Friday, June 26, 2009


Well, I've got the results back and they are very GOOD!! I met with Dr. Kellogg today and

he said that the lymph nodes in the neck are basically gone. A large node in the chest area was

3.3 x 1.8 and the SUV (How much it sucks up the glucose that was administered through IV)

was 6.6-6.7 Now it is 2.8 x 1.2 cm and has the SUV of 2.7

So, yea, there is definite improvement. He said to pursue getting the Tykerb Medication in

Mexico and to swim regularly or do light exercize. He wants me to "continue doing the

treatment at the Burzynski Clinic and to keep up the positive attitude" as he said.

On Tuesday, Maria and I are off to see Dr. Burzynski and find out more about my health and to

learn of any changes if any in the medication. Thank you to all who make it possible to recover

from this interesting illness. The Lord is continuing to pour out his many blessings upon me and

to heal me as He promised. I'm trying to do the specific things that He has asked me to do and

He in turn is doing His part. Miracles never cease!