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Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ragam Tumbuhan Penyembuh Hepatitis
Beberapa jenis tetumbuhan yang tumbuh subur disekitar kita ternyata mampu membantu penyembuhan Hepatitis karena memiliki efek sebagai Hepatoprotektor, yaitu melindungi hati dari zat toxic yang dapat merusak sel hati. Selain itu juga bersifat antiradang, kolagogum dan khloretik atau meningkatkan produksi empedu oleh hati.
Bahannya :
- 30 gr s/d 60 gr daun Serut segar
- 60 gr Pegagan
- 30 gr Meniran
- 800 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahan lalu rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 2 kali sehari masing-masing 200 gr. Lakukan selama 2 minggu berturut-turut.
Bahannya :
- 2 kuntum Bunga Sepatu
- 0,5 gelas air hangat
- Garam beryodium secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih bahan tersebut diatas, tumbuk halus, dan masukkan air hangat. Aduk dan peras dengan kain kasa, serta tambahkan garam secukupnya. Minum tiap 2 jam sebanyak 2 sendok makan.
Bahannya :
- 3 lembar daun Sirih Merah
- 2 sendok makan Madu
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci, rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya, saring dan tambahkan Madu lalu aduk sampai rata. Minum 2 kali sehari masing-masing 0,75 gelas. Lakukan sampai benar-benar sembuh.
Tanaman Penyembuh Leukimia Dan Kanker
Dalam ukuran dan ramuan yang tepat ternyata Kayumanis Cina, Sambiloto, Daruju bahkan Komfrey dapat menyembuhkan penyakit yang amat menakutkan.
Bahannya :
- 4 lembar daun Komfrey
- 4 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus hingga air tersisa menjadi 3 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring, bagi 2 dan minum 2 kali dalam sehari. Lakukan sampai penyakit benar-benar sembuh.
Bahannya :
- 1 genggam daun Sambiloto kering
- 6 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dibersihkan, rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Minum pada pagi, siang dan sore masing-masing 1 gelas. Lakukan sampai penyakit benar-benar sembuh.
Bahannya :
- 2,5 gr bubuk kulit Kayumanis cina
- Secangkir air mendidih
Cara membuatnya :
Seduh bubuk kayu, setelah agak dingin aduk sampai rata dan minum. Lakukan 2 kali dalam sehari sampai penyakit benar-benar hilang.
Bahannya :
- 120 gr akar Daruju
- 120 gr daging Sapi tanpa lemak
- 500 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah semua bahan dicuci bersih, rebus dengan api kecil hingga air tersisa 1 mangkuk. Setelah dingin bagi 2 dan minum 2 kali sehari sampai sembuh.
kanker hati,
kanker perut,
Ragam Kegunaan Pohon Teratai
Tanaman yang tumbuh subur ditengah-tengah danau atau hamparan air ini memang terlihat teramat indah. Bahkan ada yang menyebutnya bunga dewi-dewi. Berikut beberapa khasiat dari Teratai.
Bahannya :
- Rimpang Teratai secukupnya.
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih bahan diatas lalu juice hingga terkumpul menjadi 1 gelas ukuran 200 cc. Minum ramuan tersebut sehari sekali selama 3-5 hari berturut-turut.
Bahannya :
- 10 gr biji Teratai
- 15 gr tunas biji Teratai
- 350 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Rebus ramuan tersebut diatas hingga air tersisa 200 cc. Minum setiap hari. Lakukan sampai benar-benar sembuh.
Bahannya :
- 50 gr rimpang Teratai
- 10 gr jahe
- 1 sendok makan madu
- 100 cc air masak
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, juice bahan tersebut diatas dan tambahkan air dan panaskan sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring, dan tambahkan madu serta aduk sampai rata. Minum sehari sekali sampai penyakit benar-benar sembuh.
Bahannya :
- 100 gr rimpang Teratai
- 50 gr rimpang segar alang-alang
- 500 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahan, kemudian potong-potong secukupnya, kemudian rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum ramuan itu 2 kali sehari, masing-masing 125 cc. Lakukan sampai penyakit benar-benar sembuh.
Batuk Rejan,
Darah Tinggi,
Muntah Darah
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I Know He Lives!
This year has been incredible. It was exactly one year...tomorrow...that I was diagnosed with
mantle cell non-hodgkins lymphoma. It's been a journey and I have not been alone. God has
carried me and has been with me every step of the way. I have an incredible family and loyal
friends which have been a great support to me. Thank you to all that have contributed money,
offered prayers, and given service. I love each of you. God has provided for my needs and has
inspired great doctors to know what medicines my body needs. I feel great and am well on my
way to complete remission.
This year, my grand daughter, Rebecca and I are in the Mesa Arizona Easter Pageant. It's called
"Jesus The Christ". (
We are in 4 scenes together. Buyers at the temple-Jesus teaching the multitude and healing
the people--The Triumphal entry--and the finale.
One of my favorite parts is when Jesus heals the sick people. I reach out to Him as if I want
to touch Him and be healed. my heart, I already know that He has touched me and has
healed me. I think in my mind instead...that I just want to thank Him for blessing me.
It's a miracle!
Then towards the end of the pageant when we all sing "I Know He Lives"....
I sing with all my heart...because I know that Christ lives today. I like to share that message.
He continues to speak to His prophets and to heal and bless us.
I invite all that are able to attend the pageant to come and bring your families and friends.
It's a wonderful way to celebrate the life and teachings of Christ! I hope it doesn't rain
because even if it does the show goes on!
mantle cell non-hodgkins lymphoma. It's been a journey and I have not been alone. God has
carried me and has been with me every step of the way. I have an incredible family and loyal
friends which have been a great support to me. Thank you to all that have contributed money,
offered prayers, and given service. I love each of you. God has provided for my needs and has
inspired great doctors to know what medicines my body needs. I feel great and am well on my
way to complete remission.
This year, my grand daughter, Rebecca and I are in the Mesa Arizona Easter Pageant. It's called
"Jesus The Christ". (
We are in 4 scenes together. Buyers at the temple-Jesus teaching the multitude and healing
the people--The Triumphal entry--and the finale.
One of my favorite parts is when Jesus heals the sick people. I reach out to Him as if I want
to touch Him and be healed. my heart, I already know that He has touched me and has
healed me. I think in my mind instead...that I just want to thank Him for blessing me.
It's a miracle!
Then towards the end of the pageant when we all sing "I Know He Lives"....
I sing with all my heart...because I know that Christ lives today. I like to share that message.
He continues to speak to His prophets and to heal and bless us.
I invite all that are able to attend the pageant to come and bring your families and friends.
It's a wonderful way to celebrate the life and teachings of Christ! I hope it doesn't rain
because even if it does the show goes on!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Don't Be Intimidated If You Are New To The Bodybuilding Gym
Everyone has to start somewhere and that includes bodybuilders. Even the great champions such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, and Jay Cutler all had their first day at the gym as a novice weight lifter or bodybuilder. Often the initial goal of weight trainers differ at the start. For example, some start working out to enhance their sports career in football, baseball, or track. Others have a more personal motivation for working out with weights such as trimming fat or gaining muscle mass. Eventually when progress in the form of bulging muscle appear and the physique starts to come into shape the interest often turns to more advanced bodybuilding goals such as competing.
However, along the way all weight trainers need advice and help. Don't be intimidated by your fellow experienced gym members. You may be surprised, but most bodybuilders(there are always some jerks who won't) will be more than willing to spend a few moments with you for a spot, a correction of lifting form, or even posing advice. Their mindset is that that they were all in your shoes at one time and they want to promote and cultivate their chosen sport. Bodybuilding is a sport of gym camaraderie and you will soon be part of that fraternity when your face is seen enough times at the gym and you make friends with your fellow lifters who share a common goal. Someday soon you'll be the one assisting a beginner with a helpful smile!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I love people
I was just thinking about how much I love people. I love my husband and it was so fun to go
with him to visit our daughter Christina and her husband and baby up in Hurricane Utah this
last weekend. It's hard to have had them move out of state....but it was fun to visit them.
I love my brother Richard. He brings a special warm spirit wherever he is. His love for me and
others truly shows. He's been working on our computer and I love to be around him.
I love to talk to Maria during the day...just chatting about whatever. It was great to go to my
nephew's wedding yesterday and hear Pres. Huber give such wise counsel in the temple. I
enjoyed visiting and meeting new people at the reception. Then a great friend, Arline Parker
called today and scolded me gently for not writing on my blog. I told her that I had totally
forgotten....I guess I have been feeling too good!!! I love her. Then, I discovered a darling note
written by an old friend of mine that said she was thinking of me for no reason. Within the note
was $100 for my pills. God is continuing to pour out the blessings through friends.
top it off....2 seconds husband called and said he invited Bryan and Maria and Tate over
for dinner. It's almost 6:00 I better make something besides the beans that I have
cooking in a pot. I love my husband and family and friends. Life is great!
with him to visit our daughter Christina and her husband and baby up in Hurricane Utah this
last weekend. It's hard to have had them move out of state....but it was fun to visit them.
I love my brother Richard. He brings a special warm spirit wherever he is. His love for me and
others truly shows. He's been working on our computer and I love to be around him.
I love to talk to Maria during the day...just chatting about whatever. It was great to go to my
nephew's wedding yesterday and hear Pres. Huber give such wise counsel in the temple. I
enjoyed visiting and meeting new people at the reception. Then a great friend, Arline Parker
called today and scolded me gently for not writing on my blog. I told her that I had totally
forgotten....I guess I have been feeling too good!!! I love her. Then, I discovered a darling note
written by an old friend of mine that said she was thinking of me for no reason. Within the note
was $100 for my pills. God is continuing to pour out the blessings through friends.
top it off....2 seconds husband called and said he invited Bryan and Maria and Tate over
for dinner. It's almost 6:00 I better make something besides the beans that I have
cooking in a pot. I love my husband and family and friends. Life is great!
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