Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Supine Cable Flyes are a great substitute for the Bench Press

When bodybuilders are asked what is the best exercise for chest the answer is invariably the bench press, often thought of as the king of chest exercises. However, studies have found that the for the bench press your pecs are worked 60 - 80 percent less than the triceps and anterior(front) deltoids which translates to the pecs only perform 20% of the work during the bench press, hardly an impressive amount. In contrast supine cable flyes focus almost entirely on the pectoral muscles. Try a few sets and you will be surprised as to how effective this exercise is for blasting your pecs.

Here's how to perform the exercise:
Lie in the supine position on a flat bench between two pulleys set at shoulder level. Take a supinated or curl grip on the cables and begin with your arms spread wide and elbows straight. Leading with your elbows, pull your forearms up and close together as possible over your chest. Keep your forearms parallel and do not lead with your hands. Squeeze your pecs tightly in the fully contracted position and then lower back down slowly to the starting position and repeat for 3 - 4 sets of 10 - 15 reps.