me so much. I remember one month, my grand children had colored pictures for me for
money and donated it to my cause, other grand children gave pennies, a jar full of money was
delivered to our wasn't near enough...but by giving thanks....somehow it ended up
being enough. Others came by and left money at my door and I was able to pay for the pills. It is
really amazing how it works. One of my favorite scriptures is "And he who receiveth all things
with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him,
even an hundred fold, yea, more." D &C 78:19
God truly loves his children and is the Great Provider.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Berbagai Resep Penyakit Kewanitaan

Belakangan wanita rentan sekali dengan penyakit keputihan, gangguan menstruasi dan bahkan kanker payudara maupun kista ovarium. Berbagai jenis tanaman yang tumbuh subur di bumi nusantara dapat dimanfaatkan sebgai bahan penyembuh yang tak kalah ampuh dibanding dengan obat-obat yang diproduksi oleh pabrik ternama.
Bahannya :
- 15 lembar daun Sirih
- 2 liter air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih daun Sirih lalu direbus dengan air hingga mendidih. Setelah hangat-hangat gunakan airnya untuk mencuci vagina beberapa kali dalam sehari.
Bahannya :
- 30 gr Temulawak
- 15 gr bunga Mawar Merah
- 15 gr daun Dewa
- 10 gr umbi Teki kering
- 600 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahan sampai bersih, iris-iris Temulawak. Rebus semua hingga air tersisa 300 cc. Ketika hangat-hangat kuku, saring dan minum 2 kali sehari.
Bahannya :
- 30 gr daun Dewa
- 50 gr Temu Putih
- 15 gr Sambiloto kering
- 1 liter air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahan sampai bersih, lalu rebus hingga air tersisa 450 cc. Setelah dingin, saring, dan minum 3 kali sehari.
Bahannya :
- 60 gr Temu putih
- 5 gr buah Mahkota Dewa kering
- 30 gr Jombang kering
- 30 gr rumput Lidah Ular kering
- 1 liter air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahan sampai bersih, lalu rebus hingga air tersisa 450 cc. Setelah hangat-hangat kuku saring, dan minum 3 kali sehari.
New Product Announcement: Gym in a Bag - All in One Portable Gym System
New Product Announcement: Unique Fitness now sells the Gym In A Bag - All in one portable gym system. This product is perfect for those days that you’re short on time and need to workout at home. Also works great in your hotel room when you're on the road. You can get a great entire body workout with this system anywhere. Comes complete with four different resistance bands, cuffs, door attachment, collapsible steel bar, hooks, carrying case, instructional exercise flip chart, and DVD by fitness pro Kim Lyons.
For sale now at Unique Fitness Concepts
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Health Canada Approves Zavesca for Use in Niemann-Pick Type C; First Authorized Treatment in Canada
Health Canada recently announced its approval of the drug Zavesca (miglustat) as the first authorized treatment for neurological symptoms of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C (NPC). Zavesca is not a cure for NPC, but it has shown promise in treating symptoms related to NPC and in slowing the progression of the disease for some patients.
For more details, click here.
For more details, click here.
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Visit this page for the latest news and event announcements from the National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation.
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