Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hospitals and surgery

It seems that lots of family members have been sick lately. Larry had his eye surgery this

morning and is home recovering. He has to lay on his left side for 3 days. His retina was

detached and his eye was hemoraging so if it wasn't for excellent skilled surgeons he probably

would have lost his eye sight.

Our daughter Christina and daughter in law Carrie, both were in the hospital this week but

fortunately are doing better. Carrie is suppose to be on bed rest but it's hard for her to stay

down with 4 children and the 5th on it's way soon. Then Joseph, our son in law, was in the

hospital many times this week. They couldn't figure out what the problem was, but have finally

discovered that he has asthma and a few other things wrong as well.

Then we have the wedding in 2 days. So, yeah, we've been busy around here. I'm still on

antibiotics for my sinus infection and have had to go off a couple of my pills for 10 days, but it is

clearing up. We are all starting to breathe easier. (That's suppose to be funny) Maria brought

in a delicious dinner to us of her famous beans, salmon, and tasty cornbread cooked with honey.

She is a sweet heart! I just kind of hung out at the house and my job was to keep Larry laying

down on his side all day. He doesn't enjoy it and tries to get up whenever he can. We will be

seeing the doctor tomorrow but he has to lay down in the car on his left side while we travel to

and from the appointment.

Besides all the health concerns, we have spent some time getting acquainted with a young

woman named Jessika Brown. She was baptized just 2 months ago by our son Elder Manning in

Washington and has moved to Gilbert AZ. Her friends and cousin were also baptized and her

mother will be soon. She's been fun to get to know and is just soaking up the gospel, making

some friends and getting situated in her new area.

So, we are all looking forward to the temple wedding on Friday and the reception of our son

James and his future wife Julie that we love. One thing that I've been learning through the

years is that blessings and trials come hand in hand. It's amazing how many blessings we are

receiving right now and the funny thing is that they often come with trials. I just want to name

some of our blessings that we are in the midst of receiving.

A temple marriage for our son to a wonderful young woman

Having a missionary serving in the field who is working very hard and having much success

Larry getting his eye taken care of so he can see well

Having 3 more grand children soon to be born in the next few weeks.

Having more work for our business so that we can pay our bills and hopefully pay for some pills

My infection is clearing up if not gone already

The tumors are shrinking and dying and leaving and yeah! I am getting better...I can feel it!

Our family is getting closer through much service

My faith and the faith of my husband and children and grandchildren is growing stronger daily

I can feel the prayers, love and strength from many loved ones on the other side of the veil

I'm getting a lot out of the scriptures and am finding hidden treasures through my studying

I feel the love and faith of so many friends, and loved ones and I need that!

We learned this month that 10,000 dollars that we had borrowed from a "wonderful secret person or

family"doesn't need to be paid back. They just gave it to us and said that if we are ever able to

donate back to Positive Impact in the future that we could do that.

They already gave 10,000 before to my health care. So....I hope they know

that they are amazing and my life has been rescued. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I've realized that you can't make it alone. It takes the faith and help of others. Thank you to all

that have helped me and are continuing to be there for me. I love you all!

I just feel so blessed and I wish the same for each of you! God is truly a God of miracles!