Friday, August 7, 2009

Doctor's appointments

It's been a great week with lots of activities. We had a bridal shower at my home for Julie,

James' darling fiancee. (With the help of my wonderful sister in laws who brought all the food

and decorations)
Also, for the past week, Larry and I have been working hard at bringing over

all the stuff from the apartment side to our side to get it ready for James and Julie to live there.

It's kind of a trick to find places to put everything. James' old room is now the sewing room...

........the storage room....a library full of books...a craft room...full of decorative items....

and all the pictures....and more. Wow! I am a pack rat I guess. We've changed almost

every room around trying to find places for things and then changed pictures on the walls again.

It's crazy, but fun!

We were also privileged to have one of Thomas' converts from Washington visit us. Thomas had

found and baptized a young lady named Jessica Brown just a couple of months ago, and she

ended up moving to Gilbert to live with an aunt. So we got to visit and find out all about Thomas

or "Elder Manning" and how he is doing. It was great to see the fruit of his labors.

Yesterday and today have been full of doctor appointments. I went to the primary care

doctor as well as my oncologist and also had a CT scan. I have a sinus infection and have been

put on antibiotics for 10 days. So....they have taken me off of a couple of medicines temporarily.

Anyway...about the tumors. Dr. Kellogg said that they are continuing to shrink and the largest

one was measuring 2.5 cm at the last visit and now it is 2 cm. I am so blessed to have 5 very

amazing doctors. They are first and Heavenly Father, who is in charge of primary care doctor and staff who sent me in to get the enlarged gland biopsied,

Dr. Hernandez, the surgeon...he is so inspired and very accurate. Then there is Dr. Kellogg, who

is my oncologist. I must not forget Dr. Burzynski and his wonderful staff who are treating me

with all the medicines that are working to kill this cancer. What a team. It's interesting that all of

my doctors are very close to the Spirit and are prayerful. I feel very blessed. I am just in awe

with the everyday miracles that we are experiencing.