We just returned this afternoon from the White Mountains and we had a wonderful time!
Larry, and I, as well as Christina and Joseph all went up to Show Low and stayed at Brent
Thomas' amazing home. We enjoyed their shower with 5 shower heads.
We loved visiting my cheerful sister Carol, up in St. Johns and enjoyed the family pot luck
lunch under the shady trees,in their front yard. It was fun to see Larry's parents old cabin in
Pine top Lakeside as well as Rainbow Lake, where many family memories were made. We also
went to the Snowflake Temple and it was nice to feel the Lord's Spirit so strong there and
receive very special revelation.
So, now we are home and we have been redecorating and changing things again.
James and Julie are also busy fixing up the apartment, getting it ready for their new life
together. They were so cute tonight as they put up a door and moved around a funny shaped
couch and our old piano and tried to make it look good. They need to get some furniture,
table, etc. We are excited for them and their marriage on Aug. 14th.
So, Larry and I are moving forward. It is my job to remember to take my 40 pills a day at all
the different times on my schedule...it's not easy. We are moving forward with our family
business and know that we will be blessed. Somehow we will prosper financially and will be able
to afford all the expensive and life saving medication.
I must mention that we have the most delicious goat milk in our refrigerator. We are milking the
Clouses nubian goats this week and get to have the milk from them. It is so good and doesn't
taste at all like a goat. Cow's milk is off my diet...but not goats milk. So, I am loving it! We plan
to make ice cream with honey this week. Life is wonderful.., challenging, interesting..and
exciting as we are striving to lean heavily upon the Lord and trusting in His plan for us.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
What a week!
Last week, I found a little chihuahua in our front yard. I approached it and it growled at me. It
was very thin, dirty, and looked injured. I gave it some food and water and decided to try to
catch it and look for the owners. My grand daughters and husband helped out. We used the car
and ended up chasing it all over the neighborhood. Larry used a blanket, cornered it
and threw the blanket over him. We put signs up around the neighborhood, well actually, Larry
did. The dog hid behind the toilet in the bathroom. Then the dog got away again while trying to
take him to the bathroom in the yard.
I chased it again in the car with my grand daughters and nearly gave up.
Then we prayed in the car. If God wanted us to catch it then would He please help us. I
opened the side door and it put its paws up. It wasn't long and we had it again. We took care of
it with Syd Curtis' help...bloody paw, diarrhea, it was just a mess. He went to the bathroom
several places in the car. So the week was spent giving it boiled hamburger and rice to control
the diarrhea. We started to fall in love with this cute dog and named it Bambi because it looked
like a deer and was found out in the grass. After about a day, he started letting us hold him and
bathe him and wrap him up in a little blanket. He was so cute, except for his bad breath. He
loved just sitting in my lap. We found the owner just as the dog was getting
better and it was an answer to a girls prayers. The dog belonged to a 13 year old who had
received it on her 6th birthday. She lives at Horne and 8th Avenue which is miles away. The
dog had disappeared from her home 10 days earlier and come to find out she had prayed and
prayed. She was searching with her parents and hadn't given up hope. The dog came to my
yard and her uncle (who lived near by) happened to see the sign and called us. So, we were sad
to see Bambi go but it was all worth it to see him lick the owner's face and be so happy to be
reunited. I found out that I love chihuahuas.
I'm so happy that a loving Heavenly Father heard a young woman's prayers and that I was able
to be a tool in helping this scared little dog get back home.
was very thin, dirty, and looked injured. I gave it some food and water and decided to try to
catch it and look for the owners. My grand daughters and husband helped out. We used the car
and ended up chasing it all over the neighborhood. Larry used a blanket, cornered it
and threw the blanket over him. We put signs up around the neighborhood, well actually, Larry
did. The dog hid behind the toilet in the bathroom. Then the dog got away again while trying to
take him to the bathroom in the yard.
I chased it again in the car with my grand daughters and nearly gave up.
Then we prayed in the car. If God wanted us to catch it then would He please help us. I
opened the side door and it put its paws up. It wasn't long and we had it again. We took care of
it with Syd Curtis' help...bloody paw, diarrhea, it was just a mess. He went to the bathroom
several places in the car. So the week was spent giving it boiled hamburger and rice to control
the diarrhea. We started to fall in love with this cute dog and named it Bambi because it looked
like a deer and was found out in the grass. After about a day, he started letting us hold him and
bathe him and wrap him up in a little blanket. He was so cute, except for his bad breath. He
loved just sitting in my lap. We found the owner just as the dog was getting
better and it was an answer to a girls prayers. The dog belonged to a 13 year old who had
received it on her 6th birthday. She lives at Horne and 8th Avenue which is miles away. The
dog had disappeared from her home 10 days earlier and come to find out she had prayed and
prayed. She was searching with her parents and hadn't given up hope. The dog came to my
yard and her uncle (who lived near by) happened to see the sign and called us. So, we were sad
to see Bambi go but it was all worth it to see him lick the owner's face and be so happy to be
reunited. I found out that I love chihuahuas.
I'm so happy that a loving Heavenly Father heard a young woman's prayers and that I was able
to be a tool in helping this scared little dog get back home.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Dark Skin
I've recently observed that my skin is getting dark and very freckled and with a lot more aged
spots. At first, I thought...oh...old age! But then, I realized that Larry had gotten dark skin when
he was on rapamune medication. (Which is an anti rejection drug) And now, I'm on rapamune,
and double the amount that he was on. So, I have to take extra precautions about being in the
sun and wearing sunscreen. I am now trying to cover the skin as much as possible. It's not only
the dark skin but it also makes me more prone to skin cancer in the future. Larry is no longer
on rapamune because they switched his medicine, but he continues to have skin cancer. So, I am
going to try to stay inside as much as possible and wear that sunscreen!
The last couple of days have been spent with grand kids...teaching them to swim..having an
overnight party...visiting the public library...and visiting my daughters at their houses. It's been
so fun, and honestly, it's been along time since my energy level has been that high. I've been
able to teach in Young Women's for two weeks in a row and then at the Leadership Training
Meeting. I just thank my Heavenly Father, who is pouring out blessings upon me and our
I've been studying about desires lately in the scriptures and have read that the Lord "blesses us
according to our desires." While Satan "binds us according to our desires."
I remember that when I was first diagnosed with this illness, I was praying to have the Lord's
will to be done. I didn't seem to get an answer until I expressed my heartfelt DESIRE to God
that I wanted to live and be healed all the way. Then God granted me the blessing that I would
be healed. I am learning that God blesses us according to our desires. (Of course it must be a
good desire and also God's will) And, I know that God is a keeper of promises!
What an exciting adventure to have so many blessings being poured out upon our family at this
time. We are also being inspired with regards to our "Do it Yourself EZ Epozy Kits." The sale of
these will enable us to pay more money towards our medical bills. I marvel at the ways of the
Lord and how he blesses us according to our desires. We are trying to listen and be more in tune,
so that we can be guided along the way. Another blessing that we are receiving is a big one as
well. During our last trip to Houston, Texas, when we went to the Burzynski Clinic, we took the
time to visit our Mortgage Company that happens to be in the same city. We met with a man
that supposedly had been assigned to our case to help us lower our mortgage payment. We had
tried for 6 months, and were almost 3 months behind in payments. He told us what we needed to
do and we took care of the paper work. A few days ago, he called and said that we had qualified.
Our payments will be lowered to where we should be able to pay them monthly. Our desire has
been to stay here in our home and to continue our business. It's been a good set up with our
business in the backyard with a side gate for entrance. This is another one of those tender
mercies that we are experiencing. We live in troubled times and I am learning to trust in the
Lord and let Him help to carry my burden. I am also learning that He LOVES all of us and truly
desires to bless us according to our needs and desires. It is important to be in tune and to listen
to His direction and the promptings that we receive and then to act upon them. I feel very
grateful to Heavenly Father for his marvelous ways and the miracles that are occurring in our
spots. At first, I thought...oh...old age! But then, I realized that Larry had gotten dark skin when
he was on rapamune medication. (Which is an anti rejection drug) And now, I'm on rapamune,
and double the amount that he was on. So, I have to take extra precautions about being in the
sun and wearing sunscreen. I am now trying to cover the skin as much as possible. It's not only
the dark skin but it also makes me more prone to skin cancer in the future. Larry is no longer
on rapamune because they switched his medicine, but he continues to have skin cancer. So, I am
going to try to stay inside as much as possible and wear that sunscreen!
The last couple of days have been spent with grand kids...teaching them to swim..having an
overnight party...visiting the public library...and visiting my daughters at their houses. It's been
so fun, and honestly, it's been along time since my energy level has been that high. I've been
able to teach in Young Women's for two weeks in a row and then at the Leadership Training
Meeting. I just thank my Heavenly Father, who is pouring out blessings upon me and our
I've been studying about desires lately in the scriptures and have read that the Lord "blesses us
according to our desires." While Satan "binds us according to our desires."
I remember that when I was first diagnosed with this illness, I was praying to have the Lord's
will to be done. I didn't seem to get an answer until I expressed my heartfelt DESIRE to God
that I wanted to live and be healed all the way. Then God granted me the blessing that I would
be healed. I am learning that God blesses us according to our desires. (Of course it must be a
good desire and also God's will) And, I know that God is a keeper of promises!
What an exciting adventure to have so many blessings being poured out upon our family at this
time. We are also being inspired with regards to our "Do it Yourself EZ Epozy Kits." The sale of
these will enable us to pay more money towards our medical bills. I marvel at the ways of the
Lord and how he blesses us according to our desires. We are trying to listen and be more in tune,
so that we can be guided along the way. Another blessing that we are receiving is a big one as
well. During our last trip to Houston, Texas, when we went to the Burzynski Clinic, we took the
time to visit our Mortgage Company that happens to be in the same city. We met with a man
that supposedly had been assigned to our case to help us lower our mortgage payment. We had
tried for 6 months, and were almost 3 months behind in payments. He told us what we needed to
do and we took care of the paper work. A few days ago, he called and said that we had qualified.
Our payments will be lowered to where we should be able to pay them monthly. Our desire has
been to stay here in our home and to continue our business. It's been a good set up with our
business in the backyard with a side gate for entrance. This is another one of those tender
mercies that we are experiencing. We live in troubled times and I am learning to trust in the
Lord and let Him help to carry my burden. I am also learning that He LOVES all of us and truly
desires to bless us according to our needs and desires. It is important to be in tune and to listen
to His direction and the promptings that we receive and then to act upon them. I feel very
grateful to Heavenly Father for his marvelous ways and the miracles that are occurring in our
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Have you ever heard of pledging money for someone to lose weight?

It's a really great idea. There are 3 great guys that want to lose weight and get sponsors to pledge for them. Guess where the money goes? To me and to Stephanie Nielson. It's a great idea and would truly bless lives. So....take a look at the website below if your interested. Sponsored by Jeremy Lindblom.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Home from the Burzynski Clinic
Larry and I returned home today from the Burzynski Clinic in Houston Texas. We were there
for two days. They are really pleased with how I am responding to the medications and how
the tumors are diminishing and disappearing. We got to meet with several doctors, including
Dr. Burzynski. He said that the Gene Marker Test came back and he needed to adjust my
medication. We asked a lot of questions and received many answers. The Medical Director of
Hemato-oncology, from Tokyo Japan was there. He is learning from Dr. Burzynski and will be
using his treatment plan in Japan. Larry and I met with the radiologist who explained to us the
scans on the computer and how to understand them. They say that I have improved over 50%
in the past 3 months and feel very confident that I will completely heal. (Which I know I will!)
Suzanne Somers (in the t.v. sitcom Three's Company) recently interviewed Dr. Burzynski
and is very interested in his alternative cancer treatments and how he discovered
antineoplastons, which target cancer cells, without destroying normal cells. On Oct. 22nd,
Dr. Burzynski will be on the Larry King Show, with Suzanne Somers. So that will be fun
to watch.
It was great to meet new patients at the clinic and get to hear their amazing healing stories...
how they were led to the clinic and how they are improving in health. Dr. Burzynski has treated
more than 8,000 patients from all over the world and is a bright eyed physician and scientist .
He is known as a visionary genius who is saving untold thousands of lives. I feel that Heavenly
Father has inspired him and I am so grateful for his knowledge and wisdom.
Again, thank you to all of you that are helping me to pay for the pills and the medical bills. I
know that they are costly but they are giving me life...and that makes me happy:) I am also
grateful for insurance which is covering much of my expenses. Everyone that I have talk to at
the clinic has been guided there through prayer. (Except one man that told me that
he has known of the clinic for 20 years and always said that if he got cancer, he would go there)
I have learned that Heavenly Father loves all of his children. It doesn't matter what religion
or what race..he hears their heartfelt prayers. All the people that I have spoken with are so
humble and trust in the Lord and have great faith. They cry tears of gratitude for their healing.
There are so many miracles! It's an amazing place and the spirit is so strong there. I just want
to tell everyone about the Burzynski Clinic and how amazing God is in healing me and so many
others as well!
If you are interested in seeing some fascinating video clips from the fox news channel in Houston,
about different patients and how they are being helped and just what Dr. Burzynski does...then
go to the following link.
for two days. They are really pleased with how I am responding to the medications and how
the tumors are diminishing and disappearing. We got to meet with several doctors, including
Dr. Burzynski. He said that the Gene Marker Test came back and he needed to adjust my
medication. We asked a lot of questions and received many answers. The Medical Director of
Hemato-oncology, from Tokyo Japan was there. He is learning from Dr. Burzynski and will be
using his treatment plan in Japan. Larry and I met with the radiologist who explained to us the
scans on the computer and how to understand them. They say that I have improved over 50%
in the past 3 months and feel very confident that I will completely heal. (Which I know I will!)
Suzanne Somers (in the t.v. sitcom Three's Company) recently interviewed Dr. Burzynski
and is very interested in his alternative cancer treatments and how he discovered
antineoplastons, which target cancer cells, without destroying normal cells. On Oct. 22nd,
Dr. Burzynski will be on the Larry King Show, with Suzanne Somers. So that will be fun
to watch.
It was great to meet new patients at the clinic and get to hear their amazing healing stories...
how they were led to the clinic and how they are improving in health. Dr. Burzynski has treated
more than 8,000 patients from all over the world and is a bright eyed physician and scientist .
He is known as a visionary genius who is saving untold thousands of lives. I feel that Heavenly
Father has inspired him and I am so grateful for his knowledge and wisdom.
Again, thank you to all of you that are helping me to pay for the pills and the medical bills. I
know that they are costly but they are giving me life...and that makes me happy:) I am also
grateful for insurance which is covering much of my expenses. Everyone that I have talk to at
the clinic has been guided there through prayer. (Except one man that told me that
he has known of the clinic for 20 years and always said that if he got cancer, he would go there)
I have learned that Heavenly Father loves all of his children. It doesn't matter what religion
or what race..he hears their heartfelt prayers. All the people that I have spoken with are so
humble and trust in the Lord and have great faith. They cry tears of gratitude for their healing.
There are so many miracles! It's an amazing place and the spirit is so strong there. I just want
to tell everyone about the Burzynski Clinic and how amazing God is in healing me and so many
others as well!
If you are interested in seeing some fascinating video clips from the fox news channel in Houston,
about different patients and how they are being helped and just what Dr. Burzynski does...then
go to the following link.
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