Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'M IN REMISSION!!!! So exciting. We went to the Burynski Clinic this last week and it official. The blood work from the Gene Therapy Testing at Sonora lab and the ct/pet scan shows NO SIGN of cancer or of it returning.

This week we're heading off to Disney World to celebrate. It's free. We did a trade at work for the tickets and our son Aaron and his wife Andrea are taking care of the hotel and car and the ticket to Disney World and the Epcot Center. We are going to have sooo much fun!

Last night our family came over and our grandson Tate gave me a cinnamon pencil and some shaped and stretchy arm bands as a gift for getting better. He is so cute and has been there for me all along the way. So many people have helped out with money and have exerted their faith through prayer. Thank you to everyone who has helped me!

I return to the Burzynski Clinic in January after another ct/pet scan and they will let me know from there if they will reduce some more of the medicine. They are always very cautious and keep their patients on medicines for awhile after they are in remission. So, my expenses are still $2,600 a month. My neice, Michelle Moyer is helping me out by donating the money from her 3 songs that she put onto itunes for me. So, please check it out. She has an amazing voice.

Also, in November, our family is holding another dinner/auction to raise money for the cause and also to help people to get good deals on Christmas gifts. If you know of any items that can be donated to auction off let us know. It will be a live auction at my sister, Mary Nielson's home.

Life is wonderful and I believe in miracles!!!