A lady recently wrote about me on her blog and said that I was probably lying about my health
because it couldn't be as good as it sounds. She wondered what reason I had to hope. I wrote
back to her and then I got a phone call from her. We had a very nice conversation and I basically
explained my feelings to her. She has cancer as well and other problems. I have been thinking a
lot about happiness and hope and how that it is a choice. We all have our personal struggles and
I work at being happy just like the rest of the world.
Today, I was singing a hymn about sunshine and it made me realize how important it is to have
it in our hearts. Here are the lyrics.
You can make the pathway bright, Fill the soul with heaven's light, If there's sunshine in your heart;
Turning darkness into day, As the shadows fly away, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
If there's sunshine in your heart, You can send a shining ray That will turn the night to day;
And your cares will all depart, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
You can speak the gentle word To the heart with anger stirred, If there's sunshine in your heart;
Tho it seems a little thing, It will heaven's blessings bring, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
If there's sunshine in your heart, You can send a shining ray That will turn the night today;
And your cares will all depart, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
You can do a kindly deed To your neighbor in his need, If there's sunshine in your heart;
And his burden you will share As you lift his load of care, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
If there's sunshine in your heart, You can send a shining ray That will turn the night today;
And your cares will all depart, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
You can live a happy life In this world of toil and strife, If there's sunshine in your heart;
And your soul will glow with love From the perfect Light above, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
If there's sunshine in your heart, You can send a shining ray That will turn the night today;
And your cares will all depart, If there's sunshine in your heart today.
So.....what is the sunshine that we put into our hearts and how do we get it? It is the Son of god.
I like the words of Peter in 1 Peter 3:8-12.
Basically, he explains how we should be acting if we truly want that sunshine!
(We would strive to be of one mind, have compassion, love others, be courteous, have no guile,
seek to have peace, not return evil for evil, etc.)
Then Peter said that the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto
their prayers. I really like those verses.
I am trying to make a conscious effort each day to have sunshine in my heart and it isn't always
easy. I mess up a lot...and then try again. I am trying to put God at the center of my
life. The scriptures are a great strength and comfort to me as is prayer and service. I love the
hymns and beautiful music. They also give me strength. I try to remember to serve others.
My motto is "Do my best with God's help." So, I am trying to go forward with a smile:) and trust
in the Lord. He is certainly someone that I can trust...and in the process....I find sunshine in my
heart and it brings me happiness!
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Supine Cable Flyes are a great substitute for the Bench Press
When bodybuilders are asked what is the best exercise for chest the answer is invariably the bench press, often thought of as the king of chest exercises. However, studies have found that the for the bench press your pecs are worked 60 - 80 percent less than the triceps and anterior(front) deltoids which translates to the pecs only perform 20% of the work during the bench press, hardly an impressive amount. In contrast supine cable flyes focus almost entirely on the pectoral muscles. Try a few sets and you will be surprised as to how effective this exercise is for blasting your pecs.
Here's how to perform the exercise:
Lie in the supine position on a flat bench between two pulleys set at shoulder level. Take a supinated or curl grip on the cables and begin with your arms spread wide and elbows straight. Leading with your elbows, pull your forearms up and close together as possible over your chest. Keep your forearms parallel and do not lead with your hands. Squeeze your pecs tightly in the fully contracted position and then lower back down slowly to the starting position and repeat for 3 - 4 sets of 10 - 15 reps.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Work Your Lower Back Safely with Weighted Hyperextensions
Working your lower back safely is of utmost importance for bodybuilding. A lower back injury can affect almost any exercise you would perform. If you stiff-legged deadlifts on a regular basis weighted hyperextensions are a great substitute which works the same area as effectively and more safely.
To perform this exercise properly lie face down across a horizontal hyperextension bench with your hips supported on the pad. Place your lower legs under the roller pads to stabilize your body in the horizontal position. Bend forward from your waist so that your upper body is hanging over the bench down towards the floor. Grab a barbell or weight and place it behind your neck. From this position, straighten all the way up from the waist and extend backward until your upper body is slightly past parallel to the floor. Hold this hyperextended position momentarily before lowering back down slowly and repeating. Perform three sets of 15 - 20 reps for optimal benefit.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Kacang Panjang Untuk Merawat Payudara Tetap Montok

Bahannya :
- Kacang Panjang segar secukupnya.
Cara membuatnya :
Sebelumnya, kompress payudara dengan air hangat. Kemudian, tumbuk Kacang Panjang sampai halus dan sapukan hingga rata pada payudara. Diamkan selama 1 jam, lalu, bersihkan dengan menggunakan handuk yang lembut. Lakukan selama sebulan tanpa putus. Untuk perawatan, lakukan 2 hari sekali.
Payudara Montok
Coloring For a Cure: Written by Maria (Margaret's daughter)
My mother, Margaret Manning, was diagnosed with MANTLE CELL LYMPHOMA CANCER on her birthday last year (March 20, 2009). She immediately began treatments at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas. Family, friends, and loved ones donated generously as insurance didn't pay for all of her medications. Currently (February 2010) Margaret is 90-95% well! She is in partial remission but has been advised by Dr. Burzynski to continue her treatment plan until the cancer is completely gone.
In an effort to help raise money for the last few months worth of medication, Margaret's grandson, named Tate, came up with his own plan of how he could help his Grandma. He said, "I have it ALL figured out... I'm going to color pictures from my coloring book and sell them for money!" Later that night, Tate sold his first picture for five dollars... He was ecstatic and determined to continue making a difference. During the last two months, Tate has raised over $100 from selling pictures that he has colored! Tate's idea has gained momentum and now 7 precious children have volunteered to join him in his efforts.
Would you like to BUY a colored picture from Tate, Rebecca, Anson, Ryan, Emma, Lily, Shyre, or Brityn?!? (See pictures below) Just donate ANY amount of money (at least enough to cover the stamp) and one of the children below will mail a picture back to you!
(Please make sure that your Paypal address is correct. If you have a preference of who you'd like to color your picture, please specify in the "notes section" of Paypal, otherwise we'll just rotate between the children).

Please email Maria
onesmartchicken at gmail dot com
if your child would like to participate in "Coloring For a Cure"
onesmartchicken at gmail dot com
if your child would like to participate in "Coloring For a Cure"
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Unique Fitness Concepts Provides Weightlifting Belts for SNL Skit
Unique Fitness Concepts had the pleasure to provide the weightlifting belts worn by Charles Barkley and Kenan during the Scared Straight skit originally aired on January 10, 2010. These belts are made from leather and are 6" wide for added support and to give the skits featured characters that wanted ominous look.
Six days ago, my mother in law had a severe stroke and is in a hospice center. It's very difficult
to have her in this condition and it breaks our families hearts. I know that it won't be long and
she will be moving on to the next stage in life....which is to return to our Heavenly home.
Because I know for myself that Heavenly Father lives and that Jesus Christ conquered sin and
death, it makes it easier to deal with death when it comes. I found a very special poem that
touched my heart and I would like to dedicate it to my mother in law at this time.
You are the other Mom
I got the day I wed your son.
And I just want to thank you Mother
For the lovely things you've done.
You are a lovely Mother,
And I am a lucky wife!
I wonder if you know how much
you've added to my life.
You used to pat His little head,
And now I hold his hand.
You raised in love a "Little Boy."
And gave me then a "Man."
(I love you Mother!)
Then, at the same time, I've been thinking about Thomas, who is serving a full time mission for
the Lord in Washington State. In just two days, it will be a year since he has been out. One
more year left and we will have him home! Yea! Yet, at the same time, we are receiving so
many blessings from his service that I want to have him continue. But most
importantly, he is teaching the gospel to my brothers and sisters in Washington and that makes
me happy. I feel very blessed to have the true gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and to know of
God's plan for me. So, we are planning to send him a special love package for Valentines Day
and for his 1 year mark as well. The main thing he wants is pictures. It's hard for Thomas at
this time to be away from family especially because he loves his grandmother so much. But, he
has a great understanding of God's plan and he will be fine.
I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves his parents so much. Larry and I have
had some real choice experiences singing hymns to his mother and just being there with her.
Also, Larry has also enjoyed spending time with his Dad and going out to dinner together.
These are hard times and but we will get through them.
to have her in this condition and it breaks our families hearts. I know that it won't be long and
she will be moving on to the next stage in life....which is to return to our Heavenly home.
Because I know for myself that Heavenly Father lives and that Jesus Christ conquered sin and
death, it makes it easier to deal with death when it comes. I found a very special poem that
touched my heart and I would like to dedicate it to my mother in law at this time.
You are the other Mom
I got the day I wed your son.
And I just want to thank you Mother
For the lovely things you've done.
You are a lovely Mother,
And I am a lucky wife!
I wonder if you know how much
you've added to my life.
You used to pat His little head,
And now I hold his hand.
You raised in love a "Little Boy."
And gave me then a "Man."
(I love you Mother!)
Then, at the same time, I've been thinking about Thomas, who is serving a full time mission for
the Lord in Washington State. In just two days, it will be a year since he has been out. One
more year left and we will have him home! Yea! Yet, at the same time, we are receiving so
many blessings from his service that I want to have him continue. But most
importantly, he is teaching the gospel to my brothers and sisters in Washington and that makes
me happy. I feel very blessed to have the true gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and to know of
God's plan for me. So, we are planning to send him a special love package for Valentines Day
and for his 1 year mark as well. The main thing he wants is pictures. It's hard for Thomas at
this time to be away from family especially because he loves his grandmother so much. But, he
has a great understanding of God's plan and he will be fine.
I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves his parents so much. Larry and I have
had some real choice experiences singing hymns to his mother and just being there with her.
Also, Larry has also enjoyed spending time with his Dad and going out to dinner together.
These are hard times and but we will get through them.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Perform the Right Cardio Exercises Prior to a Bodybuilding Contest
Make sure that you perform the right cardio exercise before a contest. Walking or treadmill work fall under that category. An example of a cardio exercise that you may want to steer clear of that last week is the stair stepper. When working on this machine you may burn calories at a quicker rate but it also may leave you with an unwanted gift of smooth quads due to significant lactic acid build up. Any cardio that you do not have to significantly bend your knees will work well during that last week. Remember to train smart and stay one step ahead of your competition.
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