Sometimes I feel that the Lord is carrying me. Actually....all the time. He has blessed us in so
many ways that I just don't have enough fingers and toes to count the blessings on. For
example, he helped us modify our house loan, a bill for $1,000 was just dropped and the
company wrote it off, our dental credit card percentage was dropped 20%...amazing. Our
daughter, Maria, posts our business on Craig's list and we are starting to get a lot more work
because of it! Joseph, our son in law is working for us and doing a great job with bids and we
are starting to see the fruit of his labor. Richard, my brother, is in the middle of creating a new
website for our business and is quite the master mind when it comes to computers. I could just
go on and on and on. I hope that everyone can experience the love and support in their lives
just as I feel love and support from my dear husband, family, friends, and especially the Lord.
God is my best friend and I love Him with all of my heart.
He has made my burdens light and continues to warm my heart and fill my
life with joy!
I'm happy and find so much joy in teaching my grandchildren piano and singing
lessons. They are just so cute and delightful to be around. I think they actually help me to heal
in many ways. Just being around them makes my heart smile!
On a lighter note, last night I dyed my hair a dark brown.
It's been a year since I put any color on it and my doctor said I shouldn't use any chemicals on
my hair but that I could use henna from the health food store. I was skeptical at first
because my sister said that it made her hair turn red. So, I heard that if you add coffee to the
dry henna in the preparation stage instead of water that it helps to eliminate the redness. So,
Larry and I went to MacDonald's and bought coffee. It was so embarrassing. I made sure that
the lady at the window knew what it was for. I stayed up late last night following the
directions exactly. It has to be on the hair for 3 hours. So by 1:30 or 2 pm I had finished. It
was a job...but it turned out! Yea! Hope it lasts a while. I was getting tired of the mousy
grayish brown color. It makes me feel even better to have my hair darker again. Also,
I got a pair of glasses so now I can see better. I'm just feeling like a new person!
Also, I had an appointment with my oncologist, Dr.Kellogg, a couple of days ago and he said
that he also feels that I am in partial remission just as the other doctors had stated.
He said to keep doing what Dr. Burzynski prescribes....because it is working.
He is amazed at the progress and probably quite surprised as well!
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Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Be Careful of What You Eat Prior to Contest Time
Your diet is so very important when training for a bodybuilding contest. Your diet can make or break your appearance and all that hard work in the gym can be covered by an unwanted layer of fat of film of water under your skin. Do not carb up on some odd food choice that you haven't been eating during your pre-contest diet. Foods such as pies, ice cream, cake, donuts and pizza are some of the worst choices you can make considering that you do not know how your body will now react to them. These foods can bloat your stomach and cause you to retain water hiding your cuts. Carb up by dieting smartly and increase the amount of clean carbs you ingest slowly throughout the last week prior to the contest. If you start the increasing of carbs by mid-week prior to the contest you should be close to your target look by contest time. remember to also stay away from foods high in fiber since fiber can bloat your stomach as well.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Raining blessings from heaven
This week it has rained almost every day....almost continually at times. Just like the rain has
fallen down, money has also been pouring down to help me with my medicine. Last Sunday, a
member of our bishopric came to our home. He gave us an envelope with a note inside that
said, "please give this to Margaret Manning." Inside was $1000 to use towards my
pills. Then each day, others have contributed. A family member brought over $500 this week.
It just made me cry because I knew they needed it. My grandson several times gave me money
that he had earned. Once it was about $4, another time a penny, another time $5.04. A dear
friend sent a lovely note and donated $10. She is so sweet and such an example to me. A grand
daughter brought over money and quietly put it into my pill bank. Grandpa caught her. I am
soooo blessed and Heavenly Father surely hears and is answering our prayers in my behalf. My
prayer is that every one that helps me in any way will be blessed a hundred fold.
fallen down, money has also been pouring down to help me with my medicine. Last Sunday, a
member of our bishopric came to our home. He gave us an envelope with a note inside that
said, "please give this to Margaret Manning." Inside was $1000 to use towards my
pills. Then each day, others have contributed. A family member brought over $500 this week.
It just made me cry because I knew they needed it. My grandson several times gave me money
that he had earned. Once it was about $4, another time a penny, another time $5.04. A dear
friend sent a lovely note and donated $10. She is so sweet and such an example to me. A grand
daughter brought over money and quietly put it into my pill bank. Grandpa caught her. I am
soooo blessed and Heavenly Father surely hears and is answering our prayers in my behalf. My
prayer is that every one that helps me in any way will be blessed a hundred fold.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Take rest......
Come Out Dear!
![]() |
Come out Dear |
I have taken this photo Nehru Zoo Park, I have taken several continue photos of this couple parrot. I feel like a little conversation of the cute couple's LOVE matter.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Buah Apel Untuk Pengobatan Jantung
Buah Apel termasuk sebagai buah favorit di masyarakat kita. Tapi tahukah anda bila diantara Apel lokal maupun import ternyata memiliki khasiat sebagai penyembuhan penyempitan Jantung. Berikut ramuannya.
Bahannya :
- 1 buah Apel manis
- serbuk Kayu Manis 1 sendok makan
- Madu murni 1 sendok makan
Cara membuatnya :
Buah Apel dicuci bersih, lalu di jus bersama bubuk Kayu Manis 1 sendok makan, campur Madu sedikit, lalu ramuan ini diminum sehari 2 kali.
Catatan : orang yang menderita sakit Maag/Lambung, harus menghindari makanan yang pedas, asam, bersantan, dan daging kambing.
Manfaat Daun Dan Buah Jambu Biji

Bahannya :
- 8 lembar daun Jambu Biji yang masih segar
Cara membuatnya :
Direbus dengan 1,5 litere air sampai mendidih, kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.
Cara menggunakannya :
Diminum 3 kali sehari, pagi, siang dan sore hari.
Bahannya :
- 1 buah jambu biji setengah masak
- 1 liter air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah jambu dicuci, dibelah menjadi 4 bagiandan rebus hingga mendidih. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 2 kali dalam sehari masing-masing 1 gelas. Lakukan sampai gula darah anda normal kembali.
Bahannya :
- 1 genggam daun jambu biji
- 1 potong kulit batang jambu biji
- 2 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah bahan dicuci bersih, rebus sampai mendidih. Dalam keadaan hangat, saring dan gunakan air tersebut untuk mengompres selaput lendir poros usus (pusar) pada bayi anda. Lakukan sampai benar-benar sembuh.
Bahannya :
- 1 genggam daun jambu biji yang masih muda
- 3 sendok bubuk beras yang di goreng tanpa minyak (sangrai)
- 2,5 liter air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci daun jambu dan rebus bersama bubuk beras sampai air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum tiap 3 jam sekali 3 sendok makan.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Banyak Obat Herbal Yang Menggunakan Temulawak

Bahannya :
- 30 gr Temulawak
- 15 gr Sambiloto kering
- 60 gr akar alang-alang
- 800 cc air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci Temulawak dan iris tipis-tipis. Kemudian cuci Alang-alang, lalu rebus semua bahan sampai air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 2 kali sehari, masing-masing 200 cc. Lakukan selama 2 minggu berturut-turut.
Bahannya :
- 1 1/2 rimpang Temulawak
- Gula Aren secukupnya
- 5 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci, diiris tipis jemur Temulawak hingga kering. Lalu semua bahan tadi rebus hingga air tersisa 3 gelas. Setelah itu saring dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing segelas.
Bahannya :
- 1 rimpang Temulawak
- 5 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci lalu iris tipis dan angin-anginkan selama beberapa waktu. Setelah itu rebus hingga mendidih. Dan setelah dingin saring dan minum 1 kali dalam sehari 1 gelas.
Bahannya :
- 1 rimpang Temulawak
- 1 genggam daun Kumis Kucing segar
- 1 genggam daun Meniran segar
- Gula Aren secukupnya
- 4 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah semua bahan-bahan tersebut dicuci, rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin saring dan minum 3 kali dalam sehari. Untuk penambah rasa tambahkan gula Aren sesuai selera anda.
Proper Tanning Technique for Bodybuilding Competition Success
Don't ever underestimate the importance of a proper stage "tan" for a bodybuilding competition. Stage lights are extremely bright and if your tan is not up to par by being to light you will look washed out and flat. All that hard work you've put in for your physique will be undetectable under the unforgiving bright stage lights.
This exact problem occurred at my first competition. I put on one coat of sudden tan and called it a day. I did have a nice healthy looking bronzed instant tan which I thought would be adequate for the contest. I couldn't have been more wrong. When I arrived at the competition I couldn't believe how dark some of competitors were. They were nearly black with a base tan and 6 - 8 coats of bodybuilding instant tan. I though they were grossly overdoing it but when they walked out on stage I realized that I was the one who was wrong and severely lacking in the tan category. I finished out of the money in my division even though I had the most developed and cut physique on stage. But if nobody including the judges could see my ripped physique what good did it do me? By being "undertanned" it also gave the judges the impression that I was a novice and was ill prepared, and the results showed that. This was confirmed when I saw the video from the competition. I was so washed out that you could hardly see any muscular definition.
I learned a valuable lesson that day in stage presence. A bodybuilding competition is more than gym work and diet. You must know how to present yourself properly on stage with proper attention given to posing and tanning. If you don't know how to show your physique in the best light you will lose. Posing is another topic altogether and will be addressed in a separate post. This issue at hand today is to address proper tanning. After talking to some of my competitors I finally understood the methodology of proper tanning preparation. A solid sun based tan plus 6 - 8 coats of a bottle tan will do the trick. Regarding the base tan, I never even considered a tanning bed for this as the potential skin cancer risks far outweigh the short term benefits. For the instant tan preparation, research the available products and ask your fellow bodybuilders for their input as well. Prepare by starting the instant tan process 2 - 3 days before the competition. In total you should put on 6 - 8 coats. Remember to shower off the excess after each coat has been allowed to dry. Apply the last coat the day of the competition and do not shower after that cost has been applied. Make sure that each coat is applied evenly across your body. Make a point of not applying too much tanning solution to your body's crevices such as knees and elbows as they can appear too dark. If your tanning preparation is done properly that hard earned definition will shine through the harsh lights and will be evident for all to enjoy in the auditorium.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Home from Burzynski Clinic
Yesterday we returned home from the Burzynski Clinic in Houston Texas. We had a good trip
and found great results with my health. My daughter Maria and her 5 year old son, Tate, and I
flew out together and stayed at the CandleWood Hotel. Tate was so fun to have along and was
very well behaved. Because of his eagerness to learn and exciting personality, he delighted
everyone we met and added much to our trip. Maria was very helpful as usual and drove the
freeways like a pro. She helped in many ways and was great company.
We met with my 3 doctors in a large consultation room on the 2nd floor. Dr. Burzynski, Dr.
Kubove, and Dr. Weaver were all there together to discuss my health. Basically, my gene
marker test is normal and my Pet/Ct scan results were very good. The skull base and neck is
normal. The chest is continuing to improve. I have one node that is on the right chest area that
is slightly larger than normal but smaller that the last pet scan findings. The abdomen is clear,
the pelvis is as well. Dr. Burzynski said that I am in partial remission. I am 95% better but
must stay on the medications until at least my next 3 month visit. They want to make sure that
the cancer completely leaves and doesn't come back.
Next, we met with the radiologist and he compared several of my ct/pet scans.
It's amazing to see the difference. My body was covered with enlarged active
cancerous glands back in March of 2009, and now 10 months later, I am almost completely
well. What a miracle. Dr. Kline, the radiologist said that about 45%-50% of the patients get all
the way better. I am part of that percentage. Also, my gene marker test came back normal.
Yeah! So, I am doing really good. The Burzynski Clinic is one of my favorite places to be. It is
booming with activity, as they are very busy. People fly in from all over the world and are
getting great results. Most of these people are those that have not been given any hope from
traditional medicine and are given up to die. The feeling in the clinic is one of great hope and
love and the staff is happy, upbeat and very energetic. They are some of the most
knowledgeable doctors and nurses that I have met. So, I enjoyed my visit very much and am
very happy with my progress. I will be staying on the same medicine until told otherwise,
and will continue to follow what the doctor tells me to do. Life is wonderful. God is working a
miracle and I have a big smile on my face!
and found great results with my health. My daughter Maria and her 5 year old son, Tate, and I
flew out together and stayed at the CandleWood Hotel. Tate was so fun to have along and was
very well behaved. Because of his eagerness to learn and exciting personality, he delighted
everyone we met and added much to our trip. Maria was very helpful as usual and drove the
freeways like a pro. She helped in many ways and was great company.
We met with my 3 doctors in a large consultation room on the 2nd floor. Dr. Burzynski, Dr.
Kubove, and Dr. Weaver were all there together to discuss my health. Basically, my gene
marker test is normal and my Pet/Ct scan results were very good. The skull base and neck is
normal. The chest is continuing to improve. I have one node that is on the right chest area that
is slightly larger than normal but smaller that the last pet scan findings. The abdomen is clear,
the pelvis is as well. Dr. Burzynski said that I am in partial remission. I am 95% better but
must stay on the medications until at least my next 3 month visit. They want to make sure that
the cancer completely leaves and doesn't come back.
Next, we met with the radiologist and he compared several of my ct/pet scans.
It's amazing to see the difference. My body was covered with enlarged active
cancerous glands back in March of 2009, and now 10 months later, I am almost completely
well. What a miracle. Dr. Kline, the radiologist said that about 45%-50% of the patients get all
the way better. I am part of that percentage. Also, my gene marker test came back normal.
Yeah! So, I am doing really good. The Burzynski Clinic is one of my favorite places to be. It is
booming with activity, as they are very busy. People fly in from all over the world and are
getting great results. Most of these people are those that have not been given any hope from
traditional medicine and are given up to die. The feeling in the clinic is one of great hope and
love and the staff is happy, upbeat and very energetic. They are some of the most
knowledgeable doctors and nurses that I have met. So, I enjoyed my visit very much and am
very happy with my progress. I will be staying on the same medicine until told otherwise,
and will continue to follow what the doctor tells me to do. Life is wonderful. God is working a
miracle and I have a big smile on my face!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Veda Patashala: Near Chilkur Temple
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Try High Intensity Cardio for Better Cuts and Extended Fat Burning
The debate has been on for quite awhile now as to what methods of cardio are best for burning fat. There is scientific evidence for both high and low intensity cardio for effective fat burning. I basically prefer higher intensity cardio for a number of reasons with saving time being a top one. I always like to do the most amount of work in the least amount of time and high intensity cardio allows that.
For me the most effective high intensity cardio variation is interval training. With interval training you work extremely hard for a short period of time them back off to let the body recuperate and then dive straight ahead into the next intense interval. Surprisingly, effective interval training can be completed in as little as 20 minutes a session with great results.
Intense interval cardio training is effective because more calories are burned in a much shorter time period. Additionally, your metabolism is cranked up so high that it will extend for hours after the workout thus extending the fat burning session so you get more "bang for the buck". For example, a high intensity 20 minute treadmill session will include running at the peak level for 4 minutes at 6 - 8 mph (depending on your comfort level) then 2 - 3 minutes at 4.5 mph for recovery. Another benefit of the shorter cardio sessions is that you avoid the constant wear and tear on you joints that hours of longer low intensity cardio can bring. If you're still skeptical try this system out for a month and then judge for yourself. I'm sure that you'll be pleasantly surprised with the results.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Recent health update
I am feeling pretty good and am well over the laryngitis and "flu or near walking pneumonia."
I'm so glad! Last week was my 4th Ct/Pet Scan and next week is the trip to Houston, Texas to
see Dr. Burzynski. I'm really looking forward to finding out how my gene marker test was as
well as the Ct/Pet Scan. Just wondering if the medicine will change or what he will say. I'm so
glad that my daughter, Maria is going to go with me as well as her son Tate. He was been
saving money for me all along and it will be a blessing to have him with us. For some reason,
he makes me feel better just to be around him. Maria is wonderful and will be a great help as
usual. Today, I saw my endocrinologist who recently ran some more thyroid tests. I was
officially diagnosed with hypothyroidism (Low thyroid) and will be starting on the medicine in
the morning. So, I should be feeling better in many ways. Hypothyroidism runs in the family,
as I have 2 sisters with it and many other family members as well. I have had many of the
symptoms for some time now but have put it on the back burner since cancer took preference.
I will write more next week and give a thorough update.
I'm so glad! Last week was my 4th Ct/Pet Scan and next week is the trip to Houston, Texas to
see Dr. Burzynski. I'm really looking forward to finding out how my gene marker test was as
well as the Ct/Pet Scan. Just wondering if the medicine will change or what he will say. I'm so
glad that my daughter, Maria is going to go with me as well as her son Tate. He was been
saving money for me all along and it will be a blessing to have him with us. For some reason,
he makes me feel better just to be around him. Maria is wonderful and will be a great help as
usual. Today, I saw my endocrinologist who recently ran some more thyroid tests. I was
officially diagnosed with hypothyroidism (Low thyroid) and will be starting on the medicine in
the morning. So, I should be feeling better in many ways. Hypothyroidism runs in the family,
as I have 2 sisters with it and many other family members as well. I have had many of the
symptoms for some time now but have put it on the back burner since cancer took preference.
I will write more next week and give a thorough update.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Save your Lower Back with Supported Prone Dumbbell Rows
Sometimes it is difficult to find rowing exercises to do without placing undo stress on your lower back. The supported prone dumbbell row is a great substitute for bent-over barbell rows by working the back muscles in a nearly identical way without the potential for lower back injury. This exercise is performed leaning on an adjustable incline bench. Here's how it is done.
Position the adjustable incline bench at a 25 degree angle in relation to the floor. Lie prone on the bench with your head at a the high end of the bench. Hold the dumbbells in each hand with your palms facing back. Allow the dumbbells to hang straight down. From this starting position, row the dumbbells up towards your rib cage keeping your elbows out to the sides as you raise the weights. Keep your head level throughout the movement. Hold the dumbbells at the top of the movement for a peak contraction and then lower the weights down in a controlled slow descent. Start you next rep once the dumbbells are returned to the starting position which is when you arms are hanging straight down.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Lidah Buaya : Aloe Vera Sebagai Obat

Bagaimana tidak, selain sebagai obat penyubur rambut, tanaman ini juga dipakai untuk obat luka terbakar atau akibat tersiram air panas.
Dan siapa sangka tanaman ini juga dapat menyembuhkan Wasir, Sembelit, Diabetes, Kencing Darah dan Batuk Rejan. Berikut detail membuatnya.
Bahannya :
- 1/2 batang Lidah Buaya
- 1/2 cangkir air masak
- 2 sendok makan Madu
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci Lidah Buaya sampai bersih, hilangkan duri-durinya dan parut. Tambahkan air dan madu, aduk, saring lalu minum 3 kali sehari.
Bahannya :
- 1/2 batang Lidah Buaya
- 1/2 cangkir air panas
- 1 sendok makan Madu
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci Lidah Buaya sampai bersih dan buang kulit serta durinya. Kemudian cincang, seduh dan tambahkan Madu. Makan selagi hangat-hangat kuku 2 kali sehari. Lakukan sampai sembuh.
Bahannya :
- 1 batang Lidah Buaya
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
cuci Lidah Buaya sampai bersih, buang durinya dan potong-potong seperlunya lalu rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing 1/2 gelas sehabis makan.
Bahannya :
- 15 gr daun Lidah Buaya
- 30 gr Gula
- air beras secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci Lidah Buaya sampai bersih, buang duri dan kulitnya, dan potong-potong seperlunya. Tambahkan gula dan air beras, lalu peras dengan menggunakan kain yang bersih lalu minum.
Bahannya :
- 15-18 cm Lidah Buaya
- Gula secukupnya
- Air secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, lalu rebus dan tambahkan gula. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Brotowali, Tanaman Perdu Yang Bermanfaat

Dengan batang sebesar jari kelingking dan berbintil rapat, tumbuhan ini terkenal memiliki rasa pahit yang teramat sangat. Agaknya inilah yang menyebabkan kenapa nenek moyang menggunakannya sebagai salah satu bahan obat. Berikut beberapa penyakit yang bisa disembuhkan dengan tanaman ini.
Bahannya :
- 1 jari batang Brotowali
- 3 gelas air
- Madu secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci sampai bersih dan potong-potong kemudian rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan tambahkan dengan Madu secukupnya. Minum sehari 3 kali masing-masing 1/2 gelas.
Bahannya :
- 1 jari batang Brotowali
- 3 gelas air
- Madu secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci sampai bersih dan potong-potong kemudian rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan tambahkan dengan Madu secukupnya. Minum 2 kali sehari masing-masing 3/4 gelas.
Bahannya :
- 2 jari batang Brotowali
- 2 gelas air
- Madu secukupnya
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci sampai bersih dan potong-potong kemudian rebus hingga air tersisa separuhnya. Setelah dingin, saring dan tambahkan dengan Madu secukupnya, nibun 2 kali sehari masing-masing 1/2 gelas.
Bahannya :
- 2 genggam daun Sambiloto segar
- 2 genggam daun Kumis Kucing segar
- 3/4 jari batang Brotowali
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci semua bahan dan potong-potong batang Brotowali, rebus hingga air tersisa 2 gelas. Saring dan minum setelah makan, sehari 2 kali masing-masing segelas.
Alang-Alang Sepele Namun Berkhasiat

Bahannya :
- 30-50 gr akar alang-alang segar
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Setelah dicuci bersih, rebus akar Alang-alang hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum. Lakukan sehari sekali atau setelah 4 jam ulangi bila dianggap perlu.
Bahannya ;
- 60 gr akar Alang-alang kering
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih dan potong-potong. Kemudian rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 2 kali sehari masing-masing 1/2 gelas.
Bahannya :
- 60-120 gr akar Alang-alang segar
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih dan potong-potong seperlunya, kemudian rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan bagi menjadi 3 bagian untuk 3 kali minum dalam sehari.
Bahannya :
- 300 gr akar Alang-alang segar
- Gula batu secukupnya
- 2 liter air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih dan potong-potong, kemudian direbus hingga air tersisa seperenamnya. Setelah dingin ramuan dibagi 3, saring dan bagian yang akan diminum ditambahkan Gula batu lalu dibagi rata. Lakukan 3 kali dalam sehari.
Bahannya :
- 30-60 gr akar segar Alang-alang
- 3 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Cuci bersih dan potong-potong seperlunya, kemudian rebus hingga air tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum. Lakukan sehari sekali, atau setelah 4 jam ulangi bila dianggap perlu.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Pisang Untuk Penyempitan Jantung

Atas kedua penyakit tersebut berikut resep yang dapat digunakan untuk pengobatannya.
Bahannya :
- 1 buah Pisang (semua jenis namun jika mungkin Pisang Kepok)
- 2 ruas Jahe
- Madu secukupnya
- 1 gelas air
Cara membuatnya :
Pisang hanya diambil kulitnya dan cuci, lalu Jahe dicuci dan memarkan. Rebus bahan-bahan tadi hingga air tersisa 0,5 gelas. Dalam keadaan hangat-hangat kuku, saring dan tambahkan Madu serta aduk sampai merata lalu minum 1 kali sehari. Lakukan hingga sembuh.
End of year
This year has been quite the adventure! I've learned about faith and miracles.
God is certainly mindful of me and of each of His children and He surely keeps
His promises. So, at the beginning of 2009 I wrote down some goals for myself. Some of these
goals were to get new carpeting, to lose weight, and to read a book monthly. But, then in
March, my life took a different course and I had to reevaluate my New Year's Goals.
I no longer cared about carpeting, losing weight or reading a book monthly.
My goal was to get over cancer and to do my part in this miracle that was unfolding.
Some of the things that I have learned are:
That the Lord has a plan for each of us and knows us personally
That He cares about our desires and wants us to SEEK for our righteous desires
That we need the prayers of others and also their faith and help
Friends and family are such a great support
The scriptures are a great source of strength and comfort
The importance of often and fervent prayer
People are so generous with their money
The Lord sure does love His children!
God truly loves to heal and perform miracles!
So, my cancer adventure has been hard, tiring, adventurous, and a great learning experience.
I know that it is not only blessing my life but it is also blessing the lives of many people,
including my husband, my children,their spouses and my grandchildren.
It won't be long and this cancer adventure will soon be coming to a close.
My health is returning and life goes on...
Blessings never cease and 2010 is going to be a great year for the Manning Family!
God is certainly mindful of me and of each of His children and He surely keeps
His promises. So, at the beginning of 2009 I wrote down some goals for myself. Some of these
goals were to get new carpeting, to lose weight, and to read a book monthly. But, then in
March, my life took a different course and I had to reevaluate my New Year's Goals.
I no longer cared about carpeting, losing weight or reading a book monthly.
My goal was to get over cancer and to do my part in this miracle that was unfolding.
Some of the things that I have learned are:
That the Lord has a plan for each of us and knows us personally
That He cares about our desires and wants us to SEEK for our righteous desires
That we need the prayers of others and also their faith and help
Friends and family are such a great support
The scriptures are a great source of strength and comfort
The importance of often and fervent prayer
People are so generous with their money
The Lord sure does love His children!
God truly loves to heal and perform miracles!
So, my cancer adventure has been hard, tiring, adventurous, and a great learning experience.
I know that it is not only blessing my life but it is also blessing the lives of many people,
including my husband, my children,their spouses and my grandchildren.
It won't be long and this cancer adventure will soon be coming to a close.
My health is returning and life goes on...
Blessings never cease and 2010 is going to be a great year for the Manning Family!
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